(a/n: Here you go, i hope you enjoy this. Please review!)

Ch. 3: The New Girl

Morning came to Storybrooke and the sleepy town slowly started to wake. People walking to work, children boarding the school bus to go to school and stores stared to open for business.

Standing on a street corner looking up at the clock tower was Regina Mills, the mayor of Storybrooke.

She stared up at the clock, completely entranced by it. Regina noticed that its hands were no longer frozen on 8:15. She was deep in thought, wondering how the clock was working again, when a familiar voice spoke "Wow, look at that. The clock's working"

Regina glanced over her shoulder and saw her neighbor, Monroe, staring up at the clock in awe.

Monroe was the owner of the clock shop that was on Main Street. Regina didn't care much about him but she found his company enjoyable, despite the fact that he had worked with her enemies.

Regina nodded "Yes. Its quite a mystery" "I guess the rusty old innards finally sorted themselves out," mused Monroe.

Regina only nodded. She glanced around the busy street and she saw a familiar, yellow car.

The mayor scowled and she silently cursed the owner of the car. Regina turned and started walking towards Granny's inn, leaving Monroe alone to stare up at the old clock tower.

Adalind was walking down the street and she noticed Monroe staring up at the clock tower.

She stopped and looked up at the clock as well. What surprised her was that it was working. Adalind's eyes widened a little "Wow, the old clock works" she said, sounding genuinely surprised.

Monroe nodded "Yeah, I was talking with the mayor about it. She seemed kinda distracted." "Can't imagine why" said Adalind.

Adalind placed a hand on Monroe's shoulder "Anyway, Nick and I were wondering if you and Rosalee are coming over tonight?"

"We are" said Monroe "Around eight, right?" Adalind nodded "Yep". She said goodbye and Adalind started off, heading to work.

As she headed to town hall, she thought about the working clock. Adalind was a little worried. The newcomer, Emma, had already set things in motion.

If she weren't careful, Adalind would lose everything she had worked hard to gain. Adalind glanced across the street and saw Mary Margret Blanchard leaving her apartment.

The blond kept her eye glued on the schoolteacher. Mary Margret noticed Adalind and she smiled and waved.

Adalind put on a false smile and returned the greeting.

Deep down, Adalind harbored disdain for her. Although she disliked the schoolteacher, Adalind didn't hate Mary Margret as much as her.

Adalind pushed the woman out of her thoughts and resumed her journey to town hall.

Night had fallen and with it came a bitter cold. Freshly fallen snow blanketed the forest and the mountains. Snow White trudged on through the cold. She drew her cloak around her tightly, trying in vain to keep out the harsh chill.

Her body shivered as a harsh, cold wind blew. Snow White had been driven out of her kingdom by her stepmother, Regina.

She ran as far as she could to the north, where she was sure she would be safe. Far to the north was a powerful kingdom that her good friend Sean was in charge of. If she could get there, Snow would be safe. Regina wouldn't dare follow unless she wanted to go to war with the north.

Snow White had been traveling for a few weeks, slipping past border guards Regina had posted and traveling with some merchants till she continued on alone.

Snow White traveled alone for a while till she ended up getting lost somewhere in the mountains. The banished princess was now in desperate need of shelter and food. Snow White's eyes grew heavy and her body grew numb from the cold.

She glanced around, trying to find something, anything to warm her up. Luckily she spotted something, a small cottage where she saw flickering orange light.

Summoning what strength she had, Snow White rushed to the cottage.

The cottage was still a distance away when everything slowly grew blurry, exhaustion began to take hold and Snow sank to the ground then passed out.

When she regained consciousness, Snow White's felt warm and smelt something delicious. Her eyes fluttered open and Snow found herself staring up at a thatched ceiling. She heard a fire crackling away near by.

Snow sat up and she saw that she was lying in a bed with a heavy quilt placed over her. She glanced around and saw a man and woman.

The man was putting more logs in the fire and the woman was stirring something in the cauldron that hung over the fire. The man had dark hair and wore green. The woman had light blond hair and wore grey.

The man sniffed "That smells nice, what is it?" "A little pick me up for our guest" said the woman.

Snow White sat up and looked around her. The woman noticed that Snow White was awake "Look whose up"

the man looked to Snow White "Oh, you're up. Good" he went over to the bed "How are you feeling?" "Fine, thank you" said Snow White.

She looked at the man and asked, "Where am I?" "You're in my cottage," said the woman.

The man spoke "I found you outside. You almost froze to death".

Snow smiled a little "Thank you…" "Nicholas" said the man "My name is Nicholas", he nodded to the blond woman "That is Adalind"

"Nice to meet you" said Adalind, smiling warmly.

Nicholas asked Snow "What were you doing out in the cold?" Snow White introduced herself and she told them that she was fleeing Regina's forces and trying to find sanctuary in Sean Renard's kingdom.

Nicholas frowned "I'm afraid that you have come at a bad time. There have been some unrest through out the kingdom, the regent has been busy trying to keep order but I fear that revolt might happen soon"

Snow's eyes widened "Revolt? Why?"

"There have been some tension between the seven noble families that rule our kingdom" explained Adalind "Some of them claim that Renard has no legitimate claim to the throne. They have been using their power over the people to try and overthrow him then put one of their own on the throne"

"That's horrible" said Snow "Its politics" said Nicholas nonchalantly.

Adalind handed Snow a bowl of stew "Here, eat up" "Thank you" said Snow. The stew warmed Snow White up considerably.

Once she finished, Snow asked "Can you take me to Sean? I need to see him"

Nicholas stared at her for a moment then said hesitantly "Well…Adalind and myself are going to the castle for business, maybe we can take you with us"

"Thank you" said Snow happily but Nicholas held up a hand "But first, we have to make a few stops along the way. The journey will be long but I hope you don't mind"

"I don't" said Snow.

Nicholas smiled "Good, now get some sleep, we leave at dawn".

Regina barged into Judge Renard's office looking absolutely livid. The judge didn't look up from his newspaper "Miss Mills, how can I help you?"

"I need you to help me with a little problem that greatly concerns me" Regina said brusquely.

Sean looked up at her questioningly "And what problem would that be?"

"Emma Swan" said Regina "She has threatened Doctor Hopper and stolen Henry's files from him"

"I see" muttered Sean "What else?"

"She crashed her car in a drunk driving incident, luckily nobody was injured" said Regina. Her expression hardened "She is a con artist who is trying to take advantage of my son, I want her put away".

The judge stared at her for a moment and sighed, "This matter is for the police"

"She has been arrested for reckless endangerment, property damage and assault" Regina maintained.

Sean's eyebrow rose "Property damage? Assault?" "She chopped down my apple tree" said Regina coldly "and then attacked me with a chainsaw".

The judge stared at her for a moment and sighed, "That is interesting but I'm going to need more evidence than your word"

"I have witnesses" said Regina quickly.

Sean frowned "That would be quite a case but I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. Graham told me that she posted bail"

Regina's eyes widened a little "When?" "A few minutes ago" said Sean.

Regina clenched her jaw and she said "She's a danger to this town, if she isn't put away, there be no telling what kind of damage she could cause"

Sean held up a hand "Hold on. If you can actually build a solid case against her, I may be able to help but at the moment I can't. She has done nothing wrong"

"Yet" muttered Regina under her breath.

In her mind, she was slowly piecing together a plan to frame Emma for something so that she could be locked up somewhere she won't be able to reach Henry.

Regina smiled warmly at the Judge "Nice doing business with you Sean" "Always a pleasure, Regina" said Sean, returning to his morning newspaper.

Emma sat in Granny's Diner drinking coffee. She had been having a weird day.

First she was blamed for threatening a therapist, she was then kicked out of her room at the Inn, and she then was arrested. Luckily Mary Margret and Henry bailed her out.

Now she didn't have a place to stay and she had the Mayor breathing down her neck, trying to drive her out of town.

"Rough day?" asked a voice. Emma looked up and saw a man with curly hair and a beard sitting next to her at the counter.

She nodded "You can say that" "You're Emma, right?" asked the man.

Emma nodded "Yeah, how did you know that?"

"I heard that you chopped down the mayor's apple tree" said the man, he smiled a little "Caused quite a commotion, in fact I heard it all from my place. I live down the road from the mayor".

The man held out a hand "I'm Monroe" Emma shook his hand.

Monroe asked Emma "So, what brings you to Storybrooke?" "I was bringing Henry home" said Emma. She then explained that she was Henry's mother and that she was staying the night, Emma than recounted on how she got kicked out of her room at the Inn and how she was accused of stealing files from Dr. Hopper.

Monroe listened intently and finally said, "That's quite a story".

Emma nodded a little and asked Monroe "Is everyone in this town afraid of Regina?"

Monroe admitted hesitantly "She is rather intimidating. I personally find her pretty intense and I really wouldn't cross her but I guess she does scare, maybe even terrify people"

Emma scowled "She shouldn't treat people this way"

Monroe shrugged "What can you do? It's been like this for a long time, hardly anyone stands up to her. Except maybe for Mr. Gold and Judge Renard".

Emma thought of leaving Storybrooke earlier but something told her to stay and help Henry and the people of Storybrooke.

Monroe asked, "Are you planning on staying?" Emma nodded "Yeah, why?"

"I might know somebody who has a room" said Monroe.

The wagon trundled down the frost-covered path through the cold woods. Snow White sat in the back with Adalind. Nicholas gave her a heavy quilt and a fur cloak to keep her warm.

As the wagon carried them through the woods, Snow was passing the time with some polite conversation with Adalind.

"What is it do you do for a living?" asked Snow. Adalind answered, "I am a servant in the Regent's household"

Snow glanced to Nicholas "If you are a servant, what are you doing here with him?"

"I was feeling under the weather," explained Adalind "They let me have some time off to recover. Nicholas was taking care of me"

Snow raised an eyebrow "Really?" Adalind nodded.

Snow looked from Adalind to Nicholas and back to Adalind "Are you two...?" "Married?" finished Adalind, she shook her head "No. We're just friends, we have been since childhood".

Snow nodded in understanding. The wagon came to a halt and a man with curly hair and a beard climbed into the back with Adalind and Snow.

He wore a heavy fur cloak, a white shirt, long pants and thick leather boots. The man said to Nicholas "Thanks for stopping by Nick"

"Not a problem" said Nicholas.

The man sat down by Adalind and the wagon resumed its journey. He smiled "Nice to see you again Adalind"

"Nice to see you too" said Adalind.

The man extended a hand to Snow "I'm Monroe" "Snow White" said Snow, shaking his hand.

Monroe looked at her in surprise "No kidding? Your Snow White?" Snow nodded.

Monroe shook his head in disbelief "I can't believe it" "What?" asked Adalind.

Monroe explained "A day ago a few soldiers from down south showed up and were asking around about someone named Snow White"

Snow's eyes widened "Soldiers?"

Monroe nodded "Yeah, they were dressed in black and looked pretty mean" Snow muttered "Regina".

Adalind cut in "What happened?" "Well they kept asking around, got into a few arguments and…well… they pissed off a Mauvais Dentes" explained Monroe.

Adalind and Nicholas looked at him in astonishment. Snow frowned in confusion "What's a Mauvais Dentes?"

"A nasty type of Wesen" said Monroe "They're brutal and tough. Rarely anyone crosses them and live"

"What happened to the soldiers?" asked Adalind.

Monroe shrugged "I don't know, nobody has seen them since but my guess is that the Mauvais Dentes followed them into the woods"

"What for?" asked Snow.

Monroe looked at her grimly "They like to play with their food before they eat them".

Snow swallowed hard. She made a mental note on being careful around a Mauvais Dentes, whatever it is. They continued down the road making polite conversation.

Elsewhere, Sean entered his private chambers where a woman much older than him waited for him.

The regent glared at her and said "You better have a good reason for me leaving the meeting with the Families, Catherine"

Catherine Schade nodded "I do" she motioned him towards a mirror on the wall. Sean looked at the mirror. The smooth surface bubbled and it smoothed over again, giving him a view of a snow covered forest.

Traveling down the main road was a wagon. Driving it was Sean's friend Nicholas. In the back was Adalind, Monroe and, to Sean's surprise, Snow White.

Sean frowned "What is she doing here?"

Catherine shrugged "I'm not sure but apparently she brought some unwanted guests".

Sean glanced at her and she explained "Regina has sent some troops to one of the bordering towns. There was an incident"

"Incident?" said Sean.

Catherin nodded slowly "Apparently her soldiers enraged a Mauvais Dentes and he murdered them, he then went on a rampage on a nearby mill".

Sean sighed deeply "How many casualties"

"Not as much as you might think" said Catherine "But, the Mauvais Dentes had to be contained. The Endezeichen stepped in and subdued him"

The regent's eyebrows rose "The heartless Grimms?"

Catherin nodded "They were the first on the scene and they are more equipped to handling the more extreme Wesen with minimal deaths".

Sean nodded a little "Good"

"What shall I do about the girl?" asked Catherine, nodding to the image of Snow White.

The regent waved a hand "Leave her be. Just observe her and once she arrives, I want you to personally tend to her. I'll be too busy with my brother and the Families to do it myself."

"As you wish" said Catherine bowing her head to the regent.

Before he departed, he told Catherine "Make sure she doesn't wander around the castle, I don't want anything bad happening to her. Remember what happened last time someone wandered around the corridors at night"

Catherine nodded slowly "Yes. Such a shame too, waist of a good servant"

"And don't remind me how long it took to clean the blood out of the carpets" said Sean.

Monroe, Rosalee and Emma stood outside on the porch. Monroe introduced Emma to his girlfriend Rosalee when they were at her store.

He said that the people who had an extra room were friends of his and they were having dinner with them later that night, so he thought it would be a good idea to introduce Emma to them at dinner and ask if she could stay with them for the night.

Once night came, three arrived a small house that had a manicured lawn. Monroe knocked and they heard a voice say "Just a minute!" after a few minutes of waiting, the door opened revealing a dark haired man.

He wore a green shirt and jeans. The man smiled "Monroe, Rosalee, just in time" "Yep, and we brought a friend" said Monroe.

The man looked to Emma and he smiled "Nice to see you again miss Swan"

"Hey" said Emma, feeling a little awkward.

She had met him before. He helped Graham arrest her. The man extended a hand to her "We haven't been properly introduced"

"Emma Swan" said Emma, shaking his hand

"Nick Burkhardt" said the man.

Nick stepped aside and motioned for them to enter "Come on in"

Monroe stepped inside followed by Rosalee and Emma. Nick closed the door behind them and they all sat down for dinner.

Across the street, Regina Mills watched from inside her car as Nick let his guests inside. Her eyes narrowed. She had to do something about Emma and fast.

End of chapter.

(a/n: What do you think? The Endezeichen are mentioned in the Grimm episode 'the hour of death'. In this i made them like another group of Grimms who are only employed to handle extremely dangerous Wesens. Also the Mauvais Dentes is from the episode "Bad Teeth". Please review!)