"Happy 15th Birthday!" my loved ones shout. They are all surrounding me at a long, table covered in a yellow cloth. I blow out my candles. I'm in my stepfather Ray's house. It's the 10th of September in Seattle, Washington.

"Ana Honey," my mother Carla coons, "is there anything you want for your birthday, I couldn't think of one thing."

I role my eyes, "I want to stay with Ray, here in Seattle,"

"I know that," she says with a shaky-uncertain-laugh, "we've been through this, you can do what you want, sweetie." She gives me a reassuring smile. She plays with my hair and pulls a strand behind my ear.

I look down at my twiddling thumbs and noted fingers, "I also want you to be alright with it," I whisper. This takes her by surprise.

She bends down and holds my shoulders, looking at me in eye level. "I will encourage whatever you do in life Ana, always remember that, I'm your mother and I want what I thinks best for you, and I think it's best for you to make your own decisions even if it's a mistake. I'll always be behind you to help you when you stumble but that's just a part of life," She grins and winks at me, "But I think you already know what's best for you, you were born 30." I laugh. Just then Ray comes to stand by me and Carla.

"Happy 15th Annie," and he looks and my mom, "you two aren't talking bad things about me now are you?"

I look up at Ray; he's the closest thing I have to a daddy. He may not be much of a cook-I smirk- but he's a good man. How can my mom not love him anymore? What has this man done to deserve my mom's denial?

"No more than the usual," my mother laughs jokingly. Ray smirks at Carla. And for a moment, deep down, I know this is as close as I'm going to get to a happy family in my childhood. A devoted father figure and a care free mother, after today it'll be over and my passionate-yet childish- mother is going to basically be on the other side of the country starting a new chapter of her life. I take this moment in pretending my life is normal…

"Carla—" Bob ruins my revere, "I'm going to the store quick to get some more beers for the adults. I'll be back soon." Bob gives me a smile, "happy birthday Ana."

I smile at him. Bobs a good man. Maybe a little too old for my mom but none the less a good man. For my birthday he's sending me to some quaint Seattle Preparatory Ivy League School for the rest of my high school year, why would I want to go there? Why wouldn't you want to go there? My sub conscious decides to share her snotty insight. But deep down I know why he's doing it- so I'll like him. It happens with all of the "new" men my mother finds. It's like the rule I guess, to get with the mother you have to be approved by her daughter.

But at least Kate will be there with her "everything-is-grreeeaaaat!" personality. Kate's blonde, long legged, head strong, beautiful as fuck, and my best friend. She insisted her dad that her and her younger brother Elliot attends Seattle prep for- and I quote "better future job references". Her father is a millionaire who owns his own company; he can easily get Kate and Elliot into any school in the state, country, and world. At least she'll fit in just fine, a regular red lipped peppy cheerleader.

"Ana!" I turn around. Speak of the devil herself… I grin at my best friend. Katherine Kavanagh is stepping out of her black SUV in a short red dress briskly carrying a small pink bag stuffed with matching pink tissue paper. "I'm so sorry I'm late! Daddy had the driver take a wrong turn," she grimaces at her dad- who is ready to leave as fast he can, "but luckily Jefferson knows the streets of Seattle better than anyone I know!" she beams, "What did I miss?"

"Just the blowing of the candles," I say sheepishly, "What'd ya get for me Kavanagh? Cough it up," I smile a nudge her playfully, as we walk to a wooden swing.

She chuckles, "Just a little something I think you'll adore," she says as she sits down next you me.

Just then Mr. Business Man Magoo himself walks up to us, "Katie," he says huskily as he approaches us.

"Yes daddy?" I see Kate change in front of my eyes. From the care free, party girl, whom I know so well, to the sweet little I-can-do-no-wrong-I-love-you-daddy-pig-tail's girl. I can give her some credit though; she's good at this act. Her voice even raises an octave to fit the charade. I'm trying not to grin like a total idiot at her performance. If only there was an award for best act, Katherine Kavanagh would take the cake. I just look down at my knotted fingers with a small grin on my face as they continue their conversation.

"I'm going to the office now. I'll have Jefferson pick you and Ana up later today when you're ready, just give him a call." Kate gives him a girlish smile and a couple nods.

"Okay, thank you Daddy. I will. Will I see you tonight after work?" Kate asks.

"No, angel. I'll be working late again, so probably not. But have a fun sleep over." He prolongs the word Sleep. He kisses Kate on the head and turns to walk away, but stops mid step and turns back to face us. "And Ana darling," I look up at him, "Happy birthday," He says thoughtfully with a grin, with his hands behind his back.

"T-h-ank you, sir," I stutter. Jeez, I've known this man for how many years now? And I still can hardly speak a full sentence. I won't lie, he's very intimidating. I blush scarlet with embarrassment. He chuckles and walks to the SUV. With one more stiff wave to Kate, he steps inside and is driven away.

Mr. Kavanagh is a middle aged man, who is a bit on the husky side. He hardly wares casual clothing. Come to think of it I've never seen him in anything but a suit and tie. Talk about being married to your job. Maybe that's why Mrs. Kavanagh left… Kate interrupts my thoughts.

"Ana!" she admonishes, "What are you waiting for?" Party girls back, "Open up your gift!"

I smirk at her but comply. As I shuffle through the bright pink tissue paper I find a note that reads:

Happy Birthday Ana! I hope you love this as much as I did.

Lots of Love, Katherine Kavanagh

Now I'm worried, if Kate liked it… "Kate…" I look up and she has a big, full teeth smile, with her hands clasped together facing me, "If I find pink nail polish in here with a CD of the latest female pop artist love songs, I'm am going to go into thermal shock and blame you for my suffering."

She rolls her eyes, "Ugh! Just open the damn bag Steele!" I grimace at her but continue to riffle through the paper. At the bottom I see a black jewelry box. With my hands still in the bag I open the black box and pull out my birthday present.

I gasp, as I pick up the end and slowly and gently lift it from the bag. It's a diamond studded silver chained bracelet with a strip of metal in the middle with my name delicately embroidered in it. Anastasia Steele. And on the back it says, Best. Huh, wonder why that's there…? It's unbelievably beautiful. I stare at it, mouthed opened. "Wow," I mouth to myself.

I am suddenly thrown out of my revere when I hear Kate squeal. "I knew you'd like it!" she claps her hands together. "I told Daddy, and Hazel," – Kate's personal shopper, "and even Ethan. I was SO excited to give it to too!" She bounces up and down in her seat, with satisfaction.

"Kate," my voice is soft; "it's…" words fail me.

"I know!" She squeals again, she taps the side of her nose, "the nose knows," she says with a wink at me.

I giggle but then become very somber, "I don't think I can accept this Kate," She looks at me annoyed.

"Of course you can! It's not like I can't afford it Ana, honestly."

"It's just…too much… Don't you think?" I ask quietly.

"Of course not!" she admonishes, then abruptly turns around and riffles through her clutch. "And if you don't accept this approvingly not at all "too much gift" -as you put it- I'll look pretty stupid wearing this at Seattle Prep ALONE." She then holds out her wrist and I see an identical bracelet to mind glistening on her perfect bronzed wrist, which says Katherine Kavanagh. I look up at her dumb struck, and once again mouth open. She grins. I then hesitantly flip the metal strip over and see the word Friend embroidered. Oooooh, it a best friends bracelet! Only Katherine Kavanagh can make harmless friends forever bracelets-ment for normal people who quickly string together a couple of beads for fun- a small fortune hanging off each of our wrists.

I sigh in defeat, and Kate knows it. She's grinning again, "So it's done then, you love it, you want to keep it, and you're going to keep it." I grimace at her, she gets this from her father, completely strong willed and doesn't take no for an answer. I can't help but join in on her huge triumphed grin and put the bracelet on.

After a couple of hours I decide to pack my overnight bag and Kate calls Jefferson. I say quick "good-byes" and "thanks-for-comings". I say good-bye to my mother who whimpers and says- like every year- "My baby is growing up so fast," I comfort her, just then Jefferson arrives in the black SUV. Kate and I slide into the back. When I look at Kate she's smiling at me with a wicked gleam in her eye. Oh no, the last time I seen that I was grounded for a week, I panic quietly.

"Now," she grins, and slams the door shut, "the real party starts."
