Fluttershy was rushing about her cottage with the help of her critter friends, cleaning the surroundings as fast as she could. Flying back and forth, making sure that everything was in it's place.

"Oh, I hope that He has not forgotten about me already, with him being gone in Canterlot and all. What do you think, Angel?"

Angel Bunny looked angrily at Fluttershy. He crossed his arms and then turned away. Fluttershy looked momentarily concerned at Angel Bunny before going back to arranging her belongings.

"Fluttershy. Fluttershy we're here!" Trumpeted Twilight Sparkle as she and Discord came into Fluttershy's home. But Fluttershy could not hear them. She had blocked everything out around her in her mission to make her cottage the most inviting place in all of Equestria.

"Umm, Fluttershy... What are you doing?" Asked Twilight.

"Oh, Twilight! What are you doing here?! Fluttershy asked. "Aren't you supposed to be at the train station picking up-"

"Discord?" Interrupted the Purple unicorn.

Fluttershy spun around, looking down at Twilight. She then saw the familiar missed match feet of a goat and a lizard. The little yellow pegasus slowly looked up from the feet, until her eyes were locked with the eyes of her Draconequus friend, Discord.

Fluttershy gasped, putting her hooves to her mouth. Discord smiled with closed lips and lowered brows at his friend. Fluttershy backed away so hurriedly, that she crashed into a nearby wall, within her cottage.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight yelled.

Twilight and Discord rushed to Fluttershy. Fluttershy raised her head and looked up at her friends. Discord helped her from the floor with his eagle hand. Fluttershy blushed heavily with embarrassment.

"You must be more careful, my dear" Discord said, with soft concern.

Discord wrapped his arms around the little winged pony and hummed happily. He then released her, looking up and down at his friend. Fluttershy turned her head slightly, looking at Discord. She flew close to his height but was at a loss for words.

Ever since Discord left for Canterlot, Fluttershy counted the days, hours and minutes that he would return. Now Discord was there with her. Fluttershy felt like a breathless feather, frozen in time.

"So you have nothing to say to me, pal?" Discord asked. "Its been a few days, back and forth for about three months. It seems like everytime I leave you have less and less to say to me."

Discord turned away from the silent yellow pegasus. His ears, long neck and wings drooping. Twilight and Fluttershy looked at the disappointed draconequus.

"Discord...-" Fluttershy started.

"You... You do not like my company anymore, do you?" Discord said with sad concern.

Fluttershy rushed over to Discord with tears in her eyes. She wrapped her front legs around him and held onto him tightly. The former Lord of chaos could feel the warmth of the winged ponies breath penetrating through his brown fur.
Discord lifted his lion paw, resting it on Fluttershy's head. Fluttershy looked up with widened eyes. She then smiled at him. Discord smiled back.

Twilight shook her head with a smile and left the cottage without saying anything to the two friends.

"Of course I missed you!" Assured Fluttershy. "I... I just always have so many emotions going through me when I see you. I'm afraid that with all of those better and high class ponies in Canterlot, that you would just want to stay there."

"Hogwash!" Exclaimed Discord. "Those are the worse type! All prepped and worried about their eyelashes! Ha! Besides... they are not you, my dearest Flutter friend."

Fluttershy blushed and turned her face away from Discords eyes. Discord lifted her face to his with his eagle hand while holding her small, yellow body with his lion arm. The draconequus and Fluttershy's eyes locked. Her eyes sparkled and twinkled. Discord's eyes were cool and relaxed, with the lids halfway lowered.

"My beautiful, friend. You never think anything of yourself. Not only are you important to your pony friends, but also to the whole of Equestria! You help lost and sick animals and most of all... You helped me. Does that not count for something? I feel that... If you do not care of yourself... then where does that leave my feelings for you, my dearest?"

"You... You have feelings for me?" Asked Fluttershy"

"But of course... You saved me from the depths of loneliness and gave me a new outlook within the world. Like being reborn" Explained Discord. "I... I feel like... I could just... Kiss you..."

Fluttershy released herself from Discords embrace. Discord closed his eyes and laughed. Fluttershy looked at him with a face as red as a cherry. She then flew into the kitchen.

The shy-winged pony begun taking food from her cabinets in an effort to lead the conversation somewhere else.

"Oh come now, Fluttershy" Discord chuckled "How many times have I threatened you with a kiss and you fly off. It is as if you have never been kissed before... Right?"

Fluttershy paused for a moment in her meal preparing. Her head lowered in embarrassment. Discord paused and looked at her wide eyed. He then started to go toward her. He stopped when she turned away and continued preparing the meal.

"How... How is that possible?"

"What is?!" Yelled Fluttershy. The upset pony turned to Discord, with a reddened face and tears streaming down her cheeks. "You say that I'm so special! Then... Then why is it that no stallion has ever... ever... even asked me on a date... none less a... A kiss..."

"Because their cowardly fools!" Trumpeted Discord. "They are afraid of your beauty."

"Oh and what about you?!"

"What about me?" Asked Discord.

"You go on and on about how beautiful I' am and then joke about kissing me! As if my emotions are a joke" Snapped Fluttershy.

"Do you want me to kiss you?"

Fluttershy paused. Her mouth became agape. She turned back to the food preperation trying to ignore Discords offer.

"I think you need it..." Discord declared calmly.

Fluttershy tightly closed her eyes, not even looking at what she was doing with the food. The little yellow pegasus felt the presence of him coming closer and closer until she felt his body heat mix with hers.

"It's alright Fluttershy... We are friends... Let us-"

Fluttershy felt the warmth of Discord's hands about to lay on her weak shoulders and fainted.


Discord picked her up from the floor and laid her on the couch in the living room. Angel Bunny started to fan her with a large leaf. Angel paused for a moment and looked at Discord with Disgust. Discord tapped his fingers together and looked at the angry rabbit with widened eyes.

"What?! I... I thought it would help her" Discord answered.

Angel Bunny shook his head and went back to fanning his passed out owner.

Suddenly Fluttershy arose from her fainting spell. She darted into the kitchen and started packing the food into a basket.
Discord and Angel Bunny looked at one another, then at Fluttershy.

"Are you sure that you are alright, my dear?" Asked Discord with concern.

"Of course!" Joyfully she replied. "I'm not going to let some silly dizziness get in the way of having a picnic with one of my best friends, that I have missed so much away in Canterlot! We have some catching up to do."

"Best... Friend?" Discord asked.

"Well of course, silly!" Laughed Fluttershy. "You have been living here with me for a while now and I know that you are going to try to buy your own place soon. I'll miss having you around. So I want to spend as much time with you as possible before then. Now come on. Lets go to our picnic spot"

Fluttershy flew passed Angel and Discord. Discord and Angel looked at one another, shrugged their shoulders and then followed Fluttershy out the door.

Discord and Fluttershy talked the afternoon away. They forgot about the lunch that she had prepared and went sight seeing. Discord knew every part of Equestria, so him taking Fluttershy and Angel on excursions were always a treat.

They went to secret flower patches. A rarely known area passed the EverFree forest where the mushrooms, plants and insects glow in the dark.

They even went to the Griffon Kingdom for specialty ice cream and snacks. This is when Fluttershy remembered that she had made a lunch for the three of them, as they were eating the meal in the cafe.

"Then let us forget this rubbish, and go back to the food that was prepared by the angelic, Fluttershy. For nothing prepared by these hooves should ever... EVER, be forgotten." Discord Yelled.

Fluttershy giggled and laughed. Discord then turned over the plate of food to the floor of the cafe and bowed before a shocked Fluttershy. The other patrons at the restaurant were not pleased. Discord took Fluttershy's left, front hoof and kissed it. This made the yellow pegasi blush and turn her face away.

Discord then took Fluttershy by her torso and flew out of the cafe, with lightening speed. Angel Bunny was left at the cafe, not very pleased at being ignored.

It was evening now. Luckily the lunch, now dinner was untouched by the woodland critters. The stars sparked and seemed to smile on the two friends. Discord and Fluttershy laughed about their adventures of the day.

"So then I told Celestia that I think... hmm... This is good, my dear-"

"Thank you" Fluttershy replied.

"I think that on hearts and hooves day I should make candy rain or grow candy flowers all over Equestria" Finished Discord as he ate Fluttershy's food.

"What did she say?"

"I have to think about that" The draconequus replied with some disappointment.

Fluttershy put down her meal. She placed a hoof on Discords eagle hand, looking up at him with a smile. Discord turned his head to her. He lowered his brows and smiled lightly. Discord turned his torso toward Fluttershy, laying his lion paw on top of fluttershy's hoof, that was resting on his other hand.

Their eyes locked and sparkled within the darkening evening. Suddenly Fluttershy remembered that Angel Bunny was not around. She turned her head away and looked all around her.

"What is it?" Asked Discord.

"Angel Bunny! I think we left Angel bunny back in that griffon cafe!"

"Oh... No... Too bad. Well that means that we are truly alone then."

"Yes, but... What does that have to do with anything?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Oh do not fret, my dear. I can just summon him here with my vast magic."

"Then do it! If... If you don't mind... Please...?"

"After we take care of the little matter of making you more open to the world" Said Discord, taking Fluttershy's face close to his.
Fluttershy blushed heavily and her light breath became warm and weak.

"What... What are you-"

"I'm going to show you... As a friend... What it feels like to be kissed." Interrupted Discord.

"Oh... Oh, my... Umm... We...-"

"Shh... Hush now, quiet now, my dear Fluttershy. Your friend Discord will make everything alright." Discord sung lightly.

To be continued!