Well everyone, Finals have taken the fight out of me, that's for sure. Word to all of you youngins out there, do NOT take more than maybe 16 credit hours at the most…19 has surely made my mind numb this semester.

Oh my, y'all, the feedback and favorites I've been getting have made me so happy! Y'all don't even know (ok you do, cause some of y'all are authors yourselves), I get butterflies in my stomach when I get a new PM or review.

I'm probably going to ask forgiveness everytime I post, cause I always feel so bad for posting so late, but I'm so so so sorry it takes me so long. The summer probably won't be any better, considering the classes, work, and volunteering I'm doing, but I'll still try to post as much as possible.

Disclaimer: all props go to J.R.R. Tolkien for the amazing storyline and characters he's created. I can at least say Jenny and Layla belong to me, as well as future OC's!

Ok everyone, here it is! Please enjoy.

"What're y'all doing on my property?" A clear, high women's voice rang out across the clearing. Despite the demanding tone, the companions could hear the nervous lilt at the end.

Layla tried to stand tall and act like her father would. She tried to be demanding like her mother, and brave like her brothers. But she was shaking and scared out of her mind. Despite this, she was still a sure shot. The warning shot caused one of the trespassers to fall out of the tree and she got a good look at him on the ground. His wide eyes met hers. He looked younger than he was, but his odd clothing put her on edge.

"Y'all come out now, I won't hurt you if I get some answers. That was just a warning shot, but I never miss." She lowered the shotgun a little, just that slight shift in weight making her nearly lose her balance. I cannot afford to be coming down with something right now, she thought as a wave of nausea hit her. Jenny scratched at the door, and Layla hoped the dog wouldn't think to get out via the doggy door in the front.

The rain grew and a man stood up from behind the old Ford. His clothes matched the boys, which made her wonder if she had some weird medieval cult in her backyard.

"My lady, we mean thee absolutely no harm." Her eyes widened when he put a sword on the hood of the truck and raised his hands, seemingly as a peace offering, but it just made her flip out even more. A freakin' sword was sitting on her lawn ornament. He began to slowly walk towards her. "My name is Aragon, and my friends and I have fallen in a certain, eh, predicament." He stopped after about 10 feet, still leaving 15 or so between them. The younger boy was on his feet now (his large, hairy, bare feet she noticed) and was standing like a deer in headlights. She met the older man's piercing blue eyes and raised her gun a fraction.

"Predicament? What sort of predicament? And who the heck is still back there, I can see y'all!" Layla bit her lip as 3 more boys that looked like the other dropped from the trees. Her blood ran cold when a small, angry looking, midget man with a beard as long as he was rolled out from underneath the tarp covering the back of the truck where she kept the horse feed, an ax dangling from his meaty hands. As a tall, lithe blonde man popped up from behind the truck holding a bow and arrow, she nearly stopped breathing.

Dear God, she was definitely outnumbered and her cell was inside. Not that she got service here in the sticks anyways. She hadn't thought about reloading, so she was completely out of ammunition, therefore powerless. Any nitwit would know this…so why did they still look afraid of her useless gun?

The rest of them, after a motion from the black haired man who's obviously the leader, gathered around behind him. The midget and significantly taller man stepped up beside the man, obviously trying to protect the youngsters who crowded behind them. The blonde dude kept his bow notched, but relaxed. The hairy midget (who she now realized was smaller than the boys) swung his ax at his side, like a pendulum. She could see the leader thumbing a knife at his side.

"Miss, I deplore you, please, lower your weapon and let us talk." The man raised his hands again. After a moment of silence, Layla nodded.

"If you'll get your friends to put down their ancient dinky toys, I'll get you out of my crosshairs." Swords, knives, arrows, a bow and an ax were thrown into a pile on the ground, the clanking of metal causing a ringing in her ears that didn't go away. Layla looked up at the men, her face feeling hot, but her fingers cold. "Damn", she whispered. With a rush of nausea, Layla could process she was falling before she hit the ground and blacked out.

When the girl's eyes had started to roll to the back of her head, Legolas and Aragon, being the closest, rushed forward to catch her. The elf ended up cradling her in his arms, swinging her up to his chest. Aragon caught her metal stick, holding it at a distance and carrying it daintily. Her ten gallon landed in the mud, forgotten amongst the activity. The hobbits and dwarf stepped forward and there was silence for a moment as they viewed her now visible features.

"She's very pretty", Pippin remarked. "Sort of looks like Rosy, don't she Sam?" Sam blushed and punched his arm.

"Just 'cause I haven't seen you in so long won't keep me from beating you bloody", quipped Sam.

Mary pushed his way closer. "Who do you think she is?"

Legolas held her tight, noticing she was shivering through the ghastly coat she was wearing. Although the rain was lightening up, the heavy clouds were keeping the temperature cool. The elf could feel more rain coming, though he wasn't sure when. What sorcery was keeping the weather so unpredictable? "Whoever she is, she's terribly cold. Although it's not very proper, we should see ourselves into her abode." He began to make his way to her house, staring at the strangeness of it in wonder and wariness.

Following him, Aragon motioned for the hobbits and Gimli to follow. "Legolas speaks the truth. Whatever this is we're dealing with, catching our death in this cold isn't going to help".

Still silent, Frodo held the ring close to him, wanting to feel its power. But, he didn't feel the usual rush of power he usually did. Confused, he walked dazed within the group, allowing himself to be pushed along empathetically. As sam passed him to collect the weapons per Aragons order, he couldn't help but notice his strange look and patted him on the back.

When Aragon reached the door to hold it open for his friend carrying the women, the dog inside was strangely silent. Shushing the group once again, he reached for the door handle and as soon as the knob turned a flash of brown crashed through the door. The large dog pushed her way past Aragon, towards the elf holding her owner. Whining, she nosed the girls' hand that was hanging down, looking up at the men with round and worried eyes.

Letting out a relieved breath, for he thought the canine would surely attack them, Aragon led them inside the home. Those who wore shoes respectfully took them off, but the hobbits made a mess. They stood in the kitchen, staring in wonder at the gadgets. Legolas nearly hit his head on the doorframe, and it seemed the doorframes leading out of this room (which seemed to be a kitchen) were just as low, if not lower.

The hobbits gathered in a corner, asking each other about their adventures. Mary and Pippin were able to make Frodo smile slightly, though Sam could tell something was wrong. They surprisingly spoke quietly, the simple joy of friendship distracting them from what the past couple of hours have brought.

The brown dog refused to leave the girls side. She nipped at Legolas' calves, caroling him through a low doorframe and into a sitting room. There, he laid the girl on a piece of furniture that had seen better years. He knelt by her as the dog lay by him. Gimli followed, as Aragon wanted to stay with the children, and watched silently from the doorframe.

"She is a pretty little flower, is she not lad?" Gimli smiled at the elf, who looked up at him silently. Gimli continued, "I know not why we're here, or where here is, but I do know that there is a specific reason this has happened. This may not be an elven virtue, but we dwarves do say 'The journey may lead you through twists and turns beyond your dreams, but each of those twists and turns bring something important into your life.' Granted, it sounds better in our tongue, but the meaning still rings true." Legolas looked back down at her, still quiet but grinning now. "There's a reason we're here. And I reckon she has something to do with it." He stroked his beard and walked into the kitchen area, where the hobbits had begun scavenging for food.

Fingers were combing through her hair, softly tugging and loosening the tangles. There was a cold, damp rag on her forehead. Soft tresses of hair tickled her cheek. She fought through the fog that clouded her mind and opened her eyes. A bottomless blue abyss stared back at her. She felt the rough woven material of her living room couch beneath her. Her still muddled mind understood that it was the blonde tall man with the bow and quiver of arrows that was kneeling on the floor next to the couch, leaning over her rather closely and playing with her hair. Oh those fingers…wait…the strange men…this was a strange man…the words stranger danger flashed through her mind and she finally seemed to really wake up. With a yelp, she sat up, succeeding in bashing her forehead into the nose of the rather surprised owner of the formerly mentioned blue eyes.

"Blasted woman!" Legolas shouted, alerting the rest of the group and bringing them into the room, weapons drawn. Your father would be quite disappointed in you if he heard that language on your tongue around a young lass, Legolas, he thought to himself as he held his bleeding nose. Even though she would never pass for a lady with such garb and attitude…he stood and looked down at her.

"Forgive me for startling you. I was checking to make sure you hadn't harmed your head when you fell" he spat, anger flashing at the pain. Fantastic, Legolas. What a quaint, reasonable excuse for practically bedding the girl.

"My thanks to the lady for putting the Master Elf in his place", Gimli snickered.

Please let me know what y'all thought!

I'm still looking for a Beta reader if anyone is up for it.

If there's anything you notice grammar or plot-wise (or if you just want to give me some ideas, directions you want the story to take, whatevs) feel free to PM me.