It had been a couple hous since we had gone to the beach and the five of us have had quite a lot of fun, our own little adventures mostly involving several water fights, and Devit and Jasdero trying to kill Road for drenching them ice cold ocean water while they slept.

But right now, Road, Devit and I walked along the white sandy beach, the rich aqua blue clashing against the shores, when something caught my eyes. the sight of a rather large group outside a large moving truck, loading out several different instruments onto a stage in the center of the beach.

"What's going on?" Road questioned

"I don't know." Devit said, ruffling his still damp hair.

Opening my mouth I immediately closed it at hearing a familiar voice.

"Lavi!" A loud screech interrupted from down the beach.

"What the hell!" Devit yelled covering his ears and wincing.

Turning my eyes, I looked to see Sachiko running over to another group, almost tackling the poor redhead as he struggled to keep his balance.

"That stupid woman is going to have to pay for my new glasses. That thing she's wearing is going to blind me," Devit wailed dramatically removing his hands from his ears only to replace them over his eyes.

It seems that Sachiko had decided to wear a sequined pink bikini that sparkled in the sun; her friends had followed their leader's fashion choice by wearing the exact same design in a bright yellow and neon green.

"Lavi darling!" Sachiko shouted, attaching herself to his arm. Lavi cringed and tried sliding as far over as he could which only in turn encouraged her to move closer to him. "Do you like my bathing suit? It's just beautiful."

I heard Road, stiffle a giggle. Did she really just ask if that thing looked beautiful? It was so tiny and so tight, that it barely covered anything, I mean come one have a bit of modesty why don't you!

The three of us watched as Lavi bit down on his lip "It's...sparkly."

"I hope so. The sequins are just to die for."

"I'd die just looking at them," Road muttered under her breath.

It took almost all of my willpower not to laugh at her comment, my eyes watching as Sachiko pulling Lavi down for a kiss, tangling her hands in the thick fiery mane he called hair, until he pushed her away gently, yet still firm.

She gave him a small pout, once again trying to pull Lavi's head down for another kiss, but his hands stayed firm, pressing against her shoulder's so she couldn't move.

I turned to Road the two of them giving me a look, "Hey guys maybe w-"

"Welcome everyone to the Black order Academy muisc party! Now who will be the first one to rock the shores?" A voice suddenly shouted from the stage, a tall man with yelled his long blond hair pulled back into a high ponytail.

the entire crowd of the beach cheered, the blond haired man making his way off of the stage, moving through the crowds dark brown eyes examining each person he walked by, his feets stopping in front of the Redhead, that we had been staring at not even 2 minutes ago.

"You, you'll do just fine," he said, handing Lavi a microphone, he pushed him to the stage, continuing to make his rounds among the people, legs finally haulting upon our small group. Cold eyes running across the three of us, landing his gaze at me, a smile coating his long face. "And you!" his hand then grabbed my arm pulling me from my spot and towards to stage.

"No wait please!" I pleated plunging my feet into the sand, ultimately failing in trying to him from pulling me forward.

He lead me up on the stage pushing a silver microphone into my palms I looked out at the crowd. There was a decent amount of people here, which made me worry. I glanced to the right and looked at my partner, stomach churning, noticing Lavi's eyes glue to my form. "Just listen to the rhythm of the song, if you don't know the song just look at the screen over there, alright? Perfect," I watched him run off.

I caught Road in the audience, shaking her head at me sympathetically, I smiled. This could be good for me. Or it could totally destroy me. Or, of course, something between.

A slow rhythm began, Lavi smiled as his mouth opened in front of the microphones head and you could clearly hear his breath in before he sung. His voice was melodic,


I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph and I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

Because I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

You've gone away, you don't feel me, here anymore


The crowed cheered when I put my lips up to the microphone, my own voice shocked my as I started to sing.


The worst is over now and we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain


The crowd was in a frenzy of jubilation as our voices melded together. I could see Road and Devit cheering from the sides, Sachico's angry eyes staring into me.


'Cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away


I felt my voice growing, it felt good to. My body, moved slightly with the beat.


'Cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away


Lavi started the final verse as I hit the final note of the last chorus. My legs going weak at the stares of the people.


'Cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

You've gone away
You don't feel me here anymore


I dragged out my finally note, and as quickly as I could left the stage, Road came running, and jumped on me. She wrapped her arms around me.

"Ally that was amazing!," she yelled out happily.

"Thanks," I said, prying her from off me. "Now how about we get back to our spot before that guy tries to pull one of you up on the stage."

The two gave no objections as we practically ran back to our spot. Noticing Jasdero was no where in sight. Looking around, my eyes searched every nick and cranny until landing on a tall and elegant tree. Jasdero right next to it, yapping away.

"Why is my brother talking to a treeā€¦?" Devit asked, curiously.

"I told him that it was magical and would grant him anything he wanted as long as he talked to it." Train answered not even bothering to look up from her book.

"I see..."

Sitting back down on my blanket, my gaze was immediately drawn back the sun as it kissed the waves, when suddenly I felt something cold running down the back of my spine. Peering up I saw... Train with a handful of ice she must of grabbed from the cooler, in her hand, a smirk matching Devit, spread across her face.

...And that's how the rest of the day went, drenching water on each other, covering each other in sand, Devit even dared to picked up Train and threw her into the ocean, he was running for almost an hour trying to escape her deadly grasp...

When it was finally 5:45 we realized that we hadn't even bothered going into the waer park. Oh well. Meeting in the parking lot the teachers did a head count making sure that we where all here, before dismissing us, and wishing us a great weekend.

I looked at Raden beach, hopping into the car and followed Tyki all the way back to Road's house. We pulled up into the driveway and after the car was unpacked again, we helped them pack all the beach supplies into the garage and carry the basket of extra food and cooler into the house, before we all filed back into the car, to the dorms.

Reaching the school didn't take long, most of us split our separate ways for the night once we were out of the car.

I watched the hours go by on the clock. I heard Road's light snores from above me. I curled up under my covers, burying my head in my pillow. I was so sick of feeling stupid. I really did have fun today, but at the same time I felt awkward, singing with Lavi was one of the strangest moments I've ever had, his voice was smooth, deep yes but not too much, it was really rather intoxicating.

Oh shit this can not be good...
