Yugao was a very lonely person after her lover, Hayate Gekko died from the sand. Once a graceful and caring woman, now a silent killer. Many people close could see her crumble without even showing it to the people of Konaha. It was known the two were well on their way to go as far as marriage. She visits the grave daily, always on what ifs, she was slowly dying.

The night was in full swing; her ANBU mask was of a cat, her clothing black and grey with her lover's sword on her back. Chasing a boy in orange, who had on a fox ANBU mask? It was frustrating. Whenever she was crumbling, he was there, a prank would spew and she would be sent to get him, her mind to occupy on the fox to think of her lover.

He would jump from roof to roof with surprising flexible spinning accuracy. The game of chase would go on through the whole night. Though even if one was ANBU, the stamina of the boy was one to put the ANBU name to the test, he was slick, sly, cunning, and damn near never out of energy. Her mind raced, her blood pumped at always coming SO close to the masked fox boy.

The grace the two danced in the night, under the shinning moon as her purple hair swayed, her body twisting and turning to catch her prey, never seeing the smirk behind the mask as the young boy bounced in the night.

She felt uneasy as he came to a halt at a grave, his grave. His head dropped, looking down at the grave. He was by no means a fool. Sarutobi loved his ANBU, he knew some of their love interests and hobbies, and Naruto being so close to Hokage, he tended to know things most people besides the Hokage didn't. He knew of the love of the now crest fallen cat, and the now sick man that is six feet under. Sad story to be truthful, like a song that pulls at your heart.

She walked up to him once more, always stopping on this spot, always saying the same thing, the same conversation that seemed to be a script of a play. She placed a hand on his shoulder; he reached up to pull off the mask, only to speak in a gentle tone. "You know, he wouldn't want you to be like this, shattering day by day."

His words stung with truth, every day, less sleep, less eating, less emotion, she was dying, and she couldn't stop it.

She didnt deny the words. "He was a good man." She said ignoring his comment.

Naruto turned around and gave the girl a hug, her waist was getting wet from the boy's tears that seemed to rain down his whiskered cheeks. "I know it must be hard." He said in a soft tone." So, I'll cry for you." Such a silly boy, making her chase him, distracting her, letting her blow off steam under the shinning of the full moon that marveled in the sky. Her face was blank, but her hands roamed his messy sunshine locks with lidded eyes. The boys question reached her ears. "Tell me about him." It was a long night…