
If I Go Crazy then Will You Still Call Me Superman?

The months flew by, since the two had patched things up. Kid and Maka were back on civil speaking terms although sometimes they would share an awkward glance as one of them said or did something that was a bit off. The group started hanging out together more. Kid and Liz started dating; it was odd at how at ease they were. And it seemed to spark something in Maka. She started acting strange around him again. Her face was constantly blushing, her eyes cast downwards, she was nervous.

It was starting to bother him. One night he finally had enough.

"What the hell is up with you?" he snapped. She practically jumped out of her seat and her book fell harmlessly into her lap.


"I asked what the hell is up with you?" he growled.

"I don't get –"

"Don't lie. You've been acting all nervous around me. What did I do?"

"Oh…" she took a deep breath. "You didn't do anything," she assured him with a bright smile before her cheeks turned red and she buried herself back into her book.

"What is it then?"

"I just had a conversation with Kid about something. Nothing important," she told him.

He felt his heart sink a little.

"Are you guys going to date again?" he asked quietly sinking into the couch next to her. He didn't bother with the television but he did prop his feet up on the coffee table. Maka scrunched her nose in distaste.

"No," she said sharply, "he is dating Liz you moron." She paused a moment before adding, "He just put something in perspective for me."

"Which was?"

"Would you drop it Soul?" she hissed standing up and letting her thick book slam into his head. He fell over off the couch in a vain attempt to avoid her sharp attack, Maka had leaned forward to reach him and he had grabbed her wrist a little too late to stop the blow but enough for them both to go tumbling to the floor. His instinct was to pull her to his chest to block her fall.

"Soul, get off me!" she squealed trying to push herself off of him.

"You're on top of me," he snapped trying to roll so that he could get on top of her and get them untangled. Their heads smacked together.

"Would you just sit still—"

They were cut off as Blair came pouncing into the room. She looked at them blankly for a moment before she doubled over in laughter.

"I knew it~" she sang.

"GET OUT!" they both screamed at the perverted cat before she even had a chance to make this anymore awkward. The cat shivered before quickly exiting their apartment slamming the door loudly behind her.

Both panting, Soul pushed her so he could sit up.

"That was extremely awkward," he mumbled. "Next time when you want to jump me just give me some notice."

He was trying to tease her and relax the situation but his comment only made her more flustered. She swatted his arm before trying to stand up. She tripped on the edge of the table and crashed into his lap.

"Klutz," he muttered rubbing his ribs that she had slammed with her elbows. He wheezed as she dug them back into his side trying to push herself up. It wound up with her practically straddling him. Her blush seemed to reach down to her neck and she crossed her arms, giving up with a huff.

"Why did I have to fall in love with an idiot like you?" she mumbled lowly.

He froze.

Her strange behavior before all made sense, all the blushing and nervous energy she had given off. That had been him not to long ago.

"It's impossible not to fall for a cool guy like me," he told her holding her chin up to give her a wicked grin. Her blush deepened.

"Still can't say it?"

"I will when it's the cool time to say it. Not when you're tripping all over me and a perverted cat is outside listening to us," he told her.

"I…" she laughed. "All this time, nothing even changed… yet… I just realized all this time—"

"Yeah that's how it hit me too," he told her, cutting off her rant. He really didn't like stuttering, it wasn't very becoming for the normally confident girl. "Actually seeing Kid embrace you was what really set me off," he chuckled. "I might have told him how I felt then… it was really uncool. I was practically screaming at him."

He was finally admitting to her how it had happened and why. He wasn't sure but he could feel his cheeks burning. He didn't really want to get into detail about that day. It had been awkward and he was more than happy to pretend that it never happened. This was something Maka brought out in him. It was almost a weakness, it was irrational despite his normally collected attitude. She was his kryptonite. Not that he would ever tell her that. That would just be uncool. That isn't to say he doesn't like it either. It was cool to have a weakness, at least one. It meant that he was the hero, that he had something to strive for and get better for. He just wasn't sure exactly how he was supposed to tell her that he was reduced to a bumbling idiot not too long ago because all of a sudden seeing her with someone else had been more hurtful than any cut from a sword.

"He told me," she said quietly. He felt a surge of relief wash over him, and quietly added that to the list of things he needed to thank Kid for.

He felt the sudden urge to lean forward. To seal their fate in a kiss, so to speak. It was too tempting to have her in his lap, and after all this time actually talking to her about it and knowing that she felt the same way. He refrained, it wasn't something he should do. They needed to think about this, they needed to make sure they could work—

Maka's lips were on his before he could really register it. He could feel their souls intertwining in a way that normally only happened when they were fighting, the feeling was intimate and almost dark and bittersweet. After all this time…

It didn't matter though because in the end it would all work out. He fought the urge to grin into the kiss.

"You guys have two bedrooms! Pick one!" Blair screamed from outside.

He laughed as Maka pulled away.

"Well… yours or mine?" he teased.

"Mmmmm… nice try Soul," she said standing and holding her hand out for him.

"You'll give in eventually."

"Yeah but not right now! We just started dating!"

"So you're going to go on a date with me? I didn't even ask. Cool," he smirked as she turned red.

"Whatever you know what I mean."

Of course he did. That's what soul mates did best was understand their other half.

A/N: Sorry about the long wait everyone. I don't have much of an excuse with this story being completed before I even posted it... but well, you know life gets in the way. I forgot I even had a computer :p. This story didn't have too much of the 'gang' in there. I would say sorry but I'm not. Sometimes I think it can get a bit overboard with the group interrupting everything every five seconds or emotions being very drawn out. So this was my shot at attempting to do a 'realistic' short story of the two in a very short condensed version. I hope I did well. :)