Mellow! Man, another story that took me all too long to update. And yes this is the final chapter, I hope you all liked it. I'm not sure if this measures up to my usual though. If anyone has a request for something similar to this (as long as it doesn't run into my main HP story) feel free to send it to me (I prefer pms :D). I was thinking about doing one with the second time they fly the car. Anyone wanna see that? Hope you enjoy the story!

Chapter 2

That left one son, the youngest, Ron. Usually Arthur would save the youngest child for last. He knew that they hated looking weak and pathetic in from of the older ones, even if the older boys didn't think like that. That and he could hold them longer, since he loved that the littler ones didn't think it was babyish if no one else was in the room.

"Ok Ron, your turn." Arthur was tired, but he wasn't going to go too easy on even the littlest of his boys. If he did that Molly would throw a fit.

"Please, Dad." Ron whimpered.

Arthur knew that it had to be scary for the youngest to know that he was getting the paddle for the first time. While he nor Molly had ever abused their children, there still was a certain amount of fear involved with such an implement. "It will be over soon, I promise." Arthur said kindly.

Stiffly the boy nodded and took his place over the desk. Arthur was surprised that he hadn't thrown more of a fit, but he supposed that the child was trying to emulate his older brothers.

To make it as easy as possible for the both of them, Arthur laid down the first swat quickly. Ron gasped and stretched up on his toes to alleviate some of the pain. Already the paddle had brought tears to the boy's eyes.

Arthur waited for his child to calm down before continuing with three more swats. He had decided that because this was Ron's first time with the paddle and the fact that he wasn't as old as the twins, that he would only be getting eight swats.

Ron now had tears streaming down his face and he was in no way holding in his cries. "Halfway there." Arthur said, repeating the same process that he had used with the other boys. Ron whimpered and cried as the next scorching swat landed on his bottom.

Arthur silently counted to himself the last three swats. He knew that it hurt, as he was trying to leave a lasting impression.

Finally, Ron was done with his punishment. And Arthur was finish dealing out the hard discipline that he hated so much. Spankings themselves he didn't mind, but he absolutely despised when the children had earn a hard one that he had to give.

Ron laid on the desk sobbing for only a few seconds because his father swept him up in his arms. The child was surprised to find that he was actually being held much like a small child, but he didn't complain.

Arthur took a seat, settling Ron on his lap and wrapping his arms around the boy in a hug. "I love you."

"Dad, I'm sorry." Ron sniffled.

Arthur didn't need to be told, "I know. Just promise me that you won't do anything like that again. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Really, I promise I won't do something that stupid ever again!" Ron exclaimed .

Arthur hugged his son tighter, "I'm sure you won't."

Ron leaned into his father's chest, eyelids half closed. "Tired?" Arthur inquired, even though he knew the answer. Staying up almost all night would make anyone tired. Which was why the others that made the journey last night were getting some rest.

"Uh-huh." Ron mumbled.

"Why not go to bed?" Arthur suggested, that's what he was about ready to do.

"Can't, Harry's using it."

Now that Arthur thought about it, that made sense. The man shifted slightly so that he could reach his wand that he had put in his pocket. Then with a flick of his wand and a spell, there was a bed transfigured right in the office. "Use that for now."

Ron stood up, wincing a bit as he did so. "Thanks, Dad."

Arthur smiled he loved his children so much, even when he had to punish them. "Night, Ronnie."