The day of the wedding had approached quickly. Belle had her dress delivered a week ago and it was perfect. She also had the dress for her coronation delivered. It still needed a little work but she had a whole week to worry about it. Today was meant for her and Robert. They spent the night in separate rooms, because Belle wanted to uphold at least one tradition. They wouldn't see each other until the ceremony.
Granny came into Belle's room to help her bathe and dress. The water was warm and she made sure to wash her hair with the rose scented oil that Robert loved so much. Granny was brushing through Belle's hair, trying to get the knots out, when there was a knock at the door.
Belle shot up out of the chair and locked the door before Robert could get inside. She heard him mumble some sort of curse word through the wood and laughed. "You promised to leave me alone!" she shouted at him.
"Did you really expect me to stay away? All I want is one kiss. Please?" She could tell how desperate he was and that made her happy, to know that he wanted her so much.
"No way. You can kiss me when I'm your wife." She tried to keep her voice stern, but it was hard to do while smiling.
Robert tried one more time to open the door, hoping that it would magically become unlocked. "But you are my wife." His declaration was beautiful, and Belle was fighting to keep the door locked.
"As much as I want to open this door, I am determined to follow through with at least one tradition, and this is the only one left. Sorry, darling."
Belle heard him sigh heavily, "You'll get to kiss me soon enough" she reassured him. "Now get all handsome" she instructed.
As soon as his footsteps were no longer within earshot she sat back down in front of the vanity. Granny smiled at her in the mirror and continued to brush her hair. Belle began opening some of the make-up that Granny had picked out for her. "Don't worry dear, I can help you with that" Granny told her, noticing how confused Belle seemed to be when she picked up a container of blush.
"I've just never used any of this stuff before" she confessed. "It all looks so complicated."
Granny put the brush down on the vanity and rested her hands on Belle's shoulders. "I'm not going to put a lot on. You honestly don't need any at all, you're such a beautiful girl. But it's a special occasion, a very special occasion."
Belle blushed and put her hand over Granny's "Thank you. For everything you've done for me. You're like a mother to me" Belle admitted.
Granny ran her fingers through Belle's hair, getting out the last of the knots. "You're like a daughter to me dear. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, you know." She walked around to Belle's side to begin putting the littlest bit of make-up on her. She took the blush, and brushed it onto Belle's right cheek. "Just say the word, and I'll be there. For your future little ones as well" she said half-jokingly. After she put a little blush on Belle's left cheek, she grabbed the lipstick. It was a light pink color, almost neutral. She applied very little, and Belle rubbed her lips together. "Perfect" Granny told her.
Belle looked in the mirror and smiled. "Thank you" she said giving Granny a warm hug. Belle stepped into her wedding dress, and Granny helped her with lacings and she was ready. Belle walked over to the window that conveniently enough looked out over the rose garden. She saw Robert in his tux, greeting some of the guests as they arrived. He looked so handsome, she thought. He must have noticed her staring at him because he looked up at her window, but she closed the curtain as quickly as she could, trying to hide from him.
Granny walked up to her, handing her the bouquet of roses, and leading her out of the room. "It's time" she whispered excitedly. Belle took a deep breath as Granny lead her down the staircase and out of the castle.
They stood at the end of the garden, eyes locked with Robert's. He beamed at her, trying to secretly wipe the sweat from his hands. Belle would have happily run to him, but Granny's hand on her elbow helped her calm her excitement just enough, to be able to walk to Robert without squealing. Granny handed her off to her love and Belle took his hands, squeezing tightly.
The pastor opened his book and began the ceremony. Belle and Robert barely heard a word he said. They were so focused on each other, it was as if the entire world had disappeared. Their cheeks were starting to become sore from smiling so much, but they couldn't seem to stop. Their eyes were permanently glued to each other, they didn't even blink, in fear that they may miss something.
They hadn't even heard the pastor when he announced that it was time for the vows. "Robert, repeat after me. I Robert, take you Belle"
"I Robert, take you Belle" Robert grinned like a cheshire cat, incredibly anxious to be able to kiss his wife. His wife for the first time.
"To be my wedded wife" the pastor continued.
"To be my wedded wife" Robert repeated.
"To have and to hold, from this day forward,"
"To have and to hold, from this day forward," Belle had a tear forming in the corner of her eye. "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer," the pastor said.
"for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer," Robert's voice was getting shaky, his emotion running away with him.
"in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do us part."
"in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do us part." Robert vowed to her. "And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness" the pastor finished.
"And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness." Robert took the ring from the pastor and placed it on Belle's finger, smiling like an idiot.
"Now Belle," the pastor said turning to her, "repeat after me. I Belle, take you Robert"
"I Belle, take you Robert" Belle had a few tears rolling down her cheek, and Robert reached up to wipe them away.
"To be my wedded husband" the pastor continued.
"To be my wedded husband" Belle repeated.
"To have and to hold, from this day forward,"
"To have and to hold, from this day forward," Robert could feel the tears threatening to fall from his eyes as well.
"for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer," the pastor said.
"for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer," Belle choked out, her tears were starting to get the better of her.
"in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do us part."
"in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do us part." Belle promised him. "And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness" the pastor finished.
"And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness." Belle took the ring from the pastor and placed it on Robert's finger, looking up at him with more love in her eyes than he thought possible.
The pastor smiled at them, "Having made your vows to love and care for one another, I pronounce you man and wife. May your life together be filled with eternal happiness." He turned to Robert, "You may kiss your bride."
Robert's hands went to her waist pulling her close as he covered her mouth with his in a passionate kiss. Belle's hands wrapped around his neck and pressed her body against his. The townspeople cheered as they stood there watching the happy couple. Granny smiled brightly at them, knowing how hard they fought to finally have this moment.
They broke apart, all smiles and happiness. Hand in hand they walked out of the garden and into the castle to prepare to greet their guests for the reception. Robert couldn't keep his hands off Belle all night, not that she minded. "You're my wife" he told her.
She laughed and pulled him close to her. "You're my husband" she told him.
He gave her another mind altering kiss. "Robert?"
"Yes?" he said smiling, brushing a stray piece of hair out of her face.
She pulled the lapels of his tux and stood on her tiptoes to brush her lips against his ear. "I'm pregnant."
The End! thanks to everyone who read this story. :) keep an eye out for the sequel, The Queen of Scotland!