Disclamer: I don't own kickin' it all I own are the people in the band

Marzz' P.O.V.

Hey! I'm Maria B but everyone calls me by my stage name Marzz B. I'm in a wold famous band called T.G.T.B.T. I'm the lead singer. The other people in my band are: our co-singer Niamh K, pianist Sammantha J, lead guitarist Luis C, bass player Sammy J and last but not least our drummer Ricardo M. I'm currently dating Luis, while Niamh and Sammy are crushing on each other. To add onto that Sammy's twin sister Sammantha is head over heels for Ricardo. Plus Ricardo is still learning about his new found feelings for Sammantha.

We are all super tired from the 15 hour long trip in our private jet and are currently waiting for the limo to come get us while avoiding the paparazzi in our awesome disguises I set up. Don't get us wrong we love our fans but we also need our privacy. OH! I just realised I never told you why we where here in Seaford. The band and I are here to visit some family that we haven't seen in a year. 30 minutes of waiting for our limo it finally got here and now we are on our way to the Strip Mall near by because it was only 2 in the afternoon and according to their and my family they should be practising karate at the 'Bobbie Wasabi' dojo. Well technically I came here to see my brother I've seen my dad many times while I was away so I don't miss him that much.

(at the Mall)

still Marzz' P.O.V.

We decided to split up to find the dojo so we'll be able to find the dojo faster and have a better chance of hiding from unwanted attention. While I was searching for he dojo I saw this tall brunette and a blonde with him I thought the brunette was my brother but I shrugged it of as I was 'seeing things'. After 15 minutes of searching I finally found the Bobbie Wasabi dojo right across from a fast food restaurant called 'Felafel Phil's'. When I walked into the dojo I saw a man with dirty blonde hair wearing a gi and he looked like he was in his thirties meditating. This must be he sensei of the dojo WAIT! My brother told me about this guy I think his name was Rudy, well there's only one way to find out.

"Hey are you Rudy Gillespie?" I asked the man

"Yes I am... Please tell me your not an undercover health inspector" Rudy said with hope at the last bit. I just chuckled and said.

"No I just wanted to talk to you... Maybe in your office"

"Sure, follow me" and that was exactly what I did. When I went in I saw an old couch so I sat on it, it was surprisingly comfy.

"So what did you want to talk about?" he asked me.

"I wanted to ask is one of your students Jack Brewer and if he is then where might he be?"

"Yes Jack is one of my students, he's actually the best one here, and he was jus changing... Might I just ask who are you?"

"I'm Jack's older sister Marzz B" and with that I took of the wig and sunglasses that I've been wearing. I looked at Rudy when he saw who I was he just stared at me than after 5 minutes he snapped out of it and started jumping up and down excitement.

"No WAY! I'm one of your biggest fans, I never knew Jack even had a sister!"

"Well then thank you I love my fans and will you odd me a favor?" Rudy nodded "When Jack comes out of the locker room tell him he has a surprise then open the door to reveal me" he nodded again and did what i told him. I said thanks and texted the band where the dojo was and they all replied with the same text 'kk c u in 30 xx'.

Jack's P.O.V.

I just finished getting changed so. Walked out of the locker room to see Kim stretching on the mats. I have a HUGE crush on her but I can't tell her that, she probably doesn't even like me like that back. I just love everything about her, her smile, hair, those brown eyes and anything about her you name it. Then I saw Rudy, he looked like he was waiting or me. So I walked up to him and before i could say anything he says.

"Jack someone i here to surprise you!" I looked at him confused and before i can speak again Rudy opens his office door to reveal my older sister, she looks at me then screams-

"JACKIE!" Marzz then runs up to me and jump onto me, I catch he and spin her around while we laugh. I then look over at Kim for a second and I think i saw jealousy in her eyes but i was to happy to think about it now. After one more spin I put Marzz down and I ask.

"What are you doing here?"

"What so now I cant see you without a valid excuse?"

"Yes 'cause last you came here you..." Trail of trying to remember what happened.

"I got you the rarest Bobbie Wasabi movie in the world" Marzz replies cockily

"Pshh, I knew that and thanks again"

"You still suck at lying and your welcome, you've grown so much you're taller than me now me now" she said fake pouting which only resulted us in bursting out laughing. Once we calmed down Marzz asked.

"Urm Jack care to introduce me to your friend over there" while pointing at Kim. I think Kim finally realised who Marzz was because her yes were the size of gulf balls.

"That's Kim, Kim meet Marzz and Mar-" i never got to finish because Kim started squealing really loudly. This caused the guys to run out of the locker room half dressed but the stopped on their tracks when they saw Marzz. Milton screamed his signature catch fraise 'HOLY CHRISTMAS NUTS' and fainted, Eddie stared and started drooling while Jerry just stood pointing at Marzz with big eyes and Kim was still squealing.

Marzz' P.O.V.

When Kim started squealing 3 boys ran out of he locker room half dressed, hey didn't Jack used to talk about them. The first boy had red hair so I'm guessing it was Milton, then a chubby African- American came out so I think that was Eddie and the last boy looked spanish so I'm guessing hat was Jerry. Anyway when they saw why Kim was squealing Milton screamed 'HOLY CHRISTMAS NUTS' then fainted, Eddie just stared at me then started drooling, ew, and Jerry just pointed at me wide eyed in shock. I just smiled at them and waved thinking Home Sweet Home.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading its my first story so be nice and review and tell me what you think of this chapter. I'll try to update everyday.

- Cookie-marzz29,, peace xox