Hi All! I've read so many great Hobbit fanfiction and thought I would give it a shot myself. This is my first time EVER writing a fanfiction story so please, go easy on me. I am always willing to take constructive criticism! Anyway these first few chapters will just be to introduce my character. I know, BOOOORING, but I need to get that all established before getting into the real fun. Enjoy and review please!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, but my own character!

A New Unexpected Adventure

She was alone now. Well and truly alone. Nobody would be there for her when things went wrong and no one to tell her everything would be okay. Lily had been laying in her bed for what seemed like days. The only person in her life that meant anything to her was now gone. So she laid there, feeling like she could die right then and there. Just wither away into nothing and no one would even notice. Sighing softly she moved her dark red locks away from her face and looked over to the letter that was left to her by her only family member. Her grandmother, Maerwen Ember, had been the light on the other end of any dark long tunnel Lily had ever been on...and now, she was gone.

Lily never knew her mother or father...no brothers or sisters...no aunts or uncles. It was was just her grandmother and herself. It had always been that way. She barely remembered the phone call that her grandmother had passed away in her sleep. It was peaceful of course, but it was still felt like her world ended. Giving a light groan she pushed herself up from her bed, the covers falling from her pale shoulders to her small waist. Her green orbs glanced at the letter sitting on her desk across the room.

It had been 7 days now and she had yet to open it. She could just leave it there...pretend that it didn't exist. Yeah, that sounded way better. Lily slowly pulled her feet off the bed and let her feet touch the carpet of her floor. Every muscle in her body was telling her to get back into the bed, but she knew not leaving her room for 7 days had probably lost her the job she had managed to keep this long...and since money was needed to keep this apartment she had, it was imperative that she make sure she still had that job.

She began walking towards her closet to get dressed, but a feeling washed over her...it was so weird. Even as she pulled clothes from the hangers and brought them over to her bed she still felt it. It wasn't until she looked back over to her desk, to see if she had left her hair tie there, did she notice a soft glow from the letter. She briskly walked to it and sat down in her desk chair. With letter in hand she looked it over. It was like nothing had happened. The glow was gone. Was she imagining things? Maybe all the stress went to her head.

Well, the letter was in her hand for the second time since she had received it. Might as well open it.

As slowly as she could she peeled away the back of it and opened it. As though it was a bomb ready to explode she ducked slightly. When nothing happened she sighed and pulled the letter out of the envelope. Not wanting to delay the inevitable she opened up the folded piece of paper and began to read.

My dearest Lily,

I know how hard life must seem now that we're apart, but do not fret my child. For the answers you seek will soon be revealed. You have told me how different you are from other and how you feel so out of place in this world. I want to give you that chance to fit in, to find out who and what you really are. You do not belong here.

I am sorry that I had to leave you, but it was my time. Being on earth for 286 years was long enough for me to see the happiness that I needed. You were the light in my life my little Lillith. Do not ever forget that you will always be seen that way to all those you bring close to your heart.

I hope you remember the path in the forest I told you to never go down. I want you to go there. Sit beneath the weeping willow and wait for the sun to fade beyond the horizon. Do no be afraid of what might happen. Everything will be okay. I love you more than you could ever Imagine. Have adventures you will never forget. Ones that will lead you to great wonders.

I hope you find a place to belong.

With all the love in the universe,

Your loving Grandmother,

Maerwen Edwina Ember

Lily blinked. What? She had expected to cry and sob after reading the letter, but now she was dumbfounded. What did her grandmother mean? 286 years old? That must be some sort of error on her part. She read the letter over and over again...She looked at her clock near the window, noting that it was 6 o'clock in the evening. The sun would be setting soon. Her grandmother owned a small cottage home near Carsphairm Forest...that where she must have meant. That's the only place she could remember with a path that she wasn't allowed to go down. It would still be a few hours before the sun set...but should she go?

She stared out the window for a long silent moment before sweeping her eyes across her room. Everything in her life was sad...almost pathetic really. What else could possibly go wrong?

"Fuck it."

Her mind was made up, she was definitely going.

Everything was a blur after that moment. She quickly packed a small backpack and dressed in a pair of shorts, tank top, running shoes, and a sweater. She started up her crappy car and started driving. It would only be a good hour before she got there, so if she wanted to turn around she could.

When she had pulled up to the parking space off the gravel road she sighed and got out.

"Well I didn't turn around...that's a start," she said quietly to herself.

Without hesitation she made her way to the small cottage. It looked just as it always had. Small, quiet, and perfect. The garden covered the front lawn with a rainbow of flowers. The small stone walkway to the door was a welcoming beacon to her. Lily spent a lot of time here and knew the surrounding area well enough. Pulling her pack over her shoulder she hiked the few minute trail by the side of the cottage and into the darkening forest. It was just as it had always been. She always felt at home here with the wind blowing the canopy of leaves above her and the birds flying by delicately. The sung to her a sweet tune. It beckoned her to follow further in. When the path began to fork she looked to the left, where her grandmother had always taken her. The river and fields in that direction were her playground...but to the right, she was told to never go that way. No matter how much Lily wanted to she knew grandmother was serious when she had said it to her years ago.

" You must never wander down that path, Child. It is far too much for even your eyes to take in. Promise me you will never go there." She had promised her and had kept that promise even when she was older.

"Here goes nothing..." She said with a careful determination. She made her way down the path. The trail clearly leading her through the winding trees. She wasn't sure if it was a trick of light or not, but she could swear she was seeing a flickering of lights here and there...and dark shadows move behind the trees. Shaking her head she continued forward .

Lily wasn't exactly sure how long the hike had taken, but it felt like hours. Finally she had made it to a clearing. The trees ended around her and now in front of her was a beautiful field of tall green grass. Within the grass was an array of wildflowers in what seemed like every color of the rainbow. Her eyes widened in excitement. She had never seen a place so beautiful. Just beyond the field was a large, and I mean extremely large and old looking, weeping willow which hung low around a small pond shrouded beneath it. This was the place.

She walked towards the tree, brushing her finger tips against the grass and flowers as she went. This place had some sort of draw on her that she couldn't explain. It was like she needed to be here. A soft breeze played with her hair causing her to stop and take in the moment. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of the cold air.

Pulling herself from the moment she finally jogged over to the tree and gingerly pulled aside the long branches of the willow that hung around her.

A loud gasp escaped her lips when she saw how much more beautiful it was under the tree. It was like some magical forest playground hidden from the world. Different flowers sprouted from the trunk and whizzing by her head as she stepped further in were dragonflies. As she went to sit on a rock just near the small pond, a frog jump out and greeted her with a friendly croak. She laughed and looked at the pond.

A sudden glow caught her eyes. It was a hazy yellow luminescence from just under the surface of the pond. Lily pulled her pack off of her shoulder and knelt on the edge of the water. After rolling up her sleeve she reached in and grabbed whatever it was that had been glowing. When she pulled her hand back and opened her eyes, there was a small orb in her hand. It was shining yellow and just as she was about to say something the light burst out all around her. Lily gave out a small scream and covered her eyes with her other hand. When the light subsided she peered over her arm to where the orb was...or where it had been, for it was now gone and in it's place was a glowing symbol of swirls in her palm. They soon absorbed into her skin and her eyes widened in fear.

"What..what just happened?" She asked even though she expected no one to answer.

Several minutes passed as she stared at her hand. She sat there, confused and scare, as the sun slowly began to fade behind the tree line to the west. The fact that it the sun was setting didn't even registered in her brain while in her state of shock. The only thing that had broken the spell was when tiny fireflies...or at least they seemed like fireflies, to her they seemed like tiny people glowing a bright yellow, blue, and green, began to float down from the willow. It was like they had been there the entire time and came out now that the sun was going away so they could show off their wonderful colors they emitted .

She slowly began to rise to her feet, her palm still turned up as it had been before. Her hair fell to her back as her neck craned to see the little balls of light float gracefully around her. And just when she thought things couldn't get any weirder; a soft song began to fill the air. It was almost inaudible, but she could pick up to high and low pitches within the soft enough times to know there was actual signing. The orbs of light were all around, some touching her face softly, others actually taking a lock of her hair with it before letting it drop back around her shoulders.

Is this what her grandmother wanted her to see? Before she could get another thought into her head the small firefly people began to fly around her body so fast she could only see the lines of colors now.

"Wait! Please stop! What are you doin- umpf!" As she was spinning around to get away from the lights, she caught a foot on a rock and began to fall. It was almost like slow motion as her body fell into the pond. In moments the water had surrounded her and a unconsciousness had taken her into a black abyss.