These are mostly character studies, the way my characters are depicted here may not be the way they are permanently portrayed. Feedback is helpful during this process :)

"Annie really, I don't think this is a good idea."

"Sure it is!"

"No really, Annie. It's not a good idea. Water is for drinking, swimming in or to be sprayed at people on a hot day. Not to be frozen over so that people can take these boots with blades on them and cut across the thin ice at alarming speeds. It's dangerous! Deadly even!"

Annie stands up, coming a few inches short from meeting Finnick eye to eye. "Don't act stupid with me. You know these are called skates and you know that you're not going to get hurt. So stop being be uncooperative and put them on."

Finnick wrinkles his nose at her, "You can't guarantee that."

Annie rolls her eyes. "I've been skating since I was four and competed until I was seventeen. I think I know how to skate well enough that I guarantee your safety."

Finnick gives her a look full of skepticism.

"Odair, if you don't put the freaking skates on right now I will," Gale shouts from behind the plexiglass boards. "You know what that means, I get to hold Annie's pretty hands and have her undivided attention."

Finnick shoots him a look as Madge smacks Gale upside the head. Johanna bumps his outstretched fist with her free hand.

Looking back down at the evil contraptions that are skates, Finnick sighs. If only he could remember how Annie taught him how to lace them.