You have every right to hate me. I haven't updated in two months, so kill me. Sorry, I guess I lost inspiration for this story. But reread it yesterday, and I decided to keep writing. So sorry again. But here is the third chapter of Falling for Your Best Friend.


I enter the school gym at 8:00 hand in hand with Justin Cole. I was having fun. I think. Well, I was trying to have fun without having that mental image of Zander and Molly dancing, holding hands, hugging, and -barf- kissing. Anyway, the gym was decorated with streamers and balloons. Up on the stage, there was a DJ playing some old song. Off to the side, there was a table with snacks and drinks and such. No one was dancing at the moment, mostly just talking and socializing. I saw Kacey standing near the drinks. I smiled at her and waved but I couldn't help but wonder where Dean was.

Justin let go of my hand and turned to me, "Hey babe. I'll be back, okay?"

Before I could answer, he left. I frowned at this. What type of date leaves right away? I bet Zander wouldn't do this. I sighed and made my way over to Kacey.

"Hey Stevie! You look perfect!" she exclaimed while hugging me.

I pulled away and returned the compliment, avoiding the word 'perfect'. She was wearing a strapless hot pink dress with high heels to match. Kacey's hair had small curls in it and was pinned back with a sparkly pink clip. She wore white earrings and a white anklet.

Nelson, Grace, and Kevin joined us. I gave a small hug to Grace and told her she looked amazing. She really did. Grace was wearing a pale yellow dress and gold heels. Also, a gold bracelet and gold earrings. Her curly hair was set in two low pigtails with gold sparkly hair-ties.

Nelson wore black dress pants and a white dress shirt with a yellow checkered tie. Kevin wore black dress pants, a black dress shirt, and a pink and white tie. I couldn't help but notice that the Nelson's ties matched Grace's dress. More specifically, I noticed that Kevin's tie matched Kacey's dress. I wondered if Dean's tie matched Grace as well.

Grace interrupted my thoughts, "I'm really enjoying my time! Especially since I'm here with Nelson." Grace turned to her date and pecked him on the cheek.

Nelson broke into a giant smile and then said, "Speaking of which. Kacey, where's Dean?"

Kacey lowered her head and spoke softly, "Oh, um. Dean ditched me. He sent me a text an hour ago saying that he didn't feel like going anymore.

"What?!" We all chorused. I felt really bad for Kacey. She was waiting for this moment for so long!

Kevin placed his hand on Kacey's shoulder, "Don't feel bad, Kace. His loss. So-uh- do you want to be my date instead?" he questioned hopefully.

Kacey looked up and took Kevin's hand. "I'd love too!"

I smiled at the new couple, but then sighed. It seemed like everyone got to be with something they were happy with. Everyone, but me.

Nelson turned to me, "Where's your date, Stevie?"

I shrugged my shoulders and gave a small smile, "I don't know. He left and said he'll be back."

"Hey!" Kevin shouted. "There's Zander!" My eyes followed Kevin's finger to see where he was pointing.

Zander was standing near the entrance of the gym, hands shoved in pockets. But surprisingly, no Molly. I furrowed my eyebrows and said to my friends, "I'm gonna go talk to him."

I made my way through the crowd closer to Zander, and I was quite surprised to see what he was wearing. Zander wore black dress pants, his black Vans, a white dress shirt, and a purple and white striped tie. I couldn't help but think that his tie matched my dress. But I pushed that thought aside and walked up to him.

"Hey Z!"


I just entered the gym with Molly clinging onto me. I know Molly told me to wear a suit with a red tie, but I settled on a dress shirt and a purple tie. Of course, that's the first thing she said to me when I picked her up. She also pointed out that I forgot the rose. Truth is, I didn't forget it. I just didn't want to waste a rose on Molly. Molly wore a short leopard-print and red dress that barely covered up the parts the needed to be covered up. Her face looked like a coloring book, but it seemed beautiful to her. So basically, she was dressed like a slut. The moment we entered the gym, Molly pressed her body against mine and whispered in my ear, "I'll be back." And with that, she disappeared in the crowd, swaying her hips very fiercely. Her breath stunk. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair and searched for Stevie and the rest of my friends.

"Hey Z!"

I turned around and saw the most beautiful girl ever. In other words, Stevie. She was wearing a royal purple dress with a silver strap underneath the chest area. Also, the neckline was silver. It was paired with silver diamond earring, a silver necklace, some silver bangles, and small silver heels. There was little make-up on her face, but you could see faint blush, some eye-liner, and her lips were a little glossier than usual. Her brown curls were let loose, but some of her hair was braided into a headband.

"Zander?" Stevie's voice interrupted my thoughts and I blushed after realizing that I was staring at her.

"Oh-uh. Sorry. But, WOW! Stevie! You look beautiful!"

I saw her cheeks turn pink as Stevie smiled and bit her bottom lip, "Thanks. You don't looks so bad yourself."

I nodded in thanks and then realized that Justin was not with her. "Where's your date?"

"He's- I don't know. He left somewhere and said he would be back, but I see know sign of him so...yeah. What about Molly?"

"Same here. She probably went to the bathroom her something." I craned my neck to see if I could spot Molly anywhere. Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, I did find her. Sitting on Justin's lap. Kissing. No, not kissing. More like swallowing each other's faces. I widened my eyes in fury, but not because my date ditched me. Because Justin left Stevie. Who wouldn't want Stevie? She is beautiful and talented and smart and funny and she can kick butt and she's-WAIT. Stevie should probably know about this. I gave Stevie an apologetic look and pointed towards our used-to-be-dates while saying, "Found them."

I looked over to see Kim's reaction. At first, her normally bright eyes clouded over, but it was quickly replaced by a sigh and a shrug of the shoulders. "Whatever. He wasn't that special anyway."

"You okay with it?" I questioned, concerned.

"Yeah, I guess. Like I said, he wasn't that special. And Molly always gets what she wants, doesn't she? Well, I guess since I'm all alone, there's really no point in me being here. I'll see you tomorrow, Z."

Stevie started to leave, but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back. "Wait. Since we're both alone, why don't we be together?"

She gave me a confused look. "As..."

"As dates."

Stevie smiled and said, "I'd like that."

"Well then, Steves. Would you like to accompany me in a lovely dance?"

Stevie sighed. "I'd love to, but I can't dance."

"Never fear! Zander Robbins is here! It's not that hard. Come on, I'll teach you," I said in my most heroic voice.

"Okay," she giggled.

I led Stevie to the middle of the dance floor just as a slow song started to play. I placed my hands on her hips and brought her closer to me. "Put your hands around my neck," I instructed.

Stevie's arms went behind me neck, bringing us even closer. I adjusted my hands so they were comfortably wrapped around her. For the first minute, Stevie watched our feet so she could get used to the movements, while I studied her. I took notice of every detail of Stevie's face. How her eyelashes curled perfectly. How her hazel eyes darted from foot to foot. How her nose was small, but had the perfect curve. How her light pink lips were glossed to perfection. How soft they looked. How tempting it was to just lean in and capture those lips.


Honestly, I wasn't all that sad or surprised about Justin. After coming to the dance, I realized that the days I liked Justin were over. And Zander? Well, there might be a special place for him in my heart. And then Zander called me beautiful, which of course brought a blush to my cheeks. And then I realized something. Justin never told me that I looked good. In fact, he never said anything about my dress. When Zander pointed out our 'dates' eating each other's faces, I felt hurt, but then happiness. I was glad I found out the truth about Justin before things got complicated. And like I told him, I wasn't feeling anything special with him. Also, I couldn't help but feel happy that Zander was now dateless. But when Zander dragged me back and asked to dance, I was surprised. Zander Robbins-THE ZANDER ROBBINS-wanted to dance with me. My mind did a little happy dance as Zander led me to the middle and instructed me on where to put my hands and how to move.

After a minute or so, I go used to the foot movements, so I looked back up at Zander. Weirdly, he was staring at me. "Zander," I said. Still nothing. It was as if he was in a trance. I felt Zander's gaze go down to my lips, and I suddenly felt very self-conscious. "Zander?" I said, a little louder this time.

"Huh?" Zander snapped back to reality and had a confused look on his face.

"You were staring at me weirdly. Like you were in a trance or something."

"Oh, sorry. It's just that, well, you look so beautiful."

The heat rose to my cheeks. What does this boy do to me? "Thank you," I whispered. I cleared my throat, trying to get rid of the awkwardness. "I'm sorry about Molly. You know, the whole ditching you thing."

Zander shrugged. "I'd much rather be here with you."

I looked up at his eyes in surprise, blushing once again. The third time today and all because of Zander! Still, I managed to roll my eyes. "Yeah, right. You're just saying that."

Zander shook his head. "No, I'm serious Stevie. Truthfully, I'm glad Justin and Molly are together. I'm glad I get to dance with you instead of Molly. You're a million times more beautiful and smarter than her. She's here dressed as a slut and definitely acting like one, but you're here acting like, well, you're being you. And that's all I need."

I looked down as my face started to heat up. Blush #4. "Stop," I whispered. "Stop saying that I'm beautiful and wonderful and all that. It makes me feel insecure."

"Insecure? Steves, compliments are supposed to make you feel better about yourself."

"I know, but whenever I get compliments, I feel like I'm being watched so much and that makes me feel insecure."

Zander whispered the next part, "And believe me. The view is stunning."

Blush #5. The song switched to an older song that always made me smile.

Do you remember when I said I'd always be there.
Ever since we were ten, baby.
When we were out on the playground playing pretend.
Didn't know it back then.

Now I realize you were the only one
It's never too late to show it.
Grow old together,
Have feelings we had before
Back when we were so innocent

I pray for all your love
Girl our love is so unreal
I just wanna reach and touch you, squeeze you, somebody pinch me
This is something like a movie
And I don't know how it ends girl
But I fell in love with my Best Friend

Through all the dudes that came by
And all the nights that you'd cry.
Girl I was there right by your side.
How could I tell you I loved you
When you were so happy
With some other guy?

Now I realize you were the only one
It's never too late to show it.
Grow old together,
Have feelings we had before
When we were so innocent.


I know it sounds crazy
That you'd be my baby.
Girl you mean that much to me.

And nothing compares when
We're lighter than air and
We don't wanna come back down.

And I don't wanna ruin what we have
Love is so unpredictable.

But it's the risk that I'm taking, hoping, praying
You'd fall in love with your best friend

[Chorus x2]

I remember when I said I'd always be there
Ever since we were ten baby.

I guess Zander noticed me smiling because he asked me, "What are you smiling about?"

"This song."

"What song is this?"

"Best Friend by Jason Chen. It's about these two people who are best friends, but they fell in love. Actually, this song is the reason my parents got together. They were best friends and they went to prom together, but just as friends. This song played and they danced to it, realizing that they, too, were in love with their best friend." After saying this, I noticed how similar it was to Zander and I.

"Wow," Zander said, kind of surprised.

"Yeah, I know. But it's crazy, isn't it?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, "What is?"

"I don't know. The whole falling in love with your best friend," I answered carefully. I knew I was falling for my best friend, but I just wanted to get his opinion on it.

More couples started to walk onto the dance floor and slow dance. Zander pulled me in closer making me take a whiff of his vanilla scent. He shrugged, "It might be crazy, but it's also..."

"Brave?" I offered. Zander furrowed his eyebrows in confusion so I continued. "I mean, when you date your best friend, you're taking a lot of risks. The relationship needs to be so special that the person can be your boyfriend and your best friend. And then there's the issue of the break-up. If something goes wrong in the relationship, you lose your best friend in the process."

Zander brought me even closer to him. Now our chests were touching. He whispered to me, causing shivers to travel down my spine. "But if you really love that person, you should be willing to take that risk. I know I am."

Woah. I have a feeling we aren't talking about two random people now. We are talking about us. WAIT. That means he likes me. Right? WAIT. Am I willing to take the risk? Yes. I am.

I smiled at Zander. "Yeah? Well you're not the only one."


I'll admit I was pretty scared when Stevie started talking about the risks. It seemed like she wasn't willing to try it out. But she was right. Falling in love with your best friend is a pretty big commitment. But I really love Stevie, and I was willing to take the risk. After I told her that, she seemed to think for about. She probably connected the dots and found out that I like her. No, love her. Now I was even more scared. She's gonna reject me. She's gonna say I never fell in love with my best friend. Or she's gonna say that she can't take the risk. Oh God. I probably lost my best friend just by telling her how I felt.

"Yeah? Well you're not the only one." she said while smiling at me.

What? Wait, did she just say that she loves me back. She did, didn't she? SHE DID! My mind screamed in joy and my mouth transformed into a giant grin that probably made me look like an idiot. Stevie's smile also grew and we ended up laughing in the end.

"I guess falling in love with your best friend isn't that crazy after all," Stevie said, still laughing.

"No, you're right. We are gonna have a crazy time!" I exclaimed. We laughed again, earning some glances from other couples on the floor.

For the next hour or two, Stevie and I just danced and talked and laughed. Sure it wasn't any different from how we usually act, but it did feel a little more special. About two hours later, Stevie and I decided to leave. We told our friends that we were heading out, and we exited the school, hand in hand, headed for my car. The ride to Stevie's house was only five minutes so I just put on some music and we sang along.

I pulled up into Stevie's driveway and turned off the engine. After helping her out of my car, I walked her to her front door. "Z, thanks for tonight. It was really..."

"Perfect?" I joked, knowing she despised the word.

Stevie rolled her eyes. "Not perfect. Amazing. Wonderful. A dream come true."

I chuckled and leaned in closer. Stevie seemed startled at first, but caught on and closer her eyes.


Why is he leaning in closer? OH! He's gonna kiss me! EEEEEEEP! STEVANA! Don't be an idiot!Close your eyes and lean in! Oh yeah. I should probably do that. NOW!

I closed my eyes and leaned in, finding a warm pair of soft lips capture mine. The kiss was soft and sweet, not too long, not to short. After eight-ish seconds, we both released each other, smiling and grinning like idiots. I leaned my head back against the door and sighed. "That. was. -"

Zander interrupted me, "Wonderful? Amazing? A dream come true?"

I laughed. "No. That was perfect."

Zander faked a gasp. "Woah. Is the Stevie Baskara saying that something is perfect?"

I laughed again and lightly slapped his arm. "Oh, shut it, Z."

We both laughed and suddenly, Zander widened his eyes. "Stevie! What time is it?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and shrugged. "I don't know. I don't have my phone. Why?"

Without answering, Zander dug through his pockets and pulled out his phone. "10:19." He sighed.


Zander smiled at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I need to keep track of what time it is when I kiss the most beautiful girl."

I giggled and blushed. Blush #5.

Zander laughed. "That's the fifth time you've blushed tonight."

I laughed as well. "So you've been keeping track of that, too?"

"Of course!" Zander answered. "I need to know how many times I made my beautiful girlfriend blush!"

Blush #6.

WORD COUNT: 3,117!

This is probably the last chapter of the story. If you really want me to continue, say so in the reviews, and I might add some more chapters. The song I used is Best Friend by Jason Chen. It is NOT an old song, it's actually fairly new. Jason Chen is a YouTube singer so make sure to check him out. I will post the links to the girls' dresses on my profile if any of you want to see. And remember. If you want more of this story, be sure to review, favorite, and follow!

Until next time...