"WHAT?!" I exclaimed. That couldn't be possible. It had only been two years since Garrett and I had been sexually active. I couldn't be…
"Kate, I've never been wrong about this before. Trust me, you're pregnant," Carlisle said, standing up. He'd been kneeling at my stomach, checking to see if I actually had a baby growing inside of me. "Don't worry, it's not like you've broken the record for the shortest amount of time taken to conceive. You remember Siobhan and Liam? They had only known each other for a year before their daughter Maggie was conceived. When I was living with the Volturi, I learned that Aro and his late sister Didyme were both born within three years of their parents meeting each other. And yes, they were both vampire children."
I looked down at my stomach, still not daring to believe it. Garrett pushed everyone out of the way to stand in front me, kneeling by my stomach the same way Carlisle had. He pressed an ear at my bellybutton. His now golden eyes that completely matched mine got wide as he apparently experienced the same sound that Carlisle had.
"He's not lying Katie," Garrett said as he slowly stood up. "There's a baby in there. I can hear its heartbeat; it was just like Carmen's." He kissed me then, long and slow.
"Do you have to be gross?" Nessie asked from behind us. At three years old, she now resembled a thirteen year old, and she was definitely taking some time to act like a teenager. Her bronze curls hung down to the middle of her back, and her hand was on her hip.
"Yes, yes we do," I told her, kissing Garrett hard with a loud smack, just to tease her. She rolled her eyes and went to stand next to Jacob. Now that she was growing older, and attracting the stares of many boys her age, Jacob rarely left her side. Nessie often referred to him as her older brother who scared the boys away.
The Cullen's were living in New Hampshire now, the need to leave Forks due to Nessie's unprecedented growth rate. Charlie had been getting extremely suspicious, poking his nose into the situation, not knowing how dangerous it was for him. Eventually, Edward had convinced Bella that leaving was the only option. The wolves Jacob, Leah, and Seth had gone with them.
Because we'd grown so much closer to our cousins after the Volturi confrontation, we felt the need to visit each other at least once a year. The Cullen's were up in Alaska, where Carlisle had announced my pregnancy.
Tanya came over to take her turn listening to my stomach, then Carmen, and the rest of the family soon followed, save for Jonathan and Natalia. They were playing in the corner twisted pieces of scrap metal we'd managed to come up with.
When everyone, even Nessie, had taken their turn, I stumbled back to the couch, still in a state of shock. I still couldn't believe that Garrett and I were having a baby after only two years. I couldn't comprehend that at this moment, I was carrying Garrett's baby.
It's not like we didn't want one. Every time I'd seen Carmen with Natalia, calling her niña, my entire being craved for what she had. In other words, I'd been experiencing intense jealousy for a year and a half now. I already knew that I'd love whoever was growing in my stomach just as much as I loved Garrett.
"I wish there was some way for her to hear the heartbeat," Tanya said. "She still doesn't totally believe us, you know. Carlisle, did you happen to bring a stethoscope by any chance?" Carlisle shook his head, but Carmen's eyes got wide, and she ran upstairs to her room.
After years and years of careful practice, Carmen was finally secure enough with her vegetarianism so that she too could work in a hospital. While not a doctor like Carlisle, she instead acted as a nurse, mostly assisting in childbirth. She'd previously received a degree in medicine, and after she'd helped a man she'd found on the road who was dying from blood loss, she could finally realize her dream. All of us had been ecstatic for her, celebrating for a couple days.
Carmen raced back downstairs, carrying a stethoscope. "I don't have much with me, but we're all issued basic supplies," she said, carrying the device over to me. She stuck it in my ears. "Tell me when you can hear something," she instructed me, moving it over my stomach to the area she desired.
A faint fluttering noise entered my ears, and I held a hand up for Carmen to keep the stethoscope where it was. I listened to the fluttering intently, connecting it with the memories I had of all of us crowding together to listen to Natalia's heartbeat while she was still in Carmen's womb. The sounds were almost identical. It was true.
"Oh my God," I whispered as Carmen removed the stethoscope, quickly carrying it back upstairs. I placed one hand over the spot where the heartbeat was, in a state of complete shock. I looked up at everyone gathered. "This is really happening, isn't it?" The question lingered for a moment before Tanya, Garrett, and I burst out in identical fits of insane laughter.
"Did we miss something?" Emmett asked, utterly baffled. We ignored him, and Garrett picked me up in a big bear hug.
"Don't squish me Garrett!" I said, still laughing. "I'm just a little more delicate at the moment, and I seriously don't want to shock you right now." As I said the words, a horrible thought dawned on me. My shock. "Oh my God, put me DOWN!" I screamed, all frivolity gone. Garrett immediately recognized this and set me back down on the couch, kneeling in front of me and keeping one of my hands in his.
"Katie, what's wrong?" he asked, concern lacing his tone. Tanya went to my other side, confusion set upon her features.
"My shock," I muttered. "You know how much pain Esme, Rosalie, and Carmen were in when they gave birth. And you all know that whenever I'm in pain, mentally at least, I naturally end up turning the shock on over my entire body. It'll be the same during delivery. The baby can't feel that, not when it's coming out. That might even be strong enough to kill it." I'd killed grown men that way, before I'd become vegetarian. The baby might possess vampiric qualities, but it still wouldn't fully be a vampire. And besides, it was a baby.
My words were a tangible presence over the room as the outcome sunk in. Not even Emmett was smiling anymore. Garrett's face turned fearful, an expression that I was sure mirrored my own as we realized what could very well be the fate for our unborn child.
Suddenly, Tanya sat up, pointing at Bella. "Bella's shield!" she exclaimed. "Bella, do you think you could expand you shield to cover the baby, but not Kate? That would be the only way to make sure everyone would be safe."
Bella looked doubtful, but I could see a sprinkling of hope that we could cling to. "I might be able to. Edward could hear Nessie before she was born. If I concentrate hard enough, and if I practice enough, I might be able to cover the baby, as well as Carlisle and Carmen and whoever else is working on it. It would take practice though."
"That's fine. You have months to practice," Tanya said. "You can do it. You were able to keep your shield around Garrett while taking it off of Kate at the Volturi confrontation, right? You'll be able to do this too. We just have to keep faith."
"OW!" I yelled, gripping on to Garrett's hand even more firmly. I was trying to hold in my shock for as long as I could until Bella got a direct line to the baby. She said she was almost positive she could protect it. For months we'd been drilling her shield, pushing her to maximum potential. Now, she could expand her shield so it was more than a bubble shape, but in any shape that she wanted. Just yesterday, she'd been able to shield Nessie, Rose, Carlisle, and Eleazar, who had all been standing in different corners of the room, without hitting anyone else. Edward had praised her for hours, but I was just relieved. Maybe now, my baby could be safe.
The Cullen's had decided to stay with us for the last week of my pregnancy up in Denali. I had been on bed rest for the last month, drinking the donated blood that Carmen had been able to bring from the hospital. As a result, my eyes had dulled a bit from the brilliant gold they'd been for the past few hundred years, but they'd go back easily enough.
My labor had begun this morning, and had dragged on all day. Esme and Rosalie had been enormous helps, keeping me informed about what was going on through the experience while Carlisle and Carmen worked on the actual delivery process and feeding me blood at regular intervals. Jasper's presence, too, was beneficial, keeping me as sane as I could possibly be. Bella was pressing her fingers to her temples in concentration, preparing for the task she was about to do. And Garrett never let go of my hand the entire time, no matter what. Tanya too, stayed by my side.
"Alright, Kate, in a moment you're going to have to start pushing," Carlisle said in a calming voice. "Just as soon as Bella gives the all clear, we're going to start this thing and finish it as soon as possible." I just nodded, squeezing Garrett's and Tanya's hands.
Bella walked closer for a moment until she was right beside Carlisle. Her eyes were closed, and I could tell that Carlisle, Carmen, Garrett, and Tanya were under her shield easily enough. A few moments later, and she nodded her head. "Baby's under," she said. "Kate's not. Hurry this up, Carlisle, I won't be able to keep this up for long."
Carlisle nodded, and told me to start pushing. The pain was almost too much to bear, and I couldn't help but exert as much shock as I could produce. After holding it all in ever since learning I was pregnant, I seemed to have a stronger force than usual, and each time Carlisle had me pushed elicited another shock from me. Each time, I could tell that it was easier for Bella to keep her shield up. Finally, Carlisle pulled away with a small screaming bundle, which he immediately handed off to Carmen, and she took it away to be cleaned up.
"You did it Katie!" Garrett exclaimed from beside me, kissing my forehead. I smiled back up at him, excitement like nothing I'd ever experienced washing over me. I needed for Carmen to hurry up and bring me my baby. I had to know if it was Lena or Levi…
Those were the names Garrett and I had decided on, for a girl or boy respectively. He had asked, if the baby was a boy, to name it Levi, after the brother he'd lost so long ago, and I hadn't minded at all. He asked me if it was a girl, if I'd want to name it after Irina, but I'd easily answered that question with a strong no. Somehow, I felt like that would be trying to replace my sister, and that was never going to happen. I could never look at my daughter as Irina. So we'd decided on Lena, a name that I'd always loved.
Carmen walked over the next second later, a wide smile playing on her features. I dropped Tanya's and Garrett's hands immediately, holding my arms out for my baby. Carmen placed the squirming bundle into my arms, and I brought it down by my chest.
Lena. She was Lena. Garrett and I had created our little Lena. She had Garrett's dark, dark hair on the top of her head, but her eyes were unmistakably a light, lily-pad green, the exact same shade mine had been before I'd been changed. She was still uttering a light wail, but when Rose handed me a bottle filled with blood and she began feeding, that wail stopped the second the moment the first drop of blood fell past her lips. Her flawless porcelain skin was marred only by the almost unnoticeable crescent along her forehead, identical to the ones Jonathan and Natalia still had.
Lena fed quickly, and then her mouth stretched into a little yawn and her eyes closed for a couple minutes at a time before she'd wrench them open again. I registered in my ears the familiar click of Alice's camera, but I was utterly fascinated and captivated by my daughter. Still, I knew I had to share my daughter, at least with Garrett. I turned toward him, unable to keep myself from smiling.
He took Lena gingerly, much like how Emmett had first held Jonathan or Eleazar had first held Natalia. There was a tenderness that was the same in all of them, like they weren't used to seeing anything that tiny and were unsure how to handle them without breaking them.
"It's just a baby, Garrett, you aren't going to break her," Tanya said, easily mimicking my thoughts, rolling her eyes and laughing. Garrett paid her no mind, as captivated as I was at our daughter's face. Alice made him get down on his knees so she could take a picture of the three of us, and he did so, still unspeaking. Alice clicked her camera a few more times, and then Tanya took Lena from Garrett, announcing her turn to hold her niece. Only then did Garrett turn to me.
"She's perfect," he breathed before kissing me. I kissed him back with equal fervor, relishing in the miracle we'd been able to create. Lena solidified our family, making us feel even more complete. If only Irina were here…. But Irina would never get a chance to meet her niece, just like so many other things she was cheated out of. Garrett immediately noticed my thoughts turning towards my sister. After two years of comforting me, he knew even the smallest signs that betrayed my thoughts. He stopped kissing me so he could whisper quick words into my ear.
"You know she'd have wanted this for you," he breathed so quietly I was unsure whether anyone else could hear it, even with their advanced senses. "Honor her. You know that we've wanted Lena for years. Irina loves her too, wherever she is."
His words did the trick, as they always did. I turned my head so that I could kiss him quickly one last time as Lena was passed around the room, finally having fallen under the temptation of sleep. I was so mentally drained that I wished that I could join her, just for a couple hours, if it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't bear to take my eyes off her. She was my life now, even more so than Garrett. She completed us.
And even though I remembered fighting against him, thinking that the kind of love Garrett and I had would only equate to weakness, I was never happier to have been utterly wrong. Sometimes, what love leads to is pain. Irina proved that. Her love for Laurent led to her death. But I understood her blind devotion, her psychotic reactions to his death. And wherever she was now, perhaps she was with Laurent. For this first time, I asked myself if her death was actually beneficial for Irina. Was it possible that now, she was with her mate again? Did she even have a desire to live without Laurent?
Before, I would have scoffed at the idea. Why would Irina need Laurent in her life? She'd barely even known him. But I remembered Alice's vision, of the outcome if the Volturi would have attacked. I'd have thrown myself into the fire that was consuming Garrett, killing myself as well. At that time, I'd only known him for mere weeks. Love truly was the most powerful force in this world.
And when Lena was placed back in my arms again, when Garrett leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead, I felt as though my heart had swelled again. My daughter, my husband, and me. Together, we were invincible.
"Mom! Dad!" I heard a voice call out. Garrett and I were at the airport, craning our necks to search for our daughters. We'd taken a much needed vacation to Indonesia for a couple months, satisfying Garrett's wanderlust. And still, after a hundred years, our passion hadn't dimmed in any way.
I turned towards the voice of Lena, who'd always been the more outgoing of my daughters. She was Garrett born again. Anastasia is quieter and more reserved, like I am. As always, Garrett was able to find who we were looking for first, being so much taller than I was. He quickly spotted the two girls, as well as the rest of our family, and led me over to them.
After 15 years, we were all returning to Denali. We'd been forced to relocate due to suspecting humans for a time, but we always came back. Tanya had been insisting on a change of scenery, so we all packed up and moved out to Massachusetts, where Garrett had been born. But we'd been homesick for our lovely wooden house in the snowy forest, the white mountains in the distance. Tanya had called me to inform Garrett and I of the unanimous decision to go back, and we'd both agreed wholeheartedly. As a result, we had flown in to Anchorage, where the rest of the family was waiting.
Standing on my tiptoes, I finally made out the forms of my family through the dense crowd of people. Anastasia was easily the tallest, standing at six foot one, almost as tall as Garrett, after 21 years of growth. Lena, of course, was fifteen years older, but they looked to be the same age, seeing as Garrett and I had changed them after the same number of years.
Anastasia saw Garrett and I almost at the same time we saw her, and turned to tell the rest of the family, her long blonde hair whipping around as she turned. Tanya pushed her way towards us, her mate Keith trailing behind her. I'd been so happy when Tanya had finally found a mate and husband in Keith. He was a wonderful person, and fit in easily with the rest of our family. And better still, he loved my sister with all his heart, which is all I could have ever asked for.
Tanya quickly came up to us, and enveloped me in a hug. She was bouncing up and down on her toes, a clear sign that she had big news to tell us. I quickly went through the possibilities in my head, and selected the one I was almost positive would be the outcome.
"You're pregnant, aren't you?" I asked her, eyes lighting up. Tanya gave me a frustrated look at the fact that she hadn't been able to get the words out, but couldn't be angry for long. She just seemed to be infused with more bubbliness than usual.
"Yes! We're so excited!" she gushed, taking Keith's hand. Lena, Anastasia, Carmen, Eleazar, Natalia, and Adrian (Natalia's brother), came up just a second after Tanya's words, and hugs were exchanged everywhere. "Anyway, Alice called a little while ago, and the Cullen's just want to hope that you had a good trip," Tanya informed Garrett and I. Currently, the Cullen's were living in New York, so they weren't coming today. Still, we saw them frequently and still enjoyed their company after so many years.
"I can't wait to get back to the house," Tanya trilled, leading the way to the car. She and Keith took the front as usual, and then Carmen and Eleazar the next section, then Natalia and Adrian, and Lena and Anastasia. Garrett and I sat in the back, as was our preference.
"I can't wait to go home," I sighed, settling my head on his chest. "As much as I love travelling, I miss my snow."
"Maybe next time we can go to Russia," Garrett teased. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Or maybe England," I responded, causing Garrett to wrinkle his nose in distaste. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing. 350 years of life, and he still hated England with a passion that I'd never seen before.
"Oh, and by the way Katie," Garrett leaned his lips down close to my ear. "Happy anniversary."
I swelled with satisfaction at his words. 100 years to the day, Garrett and I had been married. We'd been able to have two beautiful daughters in that time, and never, not once, had I ever wished that I'd never met Garrett. No, just the opposite, I couldn't imagine what I would've done if he hadn't come into my life. I still loved him just as much 100 years ago as I do now.
And so I kissed him, marked 100 years of friendship, joy, but most of all, love. Always love.
A/N: And there you have it. The longest, and best, thing I have ever written. Kudos if you read the whole thing. It was ridiculously long... I know. But hey, you're lucky you got this today at all. Literally, seconds after I separated this thing into chapters, I got news that my grandfather died. You honestly don't know how lucky you are... Anyway, this marks the first in my series of Twilight fanfics. I'm writing another one on Kate and Garrett right now, which will be very AU. But I'm also open to taking requests on certain things, just as long as they're not like "Do Carlisle's POV of Twilight". I will mostly work with AU. The only reason this was semi-canon was because Kate and Garrett gave me so much room to explore. But anyway, back on topic, I'll take reviews for most any AU scenario you can cook up for me, with your preferred pairing. I refuse to write Edward/Bella, but if enough people want me to do it, you might be able to persuade me to do a Bella/Jacob. Anything other than that, just PM me. Hope that you liked this, and please review!