A/N: WARNINGS = g!p/ gkm prompt. This isn't my first fic, but it's the first time I've published in almost a year and a half, so hopefully these next few prompt fills will get me back in the spirit of writing. I do not own Glee... Yadda yadda. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I SHOULD CONTINUE.

PROMPT: "Unestablished relationship. One of the boys, maybe Finn, casts a spell at another (like Puck) intended to shrink the size of their penis. The boy is not very bright, however, and the spell ricochets around the hall and hits Quinn. Also, the spell was mispronounced and instead of shrinking, the spell causes Quinn to grow a sizable g!p. Mortified, she flees the hallway and locks herself in the locker room. Santana or Rachel follows her to calm her down. When they investigate the issue in the library, they find the only solution is multiple orgasms. Quinn begins solo, but the other girl is so turned on they have to help her. When the spell finally reverses, both girls are exhausted and pass out cold."

"Hello?" Finn hesitantly asked, hitting the door chimes on his way into the shop. It was small and cluttered with red walls and strange bottles on shelves, and there were glass cases around him too - filled with weapons and jewelry... Finn thought he saw someone towards the back room, but lost focus after noticing the dead rabbit hanging off the wall.

"Yes, yes, come in!" A small elderly woman no younger than seventy walked towards the boy, cane in hand. "How can we help you today?"

Finn scratched his head. "Yeah is this the sh-sheng.. the place for Japanese pranks?"

The woman stared at him incredulously. "Shanghai Shop. We are Chinese. What can I do for you today?"

"Sorry," Finn rubbed the back of his neck and continued. "I'm not really good with speaking Korean. Anyway, my friend pulled a prank on me and I wanted to get him back. Could you help?"

"Ah, well you've come to the... right... place. What kind of revenge were you looking for?"

"Something bad," He mused, scratching his chin. "I want something that will embarrass him like, a lot."

She cracked her knuckles. "How embarrassed?"

"He pantsed me in front of our football team, so, like... pretty bad."

The woman grinned. "Okay, I have something for you, follow me!" She quickly hobbled towards the glass case near the back room. "Hurry, hurry!"

Sliding the glass with care, she took out a decorated scroll and bookmark, holding them out to him. The scroll was neatly rolled and tied with a green jade closings, while the bookmark was red with gold printed flowers and symbols on it. "Here, this is twenty-nine, ninety-five. It will do the trick."

Finn frowned, taking them from her hands. "But these are just really fancy pieces of Taiwanese paper." He tossed the scroll in his hands a few times. "How will it embarrass Pu-, I mean, my friend?"

She walked from behind the glass case display and hit him in the leg with her cane. "Chinese! And it's not what holds the form, but what the form holds within." She finished with a smile.

"Um... what?"

She sighed, "You read the scroll, then it work. Make sure whoever you want to prank has the bookmark in their possession."

Finn cocked his head to the side. "What does it do? Are you sure it will embarrass them?"

The woman shook her head. "Our revenge scrolls vary on each person. This one has a particular effect on a certain part of the body, but you can never be sure exactly how it will strike. It will embarrass very bad. So, you want to buy?"

He looked down at the items in his hands. "Alright," Finn sighed. "I hope this Vietnamese stuff works."


"Better run, Puckerman!"

Finn was in the middle of the hallway, looking down at a translation of the scroll, thanks to Mike. Puck stopped at the end of the hall, giving a half chuckle as he tried to regain his breath.

"What's wrong Hudson? Puckasaurus too fast for you?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

The taller boy just smirked and started to read what Mike had written down, hoping it'd work.

"Fennu de huli..."

Puck cocked his head to the side. "Bro, what are you doing?"

"sh-sh...oh. Jiaohua de xiong...?"

On the opposite end of the hall, Tina picked up her head. "Finn?!" she called out weakly. But he continued to read the scroll.

"Gaibian tamen de yingjing, Chusheng..." he read aloud as best he could, voice wavering. Puck just laughed loudly, turning around to say 'whatever man', but before he could get it out, he saw Tina running toward Finn.

"Finn!" she yelled, clenching her fists and sprinting towards the boy. "Don't read that last-!"

"...huo yuan jia long! Oof!" Tina tackled him from the side, knocking him to the ground.

Puck doubled over in laughter, hands on his knees. "Oh! Sacked by girl Chang!" He cackled again before going to help them up. "Nice one, Lucy Liu. What was that fo-"

Tina cut him off abruptly with a hand in his face. "Stop speaking, Puck. Do you have a red and gold bookmark?"

Finn's eyes widened. "How did you kno-"

She cut him off too. "Not now, Finn. Puck, do you have it?"

"That frilly thing for books?" Puck answered, chuckling quietly. "Nah." He shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. "Gave it to Quinn."

Tina and Finn paled, turning in the direction of Quinn's locker, only to see her clutching her stomach and heading towards her next class.

Shaking her head, Tina sighed, glancing at a the two confused (and slightly scared) boys.

"You two are so fucked."