"Oh dear," Kol chuckled. "I've hit a nerve. Relax, darling.. I just want us to be even. You snapped my neck, you killed my brother, and then you humiliated me." Bat rose sharply, connecting with Damon forcefully three times in a row. "There," he grinned. "Now we're even."

But even as he said that, Kol turned, catching sight of the young doppelganger. Keen eyes took in the wound on her forehead, discerned the veneer of defiance covering a very scared girl. The corner of his mouth tilted upward in a smirk. She was right to be scared.

"Or perhaps not," he commented, wheels turning in his head. Niklaus had said not to harm her. Surely she would be safest under the watchful eyes of the Original family. And it would probably prevent the annoying Salvatore brothers from overstepping their boundaries once again. A checkmate, as it were. Surely his brother could not be upset with him over this latest decision.

Speeding to her, Kol grasped her wrist tightly, pulling her toward him. The gasp that escaped her lips only made his smile widen a hair more. "Perhaps I should take her with me." It was a comment designed to get beneath Damon's skin, and it did just that. The other vampire forced himself up, launching himself forward. Neatly deflecting the attack, Kol sent Damon flying toward one of the piles of junk Mary had had stacked around the room.

"Touchy touchy," he commented, obviously enjoying the game of cat and mouse. "She'd be safer with me anyway," wouldn't you, darling?" Twinkling eyes lowered to the girl struggling, unsuccessfully, against his grip.

"Let go," Elena gritted, one hand rising, perhaps with the intent of hitting him. Kol was too fast, though, hand shooting out to catch hers and force both arms across her chest, holding them to herself and keeping her pressed to him in the process. Both wrists were transferred to one hand, leaving the other free.

"Easy," he advised. "I did warn you not to test me. I won't say it again." Glance slid back to Damon who had, by that point, managed to push himself up. Now he stood, glaring at the Original and his captive.

"You wear your emotions on your sleeve,' Kol informed the other man. "Love is a dangerous thing. Especially for vampires. Don't worry. I won't hurt her. Much." As Damon lunged forward, Kol pushed Elena out of the way. Hands caught Damon's neck, snapping it easily and sending him sprawling to the ground.

Then his attention turned once more to Elena. Hand stretched out, catching her wrist once more. Before she could react, Kol was gone in a blur, taking her with him. By the time the Salvatore awoke, they would be long gone.

Teeth gritting in fury, Damon sped to the car, starting it up with a vicious twist of his wrist.

"Where's Elena?"

The question earned Jeremy a glare, but no answer. At least not right away. Instead Damon reached for his phone, sliding it out and dialing as the car roared to life. He barely waited for Stefan to answer before speaking, crazed eyes glaring straight ahead.

"Get your ass to Klaus," he ordered. "One of his dick brothers showed up in Denver. He has Elena."

That admission made Jeremy sit up straighter. "Wait, what?" He demanded. Damon barely seemed to notice, the only sign he'd heard a flicker of annoyance in his gaze.

"He broke my neck and was gone when I woke up," Damon continued explaining. "He won't hurt her – orders from Klaus, apparently. But I'd rather have Elena back sooner than later. " And he'd prefer not to rely so entirely on Klaus' word. "Just go." The call was cut off with a click of his finger, leaving the car in silence for a moment longer before Jeremy finally found his voice again.

"You let my sister get kidnapped?" He demanded, voice angry and a bit incredulous.

"He –broke- my neck," Damon returned, not deigning to look over. Not right away at any rate. But as the seconds ticked by, the tension thick in the air, he relented, allowing his fury to abate slightly. "We'll get her back, Jeremy. I promise." He would die keeping that promise if necessary.

"You'd better." Jeremy was only slightly mollified.