Johnny: Since i'm talking right now; i guess we are not fired.
Moonlight: Yet.
Ghostking: This is, not really that sadly, the last chapter.
Johnny: This story was a, and i should have seen it coming, disaster. Sorry to those disappointed, thanks to those that attributed to this disappointment of a story; and good riddance.
"...Sorry?" Moonlight asked. Johnny smashed his head onto the desk so hard, he left an imprint.
"I hate my life. Look, you each are going to personally apologize to each Sonic hero; and I don't care what happens to any of you. Personally, I hope some of the teams kill you." Johnny sighed.
"Well that's harsh." Monica crossed her arms.
"Noooo, harsh was plan B." Tatltails smiled at that thought.
"What was Plan B, he said regretting saying that?" Mark asked.
"A number of things; Dropping you in a volcano, Placing you on the moon, maybe leaving you all at Aperture in the hands of Wheatley! My personal favorite was the idea to place you guys in-between a portal to another dimension and then CLOSING IT AT YOUR WAISTS! NOW GET OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU!" Johnny screamed as they ran out terrified. "Sometimes, I love my job." Johnny smiled.
(Camera Transition)
"So basically; I'm Sorry for destroying your city, I'm sorry I stole your Wallet, i'm sorry I spent it on Sky-mall, I'm sorry I slept with Sonia, I'm-," Moonlight was interrupted by everyone; including Sonia.
"When the (Bleep) did I sleep with you?" Sonia said, genuinely confused.
"... that one time we met at Sonic's Halloween party; I was supposed to be Caboose from Red Vs Blue." Moonlight said.
"OH, MY, GOD!" Sonia shouted. Manic slammed the button on the wall and everyone, Moonlight, Monica, Jordon, and Sarah watched as a bunch of guns appeared; ready to kill them all.
"Well girls, this is it; we are going to die. I mean not me, because I have Toon Logic, so this is going to hurt like hell; but I'll still live. You two on the other hand…" Moonlight trailed off as he saw the angry faces. "Yeah, shutting up now."
"I always thought I was going to die by Ghostking; and a lot older. I haven't even had my first kiss yet." Monica sighed. Moonlight looked at her in shock and sighed deeply.
"Well, Moonlight, time to became a fugitive." Moonlight said to himself as he used his Blue cCaos powers to block the bullets as they started to fire. Protected by the bullets, Moonlight then used Purple Chaos to blow up the straps that bind him; also blowing him up in the process.
"Moron." Sarah sighed as Moonlight got up and undid the straps and easily broke out of prison. Unfortunately, they were prepped for Moonlight's abilities and used the chaos emeralds to shut off Moonlight's Chaos powers. Unfortunately, they didn't count for his amazing martial arts moves or his other abilities.
"Hey big guy!" Moonlight smiled at the huge guard in front of them. Moonlight tried to use his chaos powers, but it didn't work; the guard laughed. Moonlight smirked as his eyes flashed a brilliant rainbow for a sec.
"Puny Moonlight can't use his powers!" The Guard laughed; though he stopped suddenly when he saw his shoulder had a second Moonlight laying on it, sniffing a flower from nowhere.
"Can i ask you a question? What is the meaning of life? Are we all just simple pawns in a world ruled by a super existential being? A 'God' if you will?" Moonlight-2 asked as the guard was spinning in confusion.
"W-What?" the guard asked as another Moonlight appeared floating in front of him.
"Sorry, got carried away!" Moonlight-3 smirked. "Where was I, oh yeah! Meep, Meep" Moonlight kissed the guard to submission and dashed off with his friends, just to get caught in the courtyard by over a hundred or so guards.
"Any more bright ideas?" Monica glared.
Moonlight looked at his hand as he saw the silver spark flickering, "Just one." he smirked. He summoned every ounce of his strength into one ball of Silver Chaos and slammed it into the floor causing an explosion that surrounded the entire kingdom; basically the capital of Mobotropolis blew up...again, while Moonlight and his friends teleported away.
(Camera Static)
"I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T TAKE YOUR STUPID GREEN DAY CD!" Scrooge shouted as he continued to fight Bobby.
"This is pretty much all you people do here, huh?" Silhouette asked Lexi.
"Unfortunately, but at least it gets better." Lexi smiled.
"It does?"
"Actually no, it doesn't." Lexi sighed.
(Camera Static)
"I'M SORRRRRRRYYYYY!" Moonlight screamed as Amy held him by his tails over a volcano.
"About?" Amy asked, smirking evilly.
"I'm sorry that I ran off with Sarah, I'm sorry I ditched you at the wedding, I'm sorry I slept with your sister, I'm-," Moonlight was once again interrupted by Amy.
"...funny story." Moonlight chuckled before falling into the volcano.
(Camera Static)
"God damn it." Mark sighed as he, M.I.R.A, Gauntlet, and Jordon were stuck in another dimension with Ibli the Fire Fox, aka Moonlight's fire devil of a mother literally, after trying to apologize to Team Dimension.
"Remind me to murder Johnny when we get back." M.I.R.A side spoke to Mark.
"Ditto." Mark said.
(Camera Static)
"Where's Mark and the rest of them?" Vector asked to the charred hedgefox Moonlight.
"Soon to be dead; they gave me a list of apologies for you." Moonlight sighed as he read off the list. After he was finished, he started to make his own apologies to Team Chaotix.
"I'm sorry that I planted fake computer rooms everywhere, I'm Sorry I tried to use your stinger to write a letter, I'm sorry I slept with your sister, I'm-." For the third time, Moonlight was interrupted.
"You slept with my sister!" Espio yelled jumping up.
"Oh, come on! Who haven't you slept with!?" Sarah shouted. Moonlight began to think and pointed at Monica.
"DIE MOONLIGHT!" Espio shouted as he came at him with a katana as Moonlight sighed.
"This is going to hurt." Moonlight said as the image blacked out before the sword hit Moonlight.
(Camera Static)
Johnny snickered and laughed at the result of his handy work; Moonlight was still smoking and his tails continued to spontaneously sprout fire. He also had a bandage across his chest from being cut in half and crutches from getting his legs busted and a bandage across his right eye from being shot there; basically, he should be in a full body cast from his injuries.
Mark, M.I.R.A, Samantha, and Gauntlet all had similar injuries; being stuck with the true Flame of Destruction and Chaos caused mostly Mental and emotional pain with several busted bones and bleeding from extremities. Team Cahill, who were forced to deal with Shadow and Sonic, were also in crutches. Only Team Silhouette were standing strong; suffering zero damages and left with bad-ass attitudes.
"Well, now that all of you have apologized; we can begin packing up. Thank you Team Cahill, Silhouette. Miss Bangs, I expect you to be here at your new work time; which is technically anytime since you will be living here now." Johnny smiled.
"What?' Janice asked, raising an eyebrow.
"It's a job requirement; since I don't have a set schedule and could start working at anytime, my Employees must live with me for a sudden story to appear." Johnny explained.
"...GET HIM!" Everyone shouted as Johnny's 'Employees' jumped his butt.
Johnny: (In a full body cast in the hospital) ow, jerks.
Moonlight: Read, review, and check out our other stories please.
Sarah: (Smacked Johnny's head) Douche.
Johnny: OWWWWW!