Idk I have a lot of ideas for this story but I also have more ideas of a story I started a few years ago and didn't finish and deleted off the site so maybe second attempt at that?


Fang and I were both still quiet and his hands carefully caressed my upper arms and he kept glancing up at my face and the corners of his mouth would twitch when he caught my eye. I hadn't acknowledged the fact of what he said right after we kissed. I decided not to overthink at this pretty perfect moment in time.

"Ow Owwww." Iggy bellowed as he and Ella walked up hand in hand on the side of the pool and I retracted a little but Fang didn't he still kept me close but so really only I would notice that he was holding my hands underwater. "Things were lookin pretty heated and I felt like I needed to come tell you kids to tone it down. You're disturbing the children." Iggy gestured to the empty swimming pool.

"You're brilliant eyesight failed you on this one Ig." I said trying to get the topic away in a sly way. My attempts failed and even Ella tried to get Iggy away but in a not so sly matter and just kind of made everyone uncomfortable ("Iggyyyy let my sister makeout with her boyfriend they want to be aloneeee.")

I sighed and rolled over in my bed as I replayed yesterday 100 more times. Every little touch was electricity and I had never felt more comfortable with anyone or so special. I didn't feel used I felt loved and I couldn't get enough. I finally rose out of bed feeling not sleepy, but dazed. (DRunNNKKK IN LOVEEEeee) I left my hair down, put on a tank top I thrifted last summer that actually hugged me in the right places, my favorite pair of skinny jeans all with my nicer grey converse. I concealed my ensuing pimple on the left of my chin and looked in the mirror. I felt so dressed up. I jogged down the stairs occasionally skipping a step and landed just in time to snatch the waffles that just popped out of the toaster. I had already half demolished the first one and then Ella took the other one out of my hand.

"Nice try." She paused thoughtfully and then made the comment, "You seem exceptionally happy."

"Don't touch me." I felt my phone vibrate and Fang texted me asking me to come outside. I finished the waffle quickly and grabbed my blue Jansport from the hallway by the door and walked out and Fang was waiting at the bottom of my porch stairs. I stepped down until I was one stair up, so eye level and he grabbed my hand and walked me down the last step and gently kissed my forehead. We started walking in sync our hands kind of brushing and he would act like nothing was weird and I kept looking at our hands and him and he just smirked. Ass.
"Look as much as I love you wanting to hold my hand," I shoved him, "I did want to talk to you about something." He looked down at me until we were looking in each others' eyes like it was serious. "I don't want to rush you or do anything like that, but just the question is dating something you want? This isn't me asking you out I mean I wouldn't just do it now I would want to make it special, but only if you want it of course." He stumbled over his words and I thought about it carefully.
"I don't not want too, but.." I looked down and played with my own hands, which grew sweaty, and I wiped them on my jeans. "I will think about it and let you know." I finally finished and he nodded thoughtfully.
"Well alright then." He smiled at me but it was Fang smile so half of his lip turned upward at the corners and he grabbed my hand and we walked on to the school campus. We walked to my locker and he held my backpack for me so for once everything didn't fall everywhere and then he handed it back to me. "I have to get to class." He stared at me intently at my lips and then at me and stepped back, he deciding not to kiss me, "See you at lunch."
I wish he had kissed me. However he was just respecting what I said 5 minutes ago and then I also realized I was in a crowded school hallway and mentally thanked him for not kissing me. I turned around and headed to physics class and someone brushed my shoulder and I looked back and my throat got tight.

"Max moving on already? I'm hurt." His icy blue eyes locked on to me and I couldn't look away, I felt stiff and everyone shuffled around us in the hallway. "Is it true? You have someone new? I really am sorry Max. We ended on a bad note, I still love you," He got closer and whispered the second part and I backed up into the set of lockers.
"Get the hell out of my face." I snapped and I tried to stay steady but my hands were shaking.
"Testy, you never used to stand up to me, or speak at all really. Do I make you nervous Max?" His hand slammed beside my head and he leaned into my body, trapping me. His hand glided down my cheek and I felt like I was going to vomit. I pushed him as hard as I could and he only stumbled a few feet, but enough for me to take of down the hallway and into the nearest bathroom.
Thankfully completely unoccupied I rushed to the sink and splashed the cold water on my face forcing myself to breathe. I gulped in the oxygen and tried to even my breathing. A few tears leapt from my eyes and I was still shaking uncontrollably. I felt helpless and I collapsed against the wall and pulled out my phone. I couldn't just tell Fang to come out of class and hug me, I can't be that needy, but I wanted to be. Also I would have to explain why I am sitting here shaking and crying 5 minutes after you left me, "Hey boy I really like, I'm mentally unstable"! I gathered myself and forced my way to class. Sitting through 2 periods until I saw people I liked and could talk too proved difficult, but I didn't feel like talking at all honestly.
My heart did speed up a little bit when walked to lunch and I saw Fang waiting by his locker talking to some boy didn't know. He casually waved him off when he saw me and met me halfway. I could hardly look at him but instead I just let my head fall into his chest. His strong arms embraced me without hesitation, "Max are you okay?" He pulled me back by holding my arms and I looked up and I felt all red and hot.
"Just in need of a hug. Class just reallllly beat me up." I tried to smirk but it turned into an uncomfortable smile and I hugged him one more time really quick. "Want to go to lunch?"
"No, I want you to tell me what's going on. You're upset." His eyebrows cocked up and he tilted his head. How could I explain one thing without telling him everything? I just have to be selective with my words. I wanted to let him in, but only see the surface since the goal would not to be to scare him away forever.
"Just a run-in with my ex, my only ex," I said to disprove any of the rumors that Lissa likes to spread that I sleep around, "It wasn't a good relationship and he cornered me this morning. I'm fine though, I'm tough." I was reassuring myself towards the end.
Fang was tense, no longer looking so gentle but he was like steel. "What did he do to you?"
"He just said some things to me, but not here." I looked around at the people surrounding us in their lockers "I don't want to talk about it." My eyes felt glassy. I didn't want to talk about it period.
Fang saw the tears welling my eyes, "Max if he hurt you I swear to God." I sighed and I knew I had to tell him something. I took his hand and lead him down the hallway and into a corner with no one around.
I took a deep breath and started slowly, "Dylan. Dylan did a lot of things to me and he approached me this morning and triggered old feelings, but I am okay. I just needed a hug." I tried to end lightly and hopefully I said enough to tide of the questions for now.
"If I ever see him try to hurt you-"
I cut him off "He won't because he will never get the chance."
Fang nodded, "This isn't me trying to be psycho jealous boyfriend, this is me saying you don't hurt my friend, ever." We stood close together and I was against the wall and he pushed my hair out of my face forcing me to look up. "I hope it goes without saying will never hurt you Max. No matter what happens."

I grabbed his arms that were lingering by my waist and pulled them down and kissed him. His hands were firm around my waist and I rested one hand on his and the other I used to bring his face closer to mine. I ran my hand up his slender but strong arm and finally I reached his defined cheekbones. We slowly pulled away and I left my hand on his cheek while were inches apart and I let my hand fall to his shoulder and his hand on my waist curled all around my lower back and pulled me into a hug.
"Hey Fang." I whispered, "Did I hear you call yourself my boyfriend?" He didn't respond but his lips curled and I laughed. We walked together back into the hallways, back into reality.

Can I just say one more time how much reviews make my day? You guys are awesome ily ily ily