Disclaimer: I do not own the Walking Dead or the characters. I'm going to rate this T for the obvious potty-mouth

No one's P.O.V

They've always had sexual tension surrounding them ever since they first met, even if they didn't notice it. And now that they're in the prison, he's become more protective and she's noticed but thinks it's a friendly gesture. They learned to resolve some of the sexual tension by having a flirty-friendship but that all went down the toilet when he found out she started dating Ben, it practically killed him when he found out. He sometimes regretted saving them, but most of the time he doesn't because Ben makes her smile and that's something that she usually doesn't do since the barn incident. He didn't cry and tell her his feelings the second he found out, and no it didn't have to do with losing his pride, it had to do with the fact that Ben made her happy. Even if it wasn't with him, he still wanted her to be happy in the shitty world they live in. So he decided to isolate himself from the happy couple and most of the group except Maggie. They became great friends, they acted like brother and sister, they were always teasing each other. They didn't even mean for it to happen, Maggie was walking around the hall on guard when she saw him against a wall looking broken. He told her everything and she agreed to keep it a secret; everyone noticed the newfound friendship but said nothing of it.

Beth was one of the first people to notice and she was a bit angry that her best friend and sister got so close without telling her. She kept trying to get Carl to tell her how it happened but he just gives her the cold shoulder or just plain ignores her, so she went to Maggie and got a vague answer of 'he was going through a tough time'. She so badly wanted to know what that 'tough time' was so she could help too, but with the ways he was acting around her she sometimes didn't want to.

There was a hoard of walkers that came from a cell block that wasn't closed right and when they were getting their weapons ready. Ben was being really hesitant and he was wondering if he wanted to be part of the fight. Well...he took too long for Carl's liking so he was pushed into a cell that would protect him and the people inside with him, Beth saw this action and immediately berated him for it.

"He was taking too long!" Carl hissed never taking his eyes off of the walkers he was shooting "Somebody could've died if he took any longer! Instead of taking his sweet time being a wuss, he should've just picked a damn weapon and helped!"

Beth was stunned silent and not just because he had good points, but because he yelled at her. He never yelled at her! The walker hoard were all re-killed, the right way, and they closed the cell block door tightly and made sure it was locked. Once everything was settled a question, one specific teenage male with black hair dreaded, was asked by Rick.

"Who left the cell block door open!?"

The guilty person in question panicked and said the first thing that came to his mind, "It was Carl!"

"What!" Carl said outraged "I didn't do shit Ben! I'm not dumb to just leave a door open when I know walkers are on the others side!"

"Liar! I saw you!" He lied unconvincingly.

The next that happened was kind of blur but Maggie, Glenn and Daryl pulled Carl off a wheezing Ben who was holding his throat and gasping for much needed air. His girlfriend immediately went to his aid to check if he was ok.

"Tell the truth, or I'll do something worse!" Daryl threatened, standing up for his friend.

"Ok...it was me." Ben admitted shamefully "I left it open when I was walking around the halls, I guess I forgot to close it. Sorry."

Beth spoke, "It's alright nobody was hurt-" she was going to say more by was cut off by an angry officer's son.

"It's ok! He could've killed us and you're saying it's alright!" he then turned towards Ben with a heated death glare, if looks could kill he'd be dead a hundred times over "You could've killed us and all you say is sorry! What if I shot your father in the head and I said I was 'sorry', would it make it all better!?-"

"Carl be quiet!" Beth yelled at him.

He turned to her and rolled his eyes at her out of annoyance. He was about to say something to her when Maggie's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Carl that enough alright." His eyes immediately softened towards her and he nodded. He left but not before he sent a glare at both Beth and Ben muttering 'traitor', Beth felt a pang in her heart when saw how he reacted differently towards Maggie and what he muttered towards her. What changed between us? She asked in her head with sadness.

Later that day...

Beth's P.O.V

It was time to eat when I saw a space missing in front of me, I haven't seen him since what happened earlier. Maggie was here so she had to know where he was at, maybe I should see if he was alright.

"Maggie," I said getting her attention "where's Carl?"

"Why do you care?" Ben asked.

I ignored him and listened to Maggie, "He said he's going to eat later because he's at the guard tower. Why?"

"I'm going to go see him." I replied getting off my chair.

"I'll go with you." Ben said as he tried to get up.

"No offense, but you're not his most favorite person." I told him honestly.

I left and walked to the guard tower, I was pretty shocked at what I saw in front of me. I saw Carl. I saw 15 yr. old Carl sitting on the counter with a cigarette in his mouth. He was smoking! He was practically killing himself with that little tobacco-filled paper stick, I'm pretty sure I gasped because he turned around surprised.

"Beth? What are you doing here?" He asked confused "You're suppose to be eating?"

I ignored his questions even though it was the first time he said something to me without being cold, "Why are you smoking!?"

He shrugged and puffed out 3 perfect smoke rings, "I'm stressed and this relaxes me."

"You should stop," I replied "you could kill yourself with that."

He chuckled and looked at me, "Yeah, well a lot of things can kill us. And Maggie's been trying to make me break this habit for a while now." he leaned in closer towards me "What makes you think you could get me to stop?"

"I don't know," I admitted "but I know I'll figure it out and get you to stop."

"I'm sure you will." He replied smiling.

I smiled back and only smiled wider when he opened the window and threw out what was left of the burnt out cigarette. He patted the seat next to him so I sat down on that spot.


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