A/N: I kept my promise! I updated twice in one month! Thank you all for the lovely reviews :) here it is: the seventh chapter of this fanfic. Enjoy it!

7. Could this go any better?

Gandalf walked to Thorin and asked loudly: "Who did you tell about your quest beyond your kin?"

"No one." Thorin said with confidence in his voice.

"Who did you tell?!" Gandalf's voice rose in volume and scared the company even though they didn't show it.

Thorin was getting frustrated. "No one! I swear. What in Durin's name is going on here?"

Gandalf sighed, tired of this conversation. "We're being hunted."

Rose froze, still lying on the ground. This was not some Orc pack who the company could reason with. This pack was out to kill. This pack was out to kill them.

Dwalin was the first to speak up again. "We have to get out of here."

"We can't!" Ori cried out, "We have no ponies! They've bolted!"

That's when fear struck Rachel. We have no way to get out and there's an Orc pack out to kill us. Could this go any better?

The company was still on edge and Radagast had a sneaky but also freaky look on his face. "I'll draw them off."

Gandalf looked down to Radagast and scoffed, "These are Gundabad Wargs. They will out run you."

Radagast looked into Gandalf's eyes and retorted, "These are Rhosgobel rabbits, I'd like to see them try."

Rachel watched the wizard with a new found respect as Radagast stepped on his sled. He grabbed the reins, spurred on the rabbits and rode away.

Gandalf looked at the spot where the brown wizard disappeared. He turned to the company. "Come on!"

Rachel felt a pair of arms lift her up and saw Kíli's face when she looked who it was.

Rose's shoulder was still bleeding when she stood up. Her sight was still clear so she didn't lose that much, yet. Thorin looked at her and she nodded, assuring him she was okay.

They reached the plains where the Wargs were chasing Radagast. Radagast was faster than the Wargs but only by a little bit. If he made one mistake he would be done for.

Rachel looked at the dwarves who ran across the plains, hiding behind rocks every now and then to hide from the Wargs. The dwarves weren't tired from running, but when she looked behind her, she saw that Bilbo and Rose were.

Rose was trying to keep her eyes fixed on the company and not on the Wargs. The pain in her shoulder became worse with every move she made with her arm. She didn't even want to know how bad the wound was. She felt a wet piece of her dress and she was sure it was soaked in blood.

Suddenly she was pushed to a stone wall. A searing pain hit her shoulder like a burning hell. Rose looked to the arm that had stopped her from running and met Thorin's eyes. He was looking at her with worry but looked away to give Kíli a nod.

Rachel was carefully handed to Fíli and Kíli grabbed his bow. He put an arrow on it and looked at the shadow right in front of him. He quickly walked to the shadow, turned around and let the arrow fly right into the side of a Warg. The Warg and the Orc riding it fell down, but they weren't killed yet.

The dwarves quickly killed the beast and its rider but there were screams heard and the Wargs were not following Radagast anymore. They were following the company.

They moved further and faster across the plain, running for their lives.

"Kíli! Shoot them!" Thorin yelled with an undertone of fear in his voice. Kíli let another arrow fly from his bow, killing a Warg.

"Where's Gandalf? He abandoned us!" one of the dwarves said loudly.

The dwarves started to move, trying to flee or get to a safer place.

"Hold your ground!" Thorin yelled and everybody stood still.

Rachel was still in Fíli's arms and looked at how brave Kíli actually was. He didn't show any fear on the outside and faced those Wargs as if they were just a flock of sheep.

She looked to Rose who was standing near her. Rose was still in pain but tried to hide it. She didn't want to put another burden on anyone's shoulders.

"This way, you fools!" Gandalf's voice was a relief to hear. He was standing in some kind of cave. He motioned for them to come and no one thought twice about it. Dwarf after dwarf slid down the steep stone wall and stood up before the other could squash them.

Rose slid down after Fíli and Rachel and landed not so gracefully on the ground. Her shoulder started to hurt more but she held back the tears.

"Kíli!" Thorin shouted to his younger nephew who was still loosening arrows at the Wargs. They both slid down and a few seconds later a horn was blown.

They heard screams and cries of the Orcs and Wargs as one of the Orcs fell down into the cave, dead. He was skewered by an arrow. Thorin walked over to the Orc and picked the arrow out of its stomach.

"Elves." Thorin threw the arrow on the ground and walked a bit away from the group, his eyes filled with rage.

"I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it, or not?" Dwalin asked.

"Follow it, of course!"Bofur said with eagerness.

The company walked to the path. Kíli was carrying Rachel and Rose was trying to keep up with the company.

They reached the end of the tunnel and saw a beautiful city. It had the most beautiful houses, bridges, and even the waterfalls seemed perfect. It was a sight you don't see every day.

"The Valley of Imladris. To the common tongue it is known by another name." Gandalf said.

Bilbo opened his mouth a bit, still in awe by what he was seeing, "Rivendell."

Rose saw Thorin move to Gandalf. He was certainly not looking happy. He was angry at the wizard for bringing them here while he knew Thorin hated the elves.

Rose began seeing black spots in her sight and soon the darkness she fought for hours, took her completely.

A/N: that's it! I'll try to update on a more regular basis, but as you know, I'm not famous for my regular updating. If there is any fault in this chapter or in another chapter, please let me know so I can edit it. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!