The Day of the Full Moon...

Luciano watched Cao, his every move. He sighed and watched his every emotion, action- the whole load. He was worried... very worried... he watched and watched. He looked around and saw Tino giving him a smirk. He glared hard at him like: what the fuck are you looking at. Then proceeded to watch Cao.

Cao noticed all of Luciano's constant watching and looked at Luciano, glaring to keep his image. "Why the fuck are you watching me for?"

Luciano looked at him like: we need to talk. Then walked to his dorm, laying on his bed, worry filling his face.

Cao sighed heavily, following him. Once inside the room with him, sad on the couch and looked at him. "What is it?"

"I have a bad feeling..." Luciano said looking at him with a look that would kill someone with a sensitive heart. Long sentence short he looks extremely sad and worried.

Cao's expression softened greatly. "Okay... is that it?" he asked.

He shook his head. "No, thats the thing..." he walked over to Cao and sat on him. "I feel like its going to happen to you.. I'm... very worried..."

"Don't be. I'm sure whatever the fuck it is, I'll be able to handle it... Besides, you just might be worrying yourself over nothing. Calm down," Cao said, looking at him the entire time.

Luciano quickly pinned Cao to the desk giving him that kind of stare, "Listen to me you motherfucker. I swear to you something is going to happen to your ass tonight and it's going to fucking hurt. You fucking got that? And if you dare look at me and for some fucking reason think I'm a goddamned meal I will throw you against the wall. Don't you fucking dare say you can handle it because there are some fucking things that you won't be able to handle in your life."

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! What are you implying?! Did you do something to me?!" Cao barked back, glaring at him.

Luciano's tears slid off his face and onto Cao's, his hair covering his eyes. "P-please... just... be careful. Please..." he said then went over to his bed and layed down again.

Cao's eyes widen at the sudden change of tone and actions, alongside the tears that landed on him, standing up straight, watching Luciano walk to the bed. He was utterly confused as to what was going on. "..." Cao sighed softly. "I... don't know what you're going on about... but if it'll make you happy fine! ...I'll be careful.."

Luciano gave him a look- eyes and veins black, face suddenly very pale and red tears- that would make even Ivan hide in terror, then it turned back to his normal face. He wiped his eyes and opened his arms hopefully for a hug.

Frightened by the look he was given, Cao sighed, hesitantly moved closer to Luciano, giving him requested hug.

Luciano held onto Cao, shaking slightly.

Cao sighed again, rubbing his back comfortably, still confused. "I promise I'll be careful... whatever it is..."

"Th-thank you..." Luciano said, holding Cao closely around the waist pushing his face into the other's chest.

Cao continued to comfort him. "He's... really frightened isn't he? Just... what's going to happen? ...Is it, related to all the nightmares I've been having? ...Why isn't he telling me anything if so? Maybe... he's trying to protect me from something... but what?"

"I can still read your mind dummy."

Cao's expression and mood turned to 'unamused'. He would of facepalmed himself if he weren't trying to comfort him. "STOP INVADING MY MIND DAMNIT!"

"Its only if we are touching... I'm sorry..." he thought sadly, then lightly pushed Cao off of him then hid in his corner and fell asleep.

"I feel mind violated..." Cao thought, but felt bad for... thought yelling at him? Whatever. He sighed, then left the room to go off doing his own things.

Luciano hid in his corner, crying while he sleeps.

Later that evening...

Cao was leaning against the wall at the back of the college, smoking a cigarette. The last time he saw Luciano was in a corner asleep. He had done a few things to kill the time, and was currently alone.

Luciano walked over to Cao, and hugged him tightly.

Cao jumped a little at the sudden tight embrace. "L-Luciano?! I-Is something wrong?"

"So che non dovrei toccare durante la scuola o in pubblico, ma ancora ho bisogno di te per favore per favore per favore stare nella foresta ... So che può sembrare davvero media e o stupido, ma ancora per favore ti supplico," he said really fast.
((Translation: I know i'm not supposed to touch you during school or in public but still I need you to please please please stay in the forest... i know it sounds really mean and or stupid but still please i'm begging you.))

"...What the fuck did you just say?" Cao asked, confused, and giving him an unamused look.

"I know I'm not supposed to touch you during school or in public but still I need you to please please please stay in the forest... I know it sounds really mean and or stupid but still please I'm begging you," he repeated in english or whatever the fuck they are speaking at that school I don't fucking know anymore. -goes to get gatorade-

Cao sighed. "I'm not even going to bother arguing with you... fine," he said, blowing out a puff of smoke.

"Ti amo," he said before kissing Cao. "Tu sei e idiota. Ti amo ... ma tu sei un idiota"

((Translation: You're and idiot. I love you... but you're an idiot.))

Cao blushed a little and sighed again. "Y-Yeah yeah... l-let go before someone sees us..."

Luciano rolled his eyes and pulled away, "Jerk." He slid down the wall and hugged his knees, already hating Cao's reputation more and more. I mean, he had saved it more than enough. Cao should just let the whole fucking thing go. Luciano started to get pissed.

Cao sighed and rubbed his head. "What the fuck crawled up his ass and died..." Cao questioned himself, looking at the horizon. "It's getting late..."

"Yea... Forest. Now. I'll be here."

Cao groaned heavily. "Why the fuck do I have to go anyway?"

Luciano gave him the same look as he had before but without the tears and more anger mixed- definitely would have made Ivan scream for his mom.

Cao shivered. "OKAY OKAY!" He let out a huff before going off into the woods nearby, suddenly stopping. "How long do I have to be there anyway?!"

"YOU'LL KNOW WHEN!" he shouted.

Cao scoffed, and continued heading that direction... until he was deep into the forest. Once there, he looked over at the horizon and watched the sunset as he walked. "Stupid Luciano... making me walk through this stupid damn forest... What's his deal anyway? He's been acting so fucking strange for a while now... Damnit..." Cao ranted to himself. Soon enough, the sun had set. Cao groaned again, "Damn... now its dark..."

He sighed, and a few moments later, his pace started slowly, and felt his body sweat. "D-Damn... why'd it get so hot all of the sudden...?" he asked himself. He panted lightly, holding his head, which had began hurting. "Nnghh..." And very quickly, a "SNAP!" was heard, and he arched his back in pain, letting out a yell. More snapping and popping sounds followed, as pain quickly flowed throughout Cao's body, causing him to collapse to his knees, gripping his chest. "WH-WHAT'S GOING ON?!" he thought, letting out loud groans in pain, which quickly became just screaming in agony.

He felt something wet on his fingertips, and was utterly stunned seeing blood leaking and claws emerging. "WH-WHAT THE FUCK?!" That was just the beginning; he tasted blood in his mouth, and his teeth felt funny. His jaw was practically pried open from his screaming. He felt his clothing become tighter, when in reality, he was growing. His bones were snapping out of place, taking on new shapes, forms and sizes. His feet started stretching out, while his legs overall took new shapes. His spine was pushed outward, tearing through his shirt.

Then suddenly, amidst it all, his heart stopped beating. He began suffering from a heart attack. Quickly following, the rest of his organs started shutting down, causing immense pain inside his body. Looking at it from a doctor's point of view, they were changing sizes, his heart shrinking. By now, his throat, gullet and vocals cords have torn, silencing the air of his screaming. They are still reforming and repairing, but as of now, Cao cannot make a sound. Also by now, his feet would of changed immensely, his legs taking on a more wolf-like form, ripping through his shoes. His muscles have grown, along with his overall size, which is ripping through the rest of his clothing.

He had claws, and sharp carnivorous teeth, causing the gums to bleed. His eyes glowing a bright yellow, and his ears pointing out. Fur had started growing throughout his body, and Cao was fading in and out of consciousness. His voice returned, but more, monstrous. Rather than screaming, it sounded almost like roaring, growling. His speech fading as well. Now, his tailbone is extending outwards, pushing at just below the hem of his pants, or what remained of his pants. Soon, it pushed outwards enough to rip through it, causing an even louder scream/roar.

Cao's body now has grown very much in size, larger than Ivan, by perhaps twice. Nearly all of his clothing was torn off and on the ground around him. A snout had started forming, and Cao put his hands, or rather paws now, up to it, trying to push it back, but to no avail. As soon as it had finished, the pain receded greatly and Cao's consciousness faded, being replaced by that of only a beast's. He stood at his full height, and let out an ear-screeching howl, which could be heard by at least a mile away.

Luciano heard it and ran in, following Cao's scent, 'Not alone not alone not alone!' he mentally cursed himself and nearly slid and fell on his face when he saw Cao, then ran over to him. "Cao?!" He wanted to make sure Cao had survived all of that.

Cao sharply turned his head in Luciano's direction, and let out a fierce snarl, dropping down to all fours. He glared harshly, and sniffed the air a few times, trying to identify his scent.

Luciano stared at him, not phazed, and dropped the vampire scent off of him, his smell suddenly VERY strong.

It took a moment, but he identified Luciano's scent, and reduced the snarling to a low growl, easing off a little. He sniffed the air again, and suddenly, shot his head in the direction of the city, and growled louder, and... holy shit, started grinning! With drool dripping down the side of his mouth.

Luciano looked at him, "What? Why the grin?"

He glanced over at Luciano and gave him a look, before dashing off at inhuman speeds in the direction of the scent he caught. Predator, to prey.

Cao, or rather, the beast, quickly made it to the city, coming through an alleyway and sniffing the air again. He was definitely closer to his target. He went around the corner and it was revealed to be a rather large, widely large, middle age man wearing gamer headphones and eating fast food. What Cao saw, was a good meal. He slowly approached the man, and growled loud enough to be heard. The man turned around and was just shocked beyond belief. His eyes bugged out and he began to tremble. After pissing himself, he took off running, dropping his food. He wasn't very fast, and after a moment of standing there, Cao took off after him, easily catching him and biting into his throat. He then proceeded to devour the man.

Several minutes later, the man was torn apart, and Cao lifted his head and sniffed the air... and caught a new scent. The night was young... and it was going to be bloody.

Several hours later...

Cao was digging into another body, in which he had brought with him into the forest. His fur was soaked in blood, especially at the face and hands. Suddenly, his body twitched, looking up and seeing the sun rise over the horizon. He growled at the sun, wanting it to go away, and just then, his body bursted in pain.

Somewhat like what happened when the sun went down, immense pain was felt as he started reverting back. His body shrunk, fur pulled back. His roars and growls, after his voice returned properly, became regular screaming. The only thing on his body was extremely torn pants, but had thankfully kept his vital regions covered.

Cao, somehow, managed to keep consciousness, after his normal conscious re-took control of the body. He groaned and panted in pain. His body ached dreadfully all over, and he reeked of death and blood. It took him a moment before realizing his surroundings. Cao looked down at the corpse he was practically laying in, and his eyes bugged out in terror. He brought a hand up to his mouth to prevent himself from throwing up, only to start trembling and to pull his hand slowly from his mouth, and found it covered in blood.

Cao, by then, started to panic. He looked at both his hands, then his arms and the rest of his body, and quickly stood up, backing away from the body. There was a terrible aftertaste in his mouth of blood and human flesh. He stood there for a moment, before dashing off in another direction. He wanted to get away from that site, and quickly.

He ran through the forest, passing by tree after tree, no idea where he was going. The result of not looking at where he was going, tripped and rolled down a small slope, and bumping into Luciano of all people.

Luciano looked down at him, "Shower. Now." was all he said, still in vampire form, blood going down the side of his lip.

Cao looked up in horror, still panicking. Aside from the pain in his body and being covered in blood, his hair was disorientated and his eyes bloodshot. Out of fear, he quickly got back up and continued running a random direction, this time from Luciano.

Luciano groaned, "Do I really have to do this?" he thought and appeared in front of Cao, grabbing his arm and picking him up, running to their room fast, going into the bathroom it had. "I said, shower." His face was back to normal, "It'll ease the pain..."

((someone had called my Luci a sparkly vampire.. -steals 2pmericas bat- srry wut was dat? cant hear you over THE AWESOMELY AMAZING DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO))

Still shaken, Cao just stood there for at least 5 minutes, trying to asset what had happened to him, but to no avail aside from what happened after running into Luciano. Turning around, he saw himself in the mirror, and felt his heart skip at least 3 beats. He was a complete and utter mess. Pretty much covered in blood. He rushed to the toilet and proceded to puke up the flesh he had consumed the previous night. The contents inside the toilet were chunks of flesh and mushy red-stuff, which induced more vomiting.

Once completing that, he shivered and ran the water, rather very hot water, and quickly got inside. After getting used to the burning feeling, he did feel better, a little bit. His body didn't ache as much and the blood was being washed away. But not 5 minutes in, Cao couldn't contain it and began sobbing.

Luciano patted Cao's head, wiping the blood fom his mouth, not being a messy eater... and obviously- previously getting horny form blood sucking; it still happened- was rather turned on. He looked at Cao and sighed, "I told you... I told you." he said nealy crying himself.

Cao fell to his knees, and felt like throwing up again, but held it back. By now, all the blood had been washed away, besides the blood stained on the torn pants in which he is still wearing. "I-I d-don't even know what happened... I-It felt, like a nightmare... T-The pain... I-It was unbearable!"

Luciano got in infront of Cao and held him closely. "Sh... I know how it felt... I've gone through it but in a different manner... I'm so so so sorry... its all my fault.. if I had protected you better then this would never have happened," he said, crying already.

"...D-did... Did you know... about this?"


Cao shot up, holding Luciano by the throat, and lifting him up off the ground. "YOU DID KNOW DIDN'T YOU! WHY THE HELL DID YOU NOT TELL ME?! WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE ME ANY PRACTICAL IDEA OF THIS HAPPENING?!" he yelled, eyes glaring at him in grief, agony, and hate.

"I-... wasn't... allowed to.." he said, looking at Cao, begging to die. "I-I'm sorry..."

Cao's eyes swelled with tears, as his expression of hate and anger turned to sorrow and agony. He released Luciano and turned his back to him, gripping his hair.

Luciano got out and went to the window of their room, looking out it then back in at Cao. "I'm already in so much trouble..." he said, jumping out in a manner than would kill a normal human, running off into the forest, and nearly smacking into someone.

Cao, remained there, at the moment, not really caring what happens to Luciano. Whereas, the one who Luciano had ran into, being revealed as Tino, turned around and looked in slight shock, which disappeared. "Isn't it the Italian fuck, Luciano."

Luciano sniffed the air, then slammed Tino into a tree by the throat with a murderous growl, "You! You did this! (Cao can hear) I'm going to fucking murder you!" his eyes turning black- then... oh shit. Green. His veins going pure black, teeth growing to 8 inches, and getting sharper ignoring all pain that was obviously there, voice dropping to a more deadly sound then death itself. His body grew a foot, nearly instantly ready for a fight.

"Well if you do that, then there is no hope for Cao," he responded, smirking evilly, utterly unfazed by Luciano's changing appearance. "And you don't want that, now do you?"

Luciano dug his long nails into Tino's neck, then punched him across the face hard, then ran back to their window, jumping up and into it, looking at Cao with the same look he'd had with Tino. His eyes flickered from green, to blue, to red, to black, then to normal.

Cao stared at him wide-eyed. "...Wh-what happened?"

Remembering it, his eyes went immediately fulling green, no white or black anywhere, growling with a monstrous growl. "This? Oh.. yes. This is me. What I really look like. Yours... you actually don't look bad. Me however, I look like the monster I am. Every. Fucking. Dusk, night, and dawn. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE." he said before going into the closet and hiding. "People call vampires the Dancers of the Night. Pfft. Like hell. We are worse than frankenstein... we're the ugliest of them all and hardest nut to crack..." he said, shaking in anger. Want- no... NEEDING to break something... or... someone. "I... haven't eaten... in so... fucking... long..." he said rocking himself, nearly about to lose his shit.

((-feels feels feels feels-))

Cao came outside the closet and glared at him. "First off, that isn't what I FUCKING meant. Second off... CONSIDERING WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ME, WHICH I DON'T EVEN KNOW, I COULDN'T CARE LESS IF YOU WERE A FUCKING FISH!"

"YOUR A FUCKING WEREWOLF FOR FUCKS SAKE WHAT BAD IS THAT?! HM?! I'M A FUCKING LIFE SUCKING ENERGY STEALING BLOOD DRAINING HORNY FUCKING BASTARD! You've got it easy! Jerk!" he said, the last of it coming out as an echoed growl, obviously not his voice anymore... more... echoed and death sounding. "IMAGINE HAVING ALL THE LIQUID IN YOU REPLACED WITH ACID, THEN LIT ON FIRE! TIMES 20! I GO THROUGH THAT... every... fucking... night.." he sobbed holding his head in pain. "Th-that's why... I begged you.. I BEGGED you to kill me..."

Cao was caught between feelings of rage and anger, and grief and sorrow. "I FELT LIKE I SHOULD OF FUCKING DIED LAST NIGHT. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT KIND OF HELL I'VE FELT I'VE BEEN PUT THRO-"

"Bones breaking?! Moving?! Organs shutting down and moving around?! Waking up in blood and organs?! I'VE BEEN THERE. WHY DO YOU THINK I DON'T EAT YOU CHINESE FUCK!" he had never... once... called Cao that. In any- ANY- of their fights.

Cao just glared at him. He was done. "Fine then. We're done," he sternly stated, quickly pulling something on and leaving the room, slamming the door, and headed off, toward the office. He felt heartbroken, and forced himself not to allow tears to form. "That idiot..."

"W-wait! WAIT!" he yelled running down the hall, seeing Cao and clinging to him. "No, no no no no no! Please no..." he cried, literally crying. "Please... no.. not now... please not now Cao..." He said knowing Cao obviously hadn't seen who he had been eating, or heard anything from recent school news. "C-Cao... Fl-Flavio... he... please don't go... please please."

Cao didn't look at him. "I don't fucking see why not... Obviously what happened to me isn't a priority to you, or even a concern... You've made your fucking point."

Luciano looked up at him, tears falling fast. "Y-...you ate... my brother... last night...And if you had seen what I've done for you... you'd be sick."

Cao's eyes widened, and started to tremble. He whipped around, causing himself to be freed from Luciano's grasp and looked at him straight in the face. "I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO MEMORY OF ANYTHING THAT HAD HAPPENED! Y-You can't blame me for anything... I-I don't even know what happened... I...I'm sorry..."

Luciano looked at him, pinned him to the wall and kissed him deeply, sending a calming aura to him, right in the middle of the hallway. "Please... please.. please! Please don't care about that stupid reputation... please..."

Cao blushed lightly, caught off-guard by his actions, but slowly melted into the kiss, though unsure of the request Luciano made, regarding his reputation.

Students (-evil mother fucker right here-) came out of their rooms, seeing that.

Luciano held him close, blocking off everyone else.

Hearing the other students entering the hallway, Cao's blush deepened, but made no actions of resistance. You see that reputation? Do you see it now? That's cause it's gone!


Lucino then sat up in his bed, looking at the wasted Chinese man on the floor next to him.

(((We talked bout this. no hate. we even had chatzy choose at random. Kay? kay. So basically, instead of Luciano and Cao kissing after that booze party in chapter 1, Cao passed out on the floor and Luciano went to bed. Damnit M and her crazy as fuck ideas. M: you love me and you know it eue3))

Cao stirred, and opened his eyes, rubbing his head. "Nnngghhh... I have a massive headache... and what a fucking dream..." he groaned, slowly sitting up.

Luciano stared at Cao, and I mean STARED. Like... 'I know what you look like naked because I've fucked you but not actually fucked you' stared.

Cao noticed and glared at him. "What the fuck is with that look, cunt?"

"Did you... dream... anything? At all?" he asked, skin oh so perfect, eyes shining like the little fuckers they are.

Cao blushed a little and looked away, scowling. "N-Nothing you need to know of!"

"Oh... my...cazzo... you had the same fucking dream as me..."

Cao snapped his head back and glared at him. "AS IF!"

Luciano glared at him and said one word, from the dream, he wouldn't know otherwise. "Assnugget." ((x'DD -dies-))

Cao's eye twitched. He crossed his arms and resharpened his glare. "S-so what! It was just a stupid-ass dream! None of it was real and none of it matters!"

Luciano gave Cao the same 'please kill me' look as before, seeing if it had the same effect.

Cao's glare softened a little, but he forced it to stay. "Fuck off..."

Luciano got up, went over to him and grinned, pinning him to the floor, "I now know all of your secrets," he grinned before rubbing the very base of the scar- the most sensitive- moving his fingers in such a way it would drive Cao insane... literally.

Cao bit his lip, arching his back and releasing a muffled moan, and struggled to get free. "I-I SAID FUCK OFF!"

Luciano threw something at the door, it hitting the lock and locking it. He grinned down at Cao with a look from one of the lemons we did, that I dunno. Make Cao's heart twist or something. I JUST WANNA GET TO THE SMUT ALREADY XD its been too long.

"T-This isn't a fucking dream! I-I'm not that same person! Let me go!" Cao protested, glaring up at him.

"Like. Fucking. Hell," he rubbed the lower scar harder then slid his other hand to the back of Cao's neck, there being a sensitive spot right there, and he rubbed it gently and teasingly.

Cao arched his back again, failing to suppress a moan, but with his hands free, was able to start trying to push Luciano away.

Luciano pinched the sensitive spot, making Cao's bones like JELLO :D and scratched his fingers against the scar.

He struggled to keep glaring at him, letting out another moan and feeling heat rush to his face. "I can't believe this is happening..."

Luciano smirked and whispered to him, face hidden. "The room is soundproofed."

Cao got the sign, eyes widening and squirmed. "NO! DON'T! I TOLD YOU, I DON'T WANT THIS! GET AWAY! FUCK OFF!"

Luciano laughed nearly maniacally, then grinned down at him, "Oops, too late~"

"NO! NOT TOO LATE! GET THE FUCK OFF!" He yelled, "SOMEBODY FUCKING HELP ME!" he yelled louder.

"Soundproof as in... nothing~ At all~" he grinned down, eyes flashing slightly and kissing Cao, sending the aura over enveloping Cao, because he can do that. Because hes an Empath. (-like me-)

Cao twisted his head back and forth, trying to push him off again and still squirming, which actually quickly diminishes.

Luciano kissed deeper, making the aura stronger, and slowly changing it.

Cao quickly stopped all forces of resistance, though unsure as to why, but with what strength he mustered, forced himself not to melt into it, even though he actually wants to.

Luciano added passion and meaning to the kiss, deepening it slightly.

Cao started kissing back, physically giving up and going submissive, but was mentally losing his shit.

Luciano pulled back and looked down at him... with... SURPRISE, the vampire expression without the translucent skin, black eyes and fangs, just the scary ass expression that would itself again... scare the shit out of anyone.

Cao's eyes widened greatly, even shaking a little bit... just a little. "Y-you ass-face! Why can't you get your head around the difference of dreams and reality!"

"Because," he said moving once again to Cao's ear. "I've heard you moan my name in your sleep."

Cao's face continued to heat up, and forced a glare toward him. "T-that doesn't mean anything!"

"Your dreams are lucid~"


"Wrong choice of words my dear~"

Cao's eye twitched and quickly realized what he meant. "OH HELL NO! DON'T YOU EVEN DARE!"

Luciano grinned and moved in a certain way, trapping Cao and being able to bite the sensitive spot on his neck- that was used earlier.

Cao released a rather loud moan, arching his back. "A-asshole...!"

Luciano grinned, and bit again, rubbing the scar harder. "I still know your weak points, And..." he said flipping and pinning Cao so he was facedown on the ground- rather easily- "What drives you insane," he said then licked the scar, with his unnaturally rough tongue. ((-evil laugh- take that world!))

Cao moaned loudly, clenching his fists and sealing his eyes shut. "Wh-why are you d-doing this?!"

"Because-" he said, moving Cao so he was on his back again. "You are too weak."

"I'm not weak... you just know my fucking weaknesses... somehow..."

"And you know mine, yet you don't attempt to use them. Why? Because your too weak. I bet more than half those girls hated it."

"I'm not weak you fucking moronic Italian asshat! You don't know what the hell you're spouting out of that pathetic mouth of yours!"

"Oh but I do," he said, face hidden by his hair- then slapped him... hard. "You're just a jerk," he said, le jumping out the window- in a way that would nearly kill him.

Cao laid there for a moment, dumbfounded by what just occurred, before rushing up and looking out the window, unsure as to why.

Luciano caught a branch, swung himself up and ran along the tree branch to the middle of the forest, jumping down and nearly landing on Tino. ((supriiiiiiise)) He pinned him to the tree and growled. "What. The fuck. Did you put. In our drinks?!"

Tino smirked at him, evil lurking in his eyes. "Just a... little hint of the future, yes?"

"What?! What! No. NO. NO!" he said pushing Tino more into the tree. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you!?"

"I take it that... it wasn't very pleasant? Shame," Tino replied, still smirking, unfazed by the physical aggression.

"What do you mean...?" he asked loosening his grip.

"I had thought that you've gotten, what really both you and that Chinese bitch, wanted. Seems a little more came with it... Am I wrong?"

"The pain that could actually be felt!? The ripping and tearing? You actually think that was pleasent!?"

"Well, once you've achieved what I have... Yes. But... don't masochists take pleasure in pain? What makes you think that, perhaps just Cao, didn't take any enjoyment out of it?" he asked, smirking wider and moving off the tree.

Luciano looked at Tino, and glared. "You're a fucking asshole," he said before going back to the room, jumping through the window not expecting to nearly smack Cao in the face.

Cao tumbled backwards, a late reflex to avoid Luciano, and fell on his ass. "Where the fuck did you come from?!"

"...The window?" he asked hiding his face, "Just... I'm out. I'm leaving this fucking school." He made his way over to the door then unlocked it, falling to his knees not being able to stand any longer.

Cao shot up, looking at him. "WHERE THE FUCK DID THAT COME FROM?! You can't really be serious!"

"I'm as serious as I've ever been Cao... I hate this place," he said, "But... I would miss you..."

"You stupid fuck. I've hated this place since before I even arrived. Do you see me leaving?! ...Now that I think about it, I don't even know why I'm still here..." Cao said, though a little saddened near the end. "I've..."

Luciano looked back at Cao, "I was drugged, to find out who I liked. What the actual fuck? I feel more violated then ever," he said tears falling down his face.

Cao was shocked, and looked away. "Fuck..." he thought, then sighed. "I... don't know if it means anything now... but..." he started to say, biting his lip. "I... r-return your feelings..." he said, not desiring to be any more straight forward, and turned around.

Luciano (XD) got up, and hugged Cao from behind, putting his head on the other's shoulder, still crying.

Cao looked the opposite direction of Luciano, blushing a little. "Y-you can stop your petty crying..." he said, not putting enough effort to sound as stern and rude as he normally would.

Luciano sighed, "I'm...sorry, for earlier. You had more of it but mine was stronger so... it lasted... longer than it should have..."

"A bit more of what? ...Booze? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You're an idiot, I had JUST said that I'd been drugged. You had too thats why you had the same dream, and since we both have lucid dreams the drug worked overly well... and I had a stronger dose because- nevermind thats not important but... are you sure? That you return them?"

Cao blushed a little deeper. He was silent for a moment, "Y-Yeah... I-I'm not sure why though..."

Luciano smiled and kissed Cao's cheek, "When exactly did you realize it was a dream?" ((WHEN HE ATE YOUR BROTHER XD))

"Wh-when... I-I supposedly ate Flavio..." he said, tone a bit weak.

"Dayum, took you long enough. I'd realised a long-ass time before that. When uhm, when... you started acting different, more.. submissive. Thats when I noticed."

"Sh-shut up..." Cao replied, blushing a little more.

Luciano let go of Cao, turned him around and gently kissed him- the real kisses being more... well... nice when not in a dream.

Somewhat stunned, Cao's eyes widened a little, but hesitantly kissed back, blushing a little more.

Luciano looked at Cao after pulling away and smiled. "Your body seems a little... Happy. Don't you think?"

Cao immediately snapped his head to the side, blushing more. "Wh-whatever!"

Luciano smirked, "I was serious about the room."

"I-I didn't say I didn't believe you..."

Luciano smiled and pressed their lips together again, actually rather short himself. He was only 5'9'', not that tall.

Cao kissed back, not as hesitantly as before.

Luciano slid one arm around Caos waist, the other to his hand.

Instinctively, Cao held the hand that came to his, and wrapped the other one around Luciano's body.

Luciano smiled into the kiss lightly biting Caos lip, squeezing his hand gently.

Cao moaned softly, very softly, and showed no signs of resistance.

Luciano pressed him against the wall, shutting the blinds and tossing something at the door handle, locking it again. Perfect aim. Luciano sat on his knees and looked up at Cao with a smirk.

"Wh-what are you doing...?"

"Hm," he grinned standing up again, "You do look good from an angle.."

Cao looked at him, unamused. "You bastard... you did that on purpose..." he said, sternly. "I've told him before... i-in that dream, how much I despise mouth-to-member action..."

(( Yep. We hate it, or well at least I do... *is T* …)) ((Where as i dont really fucking care ^^'' -is M-))

"What? I didn't do it, and I didn't call you cute. Or adorable. But-" he said pressing their bodies together. "You didn't say I couldnt do this," he said then lightly bit Caos neck not enough to break skin and picked him up easily.

Cao moaned softly, and once picked up, hooked his legs around Luciano's waist to hold on, blushing a little at their position.

"Not like we haven't done this before~" he grinned and kept Cao against the wall.

"T-that was a dream... n-not reality, dumbass!"

"Eh, still. We did a lot of things in that dream."

Cao only groaned weakly as a response, since Luciano had a point. "Whatever..."

Luciano smiled at Cao, moving him off the wall but still holding him easily- he is strong... '' and kissed him again.

Cao quickly wrapped his arms around Luciano's neck after being removed from the wall, and kissed him back.

Luciano smiled and walked over to the bed, laying him down.

Cao gulped lightly. "A-are we... really gonna do that?" he asked.

"If you don't want to, we won't... unless you want to top," he grinned. "Show why all the girls in the school aren't virgins."

"B-but... you're bigger than me... i-it's only natural you top... N-Not that I wouldn't!"

"What about us is natural?" he laughed softly. "And we don't have to."

"That's a stupid question... a-and I never said we can't... o-or that, I didn't want to..."

"So you do?"

Cao was silent for a couple seconds, before nodding slowly.

Luciano looked at him and smiled, kissing him again.

Cao kissed back, blushing only a little bit.

Luciano slid his fingers up Cao's side.

He shivered a little, letting out a very soft moan from the back of his throat.

Luciano smiled at him, kissing down his neck, pulling off Cao's shirt.

Cao shivered again, letting out more audible moans.

Luciano slipped off his shirt too, lightly biting Cao's collarbone.

Cao continued letting out soft moans, wrapping his arms around Luciano.

Luciano smiled at him, and sucked harder.

Cao released another shiver, moaning slightly louder.

Luciano sat up, and looked down at Cao, "No matter what you say, you're beautiful," he said before kissing Cao so he couldn't respond to it.

Blushing a little bit more, Cao kissed back, letting Luciano's comment slide, just this one time.

Luciano smiled, hooking his fingers onto Cao's pants.

Cao took another small gulp, calming his nerves. "W-we're really going to do it... not a dream this time..."

"Are you sure you want to?"

"H-How many times do I have to fucking repeat myself...?"

"You just seem really nervous," he smiled kissing Cao's forehead before taking off his pants.

"M-maybe just a little..."

"No need," he smiled taking off his own pants. "Blinds and curtain are shut, doors locked and room is major soundproofed. You're fine."

"Th-that's not why... a-actually..."

"Is it because it's new to you?"

"...I-I suppose..."

"I'll be gentle~" he smiled and got lube from under his bed, "And before you ask- Flavio. Long story."

"T-thought so..."

He took off Cao's boxers, then his own. Lets just say the dream... really didn't give them credit. If you know what I mean. (( You gotta open him up again~ ASFJDAKSJDGNAJ -facedesk-

Cao shivered, and forced calmed his nerves, telling himself that he's done this before. Not really.

Luciano knew exactly what and what not to do now, he lubed up four fingers, knowing three didn't help last time, and slid one in slowly.

Having an idea of the feeling, Cao was more prepared, and let out a soft, lengthy moan as his finger went inside.

Luciano smiled and slid in another, "I'm going to use one more than the other times okay?"

After a second soft moan, Cao swallowed a lump in his throat. "O-Okay..."

Luciano slid a third in, not moving them and waiting for Cao to say okay.

Cao took a couple deep breaths, still feeding himself the thoughts, and said, "A-alright..."

Luciano slid the fourth one in, knowing it would hurt, and kissed Cao to take his mind off of it.

Cao had let out a muffled groan, gripping tightly on the sheets, but quickly after, kissed him back.

Luciano waited a few moments, then moved them slowly.

He continued to let out soft groans, slowly getting used to it.

Luciano slid them faster, rubbing against his g-spot.

Cao let out somewhat loud moans, arching his back a bit.

Luciano pulled out his fingers, and lubed himself then lined himself up. "Ready?"

Cao nodded, "Y-Yeahh..."

Luciano slid in slowly watching Cao's reaction to it in real life instead of a dream. ((little do they know... so little.))

He let out a lengthy somewhat mild-volumed moan, panting very lightly.

Luciano slid out slowly, then back in hitting the spot again.

Cao moaned louder, slowly becoming glazed over with a lust he did not know he possessed.

Luciano continued to go slow, hitting the spot dead on each time.

"G-go... faster... h-harder..."

"If you say so," he smiled going faster, hitting the spot harder.

Cao grunted and moaned louder as a response, though was nowhere near satisfied.

Luciano continued to speed up, still hitting it hard. He leaned down and kissed Cao gently.

Cao gradually became louder, becoming overtaken by that lust previously mentioned.

Luciano kissed down Cao's neck, and rubbed the base of his scar gently.

Cao released the sheets, shooting his arms around Luciano's body, arching his back some.

Luciano grinned and went slightly faster.

Cao, by then, was moaning quite loudly, clinging to Luciano.

Luciano purred softly, and started going just a wee bit harder, pressing his finger into the scar. "Ngh...Cao~"

((yes its possible to purr. I can purr))

Cao arched his back again, more this time, moaning louder.

Luciano lightly bit Cao's ear, purring a bit louder.

Cao shivered a little, bringing a hand up to the back of Luciano's head.

Luciano smiled and slowed down a noticeable amount, going the same pace as the beginning.

"W... why a-are you... slowing down?"

"S-save... energy."

"B-but... I h-had... such, a rush..."

Luciano sighed and sped back up, hitting against the spot harder than before.

Cao moaned louder than previously, tightening his hold on Luciano some.

Luciano pressed his face into Cao's neck.

Cao opened an eye slightly, looking to Luciano. "I-is... so-something, wrong..?"

"N-nope~... your skin is just so soft...and smells so good..."

On normal conditions, Cao would be blushing a little. He started running his fingers through Luciano's hair. "S-soft..."

"Ng~!" he moaned loudly when Cao brushed his curl.

Cao looked at him, confused for a moment, then remembered about the curl. He forced a smirk, and took hold of it, and pulled gently.

Luciano hit the spot hard for a moment, "Nnng..."

Cao released a scream, accidently tugging on the curl a bit roughly and tightening his grip on Luciano even more.

Luciano whimpered softly, "Nya~"


Luciano bit his lip hard, "D-do it again~"

Cao forced another smirk, and did it again.

Luciano hit the spot as hard as he did the last time Cao pulled it and moaned loudly.

Cao, however, released another scream, holding on even tighter, arching his back greatly.

Luciano slowly slowed down and looks at him, smiling.

Cao looked up at him, panting heavily.

Luciano leaned down, and kissed Cao's throat where his vocal chords are.

Cao moaned rather softly now, continuing to pant.

Luciano slid out, panting softly, and layed next to Cao, "No school tomorrow by the way~"

"D-duh... l-last, night... was... that, booze... party... It... is, Saturday... now..." he panted, closing his eyes, rather exhausted.

Luciano smiled and held him close, "Cao?"


"I love you," he smiled and fell asleep.

Cao was only partially stunned, and blushed heavily. "...Y-Yeah... ...you too..." he said, though obviously to himself, and also fell asleep.