Chapter 17
Harry woke slowly, eyes struggling to open and limbs heavy. A heavy weight is settled across the right side of his body. The burning that had been present for the past few days has been extinguished and the aftertaste of delicious blood still lingers in his throat.
"Harry? Mate, are you awake?" Ron's voice reaches his ears. Lifting up his left arm Harry rubs across his eyes.
"Ron?" he questions, wincing at how rough his voice sounds. Like he had been gargling glass.
"Thank god." Ron breathes a sigh of relief. "Hermione! Harrys awake!" Having finally managed to get his eyes open, Harry blinks at the bright light above him. Moving up onto his elbow, in an awkward leaning position, Harry notes that he is lying on the soggy grass beside the lake. Ron is crouched over him while Hermione and Blaise are standing a few steps away.
"What happened?" he croaks out.
"You. Are. An. Idiot." A furious voice says coldly. Looking down harry winces at the harsh glare blazing silver eyes are shooting at him.
"Draco?" he murmurs in disbelief. "Why are you wet?" he asks in confusion, moving to lift a strand of water clogged white hair.
"Because he's an idiot too." Blaise mutters, at Harry's questioning look the wizard rolls his eyes with a sigh. "When you went under he jumped in after you."
"WHAT?!" Harry shouts. "What were you thinking?! You can't swim, you could have drowned!"
"YOU BETTER NOT HAVE BEEN! WHAT WOULD I DO IF YOU DIED?" Draco exclaims before collapsing into heart wrenching sobs. Harry sits up quickly, arranging Draco into a more comfortable position.
"Oh, Dragon. I'm so sorry for yelling at you." Harry whispers into damp hair. Draco continues to cry helplessly.
"Alright, let's get you two back to the manor." Hermione says. With Ron and Blaise's support Harry makes it to his feet, pulling Draco up with him. The five of them struggle back to the manor, up the steps and through the halls to Harry chamber.
"Are you two going to be okay?" Hermione asks, voice laced with concern. Harry glances down at Draco, whose silver eyes are drooping with exhaustion with tears still dropping slowly down his cheeks.
"Yeah, we'll be fine." He murmurs, with a soft smile.
"Come on, Mione. They'll sort it out." Ron encourages, shooting a quick smile to the two in the doorway he gently leads his girlfriend away. Blaise continues to stand and glare at the vampire.
"If you hurt him again, I will end you." He warns coldly. Harry nods solemnly, squeezing Draco tighter to his side. Blaise sends Draco a gentle smile before walking off. Shuffling into the room and closing it with a gentle kick, Harry leans against the cool wood, cradling his mate against his chest. They stand in silence for a moment.
"Bath?" Harry asks quietly.
"Warm bath." Draco confirms, making no move to head to the bathroom. Harry snickers tiredly and swings Draco up into a bridal carry.
Once in the bathroom Harry starts the water, leaving the tub to fill up while he strips himself and Draco. When the water is high enough he turns off the tap and lowers them both into the warm water. Both males sigh as the heat makes their muscles relax. After soaking in silence for a few minutes Draco turns over to be chest to chest with Harry.
"We will talk about what happened tomorrow." He says decisively. "Tonight we are going to cuddle." The next second Draco blushes and ducks his head. "Please."
Harry chuckles quietly and pulls Draco up to place a kiss on pink lips.
"Whatever you want Dragon." Harry murmurs. "Whatever you want."
A/N: Alright everyone, here are two chapters! I'm very very sorry it has taken me so long, I should hopefully have two more up by Thursday/Friday. If anyone has anything they would like to see in the next few chapters or any questions you need answers to please PM me! Don't forget to review