"Maxine Nicole Hewitt, you are here by guilty of...22 counts of first degree murder, 18 counts of kidnapping, and 9 counts of aggravated assault. Your sentencing is 25 to life at a mental health facility with no possibility of parole. May you burn in hell for what you've done."

22 hours of no light. No human interactions. Nobody even knows I'm here. Everyone is afraid of me...

Good. Maybe my little informant will let my family know that it's time for me to come home. I've been locked up for the last 5 years and it's time I show Texas what being a Hewitt is all about.

"Patient #18950, Maxine Hewitt, please prepare for transport." I slowly lifted my head as the big padded metal door screeched open. Two security guards armed in SWAT gear and face protectors stood over me with a pair of shackles. "Come on freak show, time to go." I growled as they unwillingly hoisted me to my feet. They attached the ankle shackles around me, connecting the chain to the safety collar that was around my neck to keep me from biting. My eyes shut as I exited the cell. No sunlight for almost a full day does hell on your vision. I kept quiet as I was walked with four guards around me, all armed with double barrel shotguns, one pointed towards the back of my head. As we approached the cafeteria, an alarm sounded.

"Security breach! Security breach! All authorized personnel to the front gate!" The guards dragged me along, as I could not be left alone unless I was in my cell. Double doors swung open as the guards came to a dead stop in the middle of the hallway. Tommy was standing in all his glory, covered in blood, chainsaw in hand. I smiled for the first time in over 5 years. Looks like they got my message.

"Don't come any closer or we'll shoot!" The guards now stood in front of me, their weapons now pointed towards my lover. Bad move. I took the chance and bolted towards Tommy, as he revved his chainsaw, slicing the straight jacket in half. I ripped off the muzzle, my mouth drooling at the smell of fresh meat. One of the officers tried to call for help as I tore out the wires to the power box. Everything went dark. Time to play.

Within seconds, the emergency flood lights switched on, revealing four dead officers with Tommy towering over their mangled corpses. He turned towards me as I took a big chunk of flesh out from one of the guards' necks. I sighed contently as blood oozed from my mouth, the flesh squishing beneath my sharp teeth. "Let's go home."