Hey guys, its Gardevoirfan134. This is the edited chapter 1 of A Lucky Meloetta. I hope you enjoy. I don't own anything of pokemon, just My OC's. With that let's begin

In the nick of time

(Okay You can do this. It's just a job interview. It's not like it's the end of the world if you don't get it)

"Dear you're gonna be late!"

"Okay mom I'll be there in a minute!" he splashed his face with water (You can do this)


"Shit SORRY MOM" Alex is about five feet, ten inches and he has a semi-muscular build to him. He has green eyes, long dirty blonde hair and he is almost sixteen. He went down stairs to see his mom.

"Sorry to yell but it's your first job interview don't mess it up."

"Okay. Bye mom."

"Bye sweetie. Good luck!" She gave a loving motherly smile.

"Thanks mom, love you!" he said as he headed out the door. He lived in Nuvema Town and was going to the city closest he could find so he wouldn't have a long commute. He headed along the path when he heard a cry in the woods so he decided to check it out. He saw a bunch of zangoose in a circle. Alex saw some sort of white Pokemon. All he saw was either an arm or leg he couldn't tell which, but as he looked closer, the appendage was badly scratched and bleeding. Without hesitation he called out his pokemon.

"Come on out Servine, Zebrastrika,
Raichu!" All three Pokemon came out an looked ready to fight. "Servine use leaf Blade, Zebrastrika use charge beam, Raichu use bolt tackle!" Servine hit four of them knocking them out of the way. Zebrastrika hit six of them, sending them into trees and bushes and Raichu struck one and the four around it became paralyzed. The alpha Zangoose looked at Alex with a death stare and backed up into the woods. His posse followed him like scared puppies with their talis between their legs. "Return!" he thanked his Pokemon for the assistance. He turned his attention to the Pokemon that was laying on the ground. It had scratches, bruises, bumps, and blood was dripping down the side of its mouth. He was sickened by the sight. He was appalled that such a travesty could occur to such a beautiful creature. He checked to see if it was breathing, placing his hand on the strange pokemon's chest. It's breaths were faint. He took off his blue hoodie and wrapped the strange Pokemon in it. He cradled its head in his hand and held the pokemon to his chest as he hurried home. Alex ran as fast as he could, swinging open the door and rushing past his mother.

"Alex? What are you doing here so early, and what is that you're holding?"

Alex placed the pokemon on the couch, uncovering it and revealing the injuries spread across its entire body

"What happened?! Why didnt you take it to a pokemon center?!"

"If I tried to reach the closest pokemon center, I might be too late. I brought it here because I know I can help it now, not in an hour. I need some gauze, antibiotic, some ice and a potion."

"Okay I'll be right back." she left and opened the cabinet an grabbed a first aid kit, a potion and some ice like he asked. While she was doing this Alex was examining the Pokemon looking for signs of a concussion and broken bones. It had a broken forearm . "Here's the things you asked for." she handed them over.

"Thanks hold the arm gently so I can wrap it" the Pokemon winced a little but ceased when he put the potion on. "Can you get me some plastic bags and fill them with ice?" she left the room and while she did that he put the pokemons arm into a cast. "Thank you" he said as his mom gave him the plastic bags. She came back with five bags, two went on the pokemons waist, one went on the elbow of the unbroken arm, one directly over the cast and one for its head. He applied the potion to the wounds on it's legs, face, and arms. He had done all he could, he had to wait for the antibiotic wrap to kick in. The Pokemon rested and Alex refused to go to bed. He was determined to attended to the needs of this Pokemon whenever it arrived. Sometimes it was as simple as changing the bandages or putting new ice in the bags. Other times it was worse, he fought off a fever that threatened the pokemons life. This lasted for days. More medicine was needed as this continued. He sent his mom out to get medical supplies at a pokemon center nearby at the next city over. Alex put a thermometer in the pokemon's mouth and waited for it to beep. The fever was gone and the pokemon's eyes opened slowly from hearing the thermometer beep. It's blue eyes looked so full of life and she looked around the room. He looked at it and said "Hey are you feeling better?" The pokemon nodded yes and looked at its arm, about to take the cast off but he grabbed its hand and said "Don't do that. This will help you get better."

The pokemon looked up at him, and with a soft angelic voice said "Thank you." Alex' eyes grew wide and he collapsed from the shock of hearing a Pokemon talk. He woke up a half hour later on the couch with her napping on his chest in the fetal position. She opened her eyes as he shifted, they looked at each other.

Alex stammered "D-did you just..talk?"

"Yes." She smiled at him "I'm meloetta"

"I-I'm Alex." He looked at her in disbelief

"Hello Alex."

"H-Hi...what happened to you?" she turned from him

"My personal business." Meloetta sounded a little upset. He decided to keep quiet and she looked back at him apologetically. "I'm sorry it's just I don't want to talk about it is all." Tears started to well up in her eyes. Alex felt he needed to change the subject.

"How are you feeling?" She seemed to calm down a bit, looking at her broken arm.

"I'm feeling better, all things considered. Thank you..for saving me and all." She gently rubbed the cast.

"It's no problem, I'm glad you're okay. I was really worried"

"You were worried about me?" Meloetta looked at him a little confused

"Of course, I can't stand seeing anything suffering" Meloetta smiled as she heard his words. She noticed his pokemon out of thier pokeballs.

"You must be an adventurer right?"

"Actually I just got back a month ago. I have four badges that shows I have beaten four gym leaders. I've decided to get a job now as a medical assistant and train my Pokemon. I think my journey has ended."

"Nonsense that would be horrible for your Pokemon."

"How can you tell they are all relaxed and mellow." he was pointing to his pokemon. On top of the ones mentioned earlier he has a pignite, a flygon, and a blaziken.

"They long for battle, they look like that because they're bored." they heard battle and perked up their heads in excitement and looked at Alex for a response.

"Perhaps you're right. All in favor?"

"Ser-Rai-Nite-Strika-Gon-Ken" they all said in unison.

"Well can I come along too?"

"Really you want to come with me? It could be dangerous."

"I won't have anything to worry about with you protecting me."

"Okay stay still." he tapped a pokeball on her forehead. The middle button glew red seven times and stopped.

"I won't let you down meloetta"

Let me know what you guys think in the reviews, is the edited version any better? I hope you enjoyed. Have a great day!