Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater…. Although I wish I did.
I Really Don't Mind What Happens Now and Then
"All I'm saying is that he has to be insanely jealous," Soul told his meister as they walked down the street together. He tucked his hands back into his pockets and tried to keep his bored expression in place as he studied the obviously flustered girl out of the corner of his eye.
"I don't get why," she sighed. Her hands raced up to clutch her forehead as she followed his lead up the street, trusting that he wouldn't let her fall into a pile of garbage or something of that nature.
"Well you do live with another guy," he answered. He quickly tried to hide his smirk as it escaped his bored façade but it was nearly impossible. He turned his head so that she wouldn't catch the look on his face.
"Yes but you're my weapon, of course you're going to live with me," she growled.
He frowned at her referral to the reason as to why they lived together. But she was right, they didn't really have much of a choice, and not living together at this point just seemed alien to both of them. It was out of the question to be apart. Still the smirk found its way back to his features as his partner continued to growl in distress of her 'situation'.
"Why can't he understand that? I mean he lives with his partners," she continued to growl.
"Yes but we're a lot closer than most partners aren't we?" he said softly as they rounded a corner. They were almost back to their apartment now, just a few more blocks and they'd be in the comfort of their home and enjoying the relaxing atmosphere of a night in together. Maka sighed and stopped walking. He paused to glance back at her.
"Well?" he questioned.
"Yeah you're right," she started. He grinned at her and cocked his head forward, telling her without words to come with him. She didn't budge. "I should go apologize to him… I was being inconsiderate about the whole thing—"
"You don't have anything to apologize for," he snapped before quickly reeling in his temper, losing your temper was so uncool. "It's his problem Maka," he started in a softer tone, "jealousy is something he'll have to get over."
Just like I did, he said to himself. Yeah he fell for his partner, somewhere along the way it had happened. He would have told her by now, if she wasn't dating him. He knew this jealousy he was talking about well, it haunted him constantly but he kept it in check. He just wanted to see her happy, alive and happy, that's all he asked for. And that's all that he has the power to do. Because although she might be his soul mate, she had yet to realize it, or maybe she did and refused to fall in love with him after seeing what her parents went through. He didn't really care, because again all he wanted was her to be happy and alive… it made the jealously much easier to bear with if he told himself that.
"But I should reassure him, you know?" she said as she started making her way towards him. "I should tell him nothing is going on between us and nothing ever will."
Okay maybe he hadn't said anything because that isn't the first time Maka has brought up 'nothing between us and nothing ever will be' crap. It would be totally uncool to be rejected. He isn't saying that being rejected is something that doesn't happen to him, he can accept it for the most part, but he was sure some stupid gossip monger would hear and spread it around school. He couldn't deal with that and having to face her every day knowing she didn't feel the same. It wasn't cool to fall for your partner and then be the laughing stock of the school when she rejected you.
"Soul?" her voice rang out cutting off his thoughts and he scoffed. Oh right he was in the middle of giving her some advice on the matter.
"Yeah whatever," he grumbled as he started back towards the apartment. He was surprised to find that they were already in front of the door and he eagerly shoved his key in and made his way to his room. He flopped on his bed and pulled out a record at random. He didn't want to hear the phone conversation in the next room, about how 'he had nothing to worry about' and 'we're partners and nothing more'.
He groaned. What was with him today? Normally he could act like nothing got to him. What was it about seeing another man hold her that rubbed him the wrong way? He couldn't help those snide remarks about how he normally got to hold her and how much time they spent together back at their place. It wasn't like him to act like this. If he kept it up Maka would catch onto him and it would put a strain on their soul resistance. Besides Kid was their friend. He genuinely liked the guy… just not when he was with Maka.
After what felt like hours he heard a soft sniffle over his music and a faint knock on his door.
"Yeah?" he called out lazily. He paused the music and sat up on his bed. He was expecting Maka to tell him to get his lazy ass up and eat the dinner she made since that was normally the only time she came to his door. He wasn't surprised to see Maka, but the frustrated tear stains on her cheeks and the hint of redness in her eyes did surprise him.
He patted his bed in offer and she rushed over. She jumped beside him and buried her face in his pillow.
"He dumped me," she said flatly.
He winced. His hand found her back and rubbed soothing circles there as her breath picked up.
"Jealousy?" he asked quietly. She didn't answer him for a long time.
"Yeah I guess…" her voice was muffled in the pillow. She let out a deep breath and turned her face to the side to look at him. "Why—"
"Don't you dare start doubting yourself," he snapped, "that's so uncool."
"Says the guy that calls me tiny tits," she sniffed.
"That's different," he told her patting her head condescendingly. "I'm allowed to criticize you all I want. Besides your tits aren't that tiny anymore."
She huffed in irritation as her face disappeared back into his pillow.
"I still don't get why," she mumbled.
He felt his heart drop slightly for her, he didn't like seeing her so distraught. Half the reason why he had called her names when they were younger was to distance himself from her and now all he wanted was to get closer. She was like a damn drug, a stupid smart girl, with a hell of a lot of determination and the weirdest shade of blonde hair he had ever seen. Yet it was Maka and it all worked for her, he liked that about her. If he was honest he would tell you he had fallen for her a long time ago, his recent bouts of jealousy were all that was really new.
"You're different Maka. You're innocent and yet too smart for your own good. It probably unnerves a lot of guys," he told her. She sniffed again but didn't say anything. He found himself timidly continuing, "You'll find the right guy eventually that can see all this good stuff. You just gotta find him… and when you do you have to give him a chance."
"What if he's jealous of you?" she whispered. He really hates when she starts doubting herself, not when he had so much faith in her.
"That's his problem. If he can't get over me being your partner he obviously isn't cool enough anyways. It's not like I would let you date a loser," he told her.
She laughed quietly into his pillow before rolling around to face him fully.
"I don't know what I would do without you Soul," she said brightly and she leaned up to give him a one armed hug.
"Yeah… me either," he said quietly as she pulled away and dashed out the door. She said something about how she should make dinner. He smiled as he trudged out the door after her.
A/N: First Soul Eater story… yup this isn't the last chapter. This will be continued and it isn't a long story. I'm already done writing it. :D… it distracted me from my other writings… hahahaha. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope I got these two in character. Also I know Kryptonite is an overused story title along with the lyrics but this just kind of stuck with me… Not a Song fic! Although the titles are related to the lyrics they aren't in order :p