AN: So, epilogue. I'm not really sure how necessary this is, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. Honestly I just needed to write it because from the start of this story I've known the exact words I wanted to end it with, so I really needed to get them in somehow! So here it is! Great big thanks to InsaniumArtisan, GreenFantasy64, WolfenAmphithere, SunnyStormCloud, IDon'tWantAUserName, SweetestChick and Sorceress of Shadows for your reviews, right up 'til the end!
And so without further ado, on to the very, very end of this story!


The quiet war we waged against Ganondorf was long and arduous. He was far stronger than I could ever have imagined, but then so was Link.

Link in his true, whole form was a sight to behold; never stopping, never backing down, never showing even a moment's weakness. A hero through and through.

Ganondorf did not take kindly to my successful deception of him in regards to Dark's demise – apparently he had never even considered the thought that I could best him in even such a small way – but when Link came bursting through those doors in the castle I knew we had won. Useless as I was in that moment, trapped in some strange dark magic, I had never believed something as strongly as I did of our – of Link's – inevitable victory.

There were times, both during the journey and after, that I saw Dark in my kingdom's Hero. Never fully, never enough for someone who hadn't known him to recognise, but I saw him. Sometimes in the things Link said, other times in the light that entered his eyes, or the way his body sometimes seemed to hum with a restless, violent energy that told of the bloodlust simmering beneath the Hero's exterior.

Losing Dark hurt, unbearably so, but the acquaintance – friendship, even – I shared with Link allowed at least some semblance of closeness to him, letting me know he was always nearby, if just out of sight. That was a thousand times better than him dying altogether, just as I had told him it would be.

Link himself was a quiet soul, and even when I had grown as close to him as I could he never said much at all. Even in his closest childhood friend's presence he remained silent, always listening with a slight smile on his face. When he did speak it was always quietly, sagely, with a thoughtfulness that made it seem like he planned every word he said. But then, having seen the many different facets of his personality, the conflicting pieces of his very soul, I felt like I could understand why.

So it's completely over. Like I said in the last chapter, thanks so much for reading and for sticking around until the very end! I really hope you've enjoyed this story - let me know what you thought! Also, again, a thousand thanks to everyone who's read, favourited, followed and reviewed this story, especially those of you who have stuck with me and reviewed so nicely and frequently, you have no idea how much it's meant!
Okay, so, if you want to see any more of my stuff in future go check out my profile, I've written out my main ideas for new fanfictions so if any catch your eye let me know! Hopefully you'll enjoy them as much as you've (hopefully) enjoyed this one!
Well, this is the very, very end, Bookworm out! Xxx