A/N: Procrastination's a bitch huh? Can't help it, it's human nature. Sorry for the wait my friends.

What sick minded person thought that this would be fun? This was the first though that went through all the Guardians heads as they stared at the dark landscape plastered on the computer.

"What was this game called again?" North asked nervously. It was clear that he was not happy about playing some kind of horror game. It was earlier this evening that the Guardians received a message from one of the fan fiction writer's fans asking if they could play some game called "Slender". What kind of name was that anyway?

"Slender, the Arrival. It seems to be quite popular with the kids nowadays." Tooth answered, equally sounding as nervous as North.

"Yeah, Jamie and his friends are always playing this. I wonder what's so good about it? I heard it was about a creepy stalker dude who follows you in the woods while you collect notes. At least the creepy stalker parts sound familiar, right guys?" Jack noted. The others exchanged nervous laughs.

"Well what're we watin' fer, let's just dive in." Bunny said tapping his foot in annoyance. Why did he have to be here anyways? He had Googies to paint. It wasn't any better that he also had to be near the insufferable Jack Frost too.

Jack pressed start and the game began. The first to start off was Tooth since they all came to the conclusion that since this was a one player game they would each take turns.

Tooth was guiding her character along the path until she reached a red car.

"Oh, I think I found the first note!" She squealed. Then the music started.

"Uh guys, was that music there before?"


Tooth turned back to the screen and started running. She ran until she reached a cylinder like building. Tooth nervously walked through it scanning each side for the note. She gasped for joy when she found one.

"Hmm, "Always watches, no eyes." Well that doesn't seem friendly." Tooth turned the mouse to come face to face with Slender Man. She let out a screech that would break glass all the way in China. Too scared to move the mouse she ended up dying and losing the game.

"That… was… terrible…" Tooth said between pants. She held her chest to get hold of her breath. Jack wasn't doing much better, he himself was on the floor laughing too hard to make coherent words.

"Best…game…EVER!" Jack said between laughs.

"Did ya see yer face, sheila, it was priceless." Bunny joked. Tooth turned around, eyes ablazing.

"Well let's see you do better, Bunny." She growled. If it wasn't for Tooth's earlier appearance Bunny would have been afraid. He calmly took her seat and sat down, ready for the worst, and clicked play.

Now Bunny is a person who doesn't get scared a lot. Towering at 6'4" with boomerangs and egg bombs, along with martial arts experience, you would expect that much. But damn him if this game was not scaring him out of his wits. To say this game was scary was an understatement. This game was outright terrifying. Slender Man could give Pitch a run for his money.

After about four notes Bunny was feeling very confident. He hadn't even had one encounter with the faceless man. That was until the dreaded bathroom. At first he thought it would be a piece of cake, until he saw that it was a kind of maze.

"Damn it! Does this thing never end?" Bunny yelled. He turned the corner only to see Slender Man himself. Forget Tooth, Bunny's scream might have broken the sound barrier. Jack thought saw him jump at least three feet out of his chair.

Bunny quickly grabbed the mouse and turned around, hoping to get away from the man in the suit. He ran around the corner trying to find an exit, until he got caught in a dead end.

"No, NO, there has to be an exit!" Bunny screamed, immersed in the game. He turned around to try a different direction when Slender Man popped up behind him.

"NOOOOOOO!" Bunny shouted in terror. That was the end. Slender Man got him.

"Ha…Hahahahahahhaha." Jack hooted. Jack was once again rolling on the floor laughing.

"That was traumatizing." Bunny whispered. He got up shakily and opened a tunnel to his Warren and quickly hopped in. Never was he going to play that horrible game ever again.

That left only Sandy, North, and Jack left to play. Unfortunately Sandy had to go deliver dreams and North inexplicably disappeared when no one was looking. This only left Jack to play.

He quietly sat down and pressed play. No one was there to see him get all of the notes nonchalantly without even one encounter with Slender Man. Jack then felt a presence in the shadows and immediately smirked.

"So you find it to your fancy to stalk me on a constant basis?" Jack smirked. A figure formed out of the shadows and walked up to Jack.

"Yes, because I absolutely adore annoying little winter spirits like you. It's my guilty pleasure." Pitch droned

"If you must know I have been feeding off the most delicious of fears from you Guardians, all except for you. I wonder why that is?" Pitch grinned maliciously. Jack gave him a backhanded grin.

"Well when you fight fear itself and win, it's a little hard to get scared by a faceless man who took after you on the stalking and creeper traits. Been a little busy in your free time ain't ya Pitch." Jack simpered.

"Yeah, well I try my best." Pitch grinned. Pitch then disappeared into the shadows leaving Jack by himself.

Jack looked around before flying out to Burgess Lake. He walked around until he found an old tree with a hollowed out trunk. He looked around to see if anyone was watching (A/N: When I mean if anyone was watching I mean like other spirits or the Guardians.) and reached into the trunk. He pulled out a dark suit and put it up to his chest.

"If only they knew." Jack joked to himself.

~Line break~

A/N: Yah this was my kind of ending. I thought that since Jack was alone for so many years he had to find things to entertain himself with so he found a suit and used the wind to bring him up higher, so he looked taller, and since he couldn't be seen he was sort of misinterpreted and made in a story book kind of monster. Plus his pale face kind of made him look faceless. And so Slender Man was born. Yeah so pretty much I finally got around to actually doing some writing. I would appreciate any other suggestions from fans of what I should write about next. Thanks to all the followers, favourites, and reviews.
