Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblade or any of its characters.

Hi there. This is one of my first fanfics, and I decided to make one about the Blitzkrieg boys getting a dog. The first chapter is kind of boring, but it will hopefully get better once they have gotten the dog. :D

Anyways, Enjoy w

Kai was sitting on the red couch at the Blitzkrieg boy's house in Russia, listing to the loud argument going on between Tala, his red headed captain and Bryan, whom Kai nicknamed the lavender idiot. Spencer the tallest out of the group was standing in between Tala and Bryan, being the voice of reason. The midget of the team with his giant nose sat next to Kai playing his Nintendo DS.

Tala and Bryan were still arguing and Kai didn't have the slightest clue to as why they were even arguing, so the bluenette decided to listen in.

"I'm the captain and I get to make the decisions!" Tala yelled at Bryan with authority in his voice. He raised his hand in the air and pointed at Bryan. "I am getting one, and you have no say in it!" Tala finished and walked out of the room.

Kai still wasn't sure what they were arguing about, but if it was of any importance, he would find out eventually. Kai sighed and leaned back further onto the sofa. 'How did I get suck with these idiots' He thought to himself.

The room was silent with the only sounds being the noises from Ian's Nintendo DS. Suddenly the game sounds ceased and Ian's DS snapped shut. "Sooo what was that all about?" Ian asked.

Bryan walked out of the room in a rage of being reminded of the topic. Spencer sat down on the couch, "Tala wants to get a dog for some strange reason, Bryan doesn't want a dog because he thinks that it will destroy everything and poop everywhere. Personally, I take Bryan's side on this one, what was Tala thinking? We don't need a dog" Spencer explained.

Ian's face brightened at the idea of getting a dog, "We're getting a dog!? I've always wanted one! I'm defiantly on Tala's side!" Ian ran out of the lounge room and up the stairs to follow Tala yelling, "We're getting a dog! We're getting a dog!" Kai sweat-dropped.

The room was silent once again. Kai pulled out the DS chip in Ian's DS. The game that Ian was playing was called Nintendo: Dogz.

"So whats you're opinion Kai?" Kai didn't answer Spencer's question. Instead he sat there and thought of the options. If they get a dog, Tala and Ian would be happy and Bryan would be put through hell. Kai then thought of a brilliant idea. They would get a dog and he would train it to torture Bryan.

"We're getting a dog." Kai said. Ian and Tala ran down the stairs, but Ian fell and landed in the trash can that they kept at the bottom of the stairs. "Im okay!" Ian shouted from the trash can.

Tala walked over to Kai and said, "I bet you have the same thought in mind as I do." "Torture Bryan?" Kai asked. Tala nodded. "We're getting a dog, Bryan! Majority rules!" Tala yelled up the stairs.

"Ah, Fuck!" Bryan shouted from his bedroom, yelling out curses in Russian.

Tala and Kai both went out the door into cold Russia, grabbing their coats on the way. Ian got out of the bin and followed behind.

They were headed to the pet store.

Thats the end of chapter one. Sorry if it sucked... its one of my first trys... Once again the story will probably get better once the Blitzkrieg boys actally get the dog...
I thought of the story while playing fetch with my dog the other day. I can only say one thing about the story: Bryan's going to go through hell with the dog. xD

Thanks for reading.