The final installment of the story (for real). This will wrap up everything nicely with a bow on top. For all the sharp minds out there, there will also be a key point of the sequel in this chapter. Regardless, if you get it or not it was an honor to write for all of you.


The four of us stood in silence. Jack and I stood on one side. Alice and Hatter stood across from us. It was déjà vu all over again, except we were meeting as friends. It surprised me though that Hatter was in our world. It probably shocked Alice too that Jack was here; to be honest, it still surprised me. Why was he here? Who was running Wonderland?

"Hatter." I took a step closer. Another. Another. Hatter mimicked me. When I stepped, he stepped as well. This continued until I stopped and we were two inches away from each other.

"Jack." I glanced at Alice and then my brother. There was tension in the air as the two of them stared at each other some more. It shattered though when Alice ran towards him and their lips collided with each other's. I felt an arm wrap itself around my waist. I turned back and stared into two beautiful eyes. Love filled its way to the surface of those two orbs. I continued to be entranced as Hatter pulled me in closer to him.

"But why?" I whispered. "I thought you would stay in Wonderland."

"You owe me a date, remember?" was his reply before his lips met mine in a passionate kiss. Our lips danced with each other as my hands made their way up Hatter's shoulders, up his face, and took his hat off his head before placing it on mine. His hands rested around my waist as mine played with his silky brown hair. We melted into each other, forming one entity. We separated only when we needed a necessity to survive: air.

As we caught our breath, Hatter crept close to my ear and whispered: "I love you, Ellie."

"I love you too, Hatter." With one more peck on the lips, Hatter suddenly went down on one knee. My breath caught in my chest. It couldn't be happening.

Hatter grabbed one of my hands.

"Ellie, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But after our date," he concluded with a kiss on my hand. I almost died.

"Mom. Mom. Then what happened?"

"Well, they lived happily ever after, of course."

"No, Mom, keep going."

"You already know what happens."

"Please finish the story. Please."

"Just for you, my angel. After that, all four spent time together. Sometimes as a group. Sometimes just as couples. Jack revealed that though he was the King of Wonderland, he still cared for Alice and wouldn't take no as an answer. He came back and swept Alice off her feet. They began their relationship again, this time with no secrets. At the same time, Hatter decided to live in their world. He and Ellie went on dates, one in particular more special than the rest. One day at a pizza parlor, Hatter got down on one knee and presented a ring. He proposed to her. They had a beautiful wedding, having Jack and Alice as the best man and maid of honor. When it was time to throw the bride's bouquet, guess who caught it."

"Oh, I know. Alice."

"Correct. And you know that whoever catches the bouquet is said to marry next. And so it happened. Jack proposed to Alice a month later. Hatter was their best man and Ellie their maid of honor."

"And they lived happily ever after. The end." The little girl, only five years of age yawned.

"Time for bed, Cassie."

"Okay, Mom."

"Good night." With that the woman kissed the top of her daughter's head. She rose from her chair and turned off the lamp on the bedside drawer. She exited the room and entered her own bedroom. In bed already was her handsome husband. She quietly made her way to her side of the bed and made her way into the covers. She laid, ready to sleep, until an arm wrapped around her waist.

"Hatter," she whispered, playfully scolding him.

Hatter pouted and pecked her on the cheek. "Come on, Ellie. How can I resist when I have such a beautiful woman as my wife?"

Ellie smiled and forgave Hatter by giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Is Cassie okay?"

"Just finished the bedtime story and put her to sleep."

"What bedtime story?"

"The usual. Ours."

"One day she'll realize it's about us, you know."

"What's wrong with that? It's true. And it's beautiful. It's how you met me, isn't it."

"Nothing's wrong. It's just…"

"You miss it, don't you? Wonderland."

Hatter was silent.

"You could go back, right? Visit it one afternoon, when you're on your break."

"I can't, Ellie. If I go back, I might not be able to come back. I miss it too much. It's better to just stay here with the people I love."

"Do you regret staying here?"

"Never. Not when I'm spending the rest of my life with you. I love you, Ellie."

"I love you too, Hatter."

THE END! That concludes the story A Single Moment Can Change A Lot! I hope I resolved any questions there are (if not, tell me). I am very proud of myself for finishing. I'll probably take some time off to figure out all the ideas I have but I'll be posting very soon. I have a couple ideas for a title, but I'm leaning towards The Prophecy of Wonderland or something along those lines. Thank you everyone for reading! Until next time…