For the next three days Yakumo fully expected her to try again. He was hyper-aware of her every move. The day after Haruka's 'attack' Yakumo had gotten a case; relatively simple but time consuming. It took the last three days to solve it. It might have gotten resolved sooner but Yakumo's sharp mind and keen instincts were trained on someone of the living variety.
He couldn't help but keep an eye on her. He grudgingly admitted, only to himself mind you, that she had considerable power and influence over him. He greatly disliked this. He liked being in control and what she could do to him… that was not being in control.
He was now alone in the club room gathering the file papers and putting them back in their envelope. His back was to the door when heard the door open and close behind him. He didn't turn around.
"What is it this time?" He asked.
He was about to turn around when he'd received no reply when arms snaked around his waist. He tensed and moved to turn again when the arms crisscrossed over his middle started to rub his sides.
"Nnngh!" Was all he could manage in his surprise as Haruka leaned into him from behind.
She gently pushed him forwards, guiding his hands to the table in front of him with one of hers while the other continued to run over his skin. He tensed and trembled, silently cursing himself for letting his guard down. She'd waited until he had just started to get comfortable and started to leave himself open.
He glanced over his shoulder at her. She smiled up at him and kissed his cheek before pressing a little bit harder into his sides. He sucked in a breath as he dropped his head. More shivers wracked his body as he tried desperately to remember what he had planned to do in this situation. Try as he might he just couldn't grasp the thought, Haruka's clever fingers preventing anything even close to thinking. He finally gave up.
His shoulders slumped and he groaned in a mix of frustration and pleasure. Haruka sensed his surrender and moved closer again, molding herself to his back. Her hands found their way to the buttons of his shirt and proceeded to undo them. He put up a bit of a fight, but considerably less than the first time.
When the last button came undone she ran her hand up his chest, to his neck and over his shoulder, pulling the shirt completely off. Her hands were immediately back to work, sliding over smooth skin, applying pressure here and there, just enough to drive him crazy and make him crave more.
He let out a shaky breath and his legs trembled with the effort to keep him standing. He was leaning heavily on the table now and he was sure that he would be on the ground by now if it weren't there. Haruka rained kisses onto his shoulders, neck and back and he shivered and groaned as her tongue stole across his skin.
Haruka pressed hard into both points that stole his strength. The air whooshed from his lungs and he collapsed onto his knees, his hands now above his head as they remained gripping the table ledge. She followed him down and was now kneeling behind him. She was now able to rest her chin on his shoulder since the issue of height had been resolved.
She nuzzled into him as one hand moved up and roughly brushed his nipple while the other poked a very sensitive area right between two of his ribs.
"Augghh!" He threw his head back, subconsciously leaning back into Haruka. He could feel her smile against his neck at his reaction. He wanted to get up and storm out but a swift, firm hand over his right side and all such thoughts flew out the window.
He felt lips against the nape of his neck, softly caressing, her breath tickling his skin.
"Nnngkk!" He grunted as she bit down, hard. The sharp zing of pain through his system only seemed to fuel the fire. He shook as she let up and started to gently suck and lick the already forming mark.
A hand snaked between their bodies and began exploring his back. They both learned that his sensitive sides extended partially onto his back. She found several more, smaller sensitive spots in her exploration of his back.
She placed two fingers on either side of his spine, dragging them down his back. He shivered as her nails lightly traced over his skin as her hand repeated the gesture.
Yakumo hated himself for not being able to stop her but she seemed to know exactly what to do to counter everything he tried. The only option she left him with was to sit there and either endure or enjoy what she was doing to him. He wasn't sure if he was ready to admit he enjoyed it just yet, even to himself.
Her lips finally left the mark on his shoulder to continue kissing his shoulders and down his back. Her hands moved back to his front and retraced over an already memorized map of pleasure points.
His body was tensed and trembling, clearly telling Haruka that he was near his breaking point. She loosened his hold on the table and moved in front of him pushing him backwards. As he felt himself falling he instinctively reached out to grab something to save himself. Haruka grabbed one of his hands as his other grasped her waist.
She gently laid him on his back and his mind finally caught up to what had happened. He should have been embarrassed that he had reached out like that and was still holding onto her. But he realized that he trusted her. She gripped his hand tightly to tell him it was okay. She was there. She was always there. Even when he got himself kidnapped she had come to get him. She had stayed by his side when her own life was in danger. She was with him even when his dad tried to take over him. She was always there. She would never let him fall.
He opened his eyes to look up at her. She smiled down at him with that same beautifully pure smile that he was so undeserving of. She leaned forward and kissed his eye and then his forehead before once again pushing him over the edge. He held onto her hand and waist tightly as his mind went blank. He let out a short moan and collapsed back onto the ground.
Much like the first time she held onto him and let him take his time to recover. However, she didn't let go of his hand this time.
When his breathing finally calmed he cracked his eyes opened and looked over at their intertwined hands. He was confused. He knew that he shouldn't like holding her hand but he really didn't mind it. He knew that he should probably be mad but he wasn't.
He finally turned his attention to her. She had that same look of awe on her face as the first time. For her part she knew that no one had ever been as close to Yakumo like she was now. This thought both thrilled and confused her. She thought for sure that he would have gotten angry after that first time but aside from being more watchful of her he mainly acted like it never happened. And then here he was, allowing her once more to lie on his chest.
They both confused each other to no end which was probably the reason he allows her to 'bother' him and why she continually seeks his company.
After a few more minutes Haruka once more helped Yakumo to the couch. She wiped him off and helped him into a clean shirt. She gently ran her hands through his hair, moving it out of his face. She threw a blanket over him before she straightened up and grabbed her purse from by the door. She looked back one last time to find his left eye cracked open, tiredly watching her.
She smiled at him. "Good night, Yakumo-kun." She whispered before walking out of the room, making sure to lock it so no one would disturb him, before heading home herself.
Yakumo silently contemplated his newly discovered trust in the girl who had just left. How had that happened without him noticing? This was his last thought before sleep claimed him.
Thank you so much for all the reviews! I wasn't expecting so many because it looked like this was a reletively small fandom. And sorry for the delay for this chapter. Not only do I still feel like I have an ice pick coming out of my eye I think I also managed to catch the new flu that's going around from my dad... So yeah since it looks like I'm not going to get better any time soon I thought I'd try to finish this chapter and get it up. And it's really hard to not keep repeating yourself with something like this. Hopefully I did okay. I want to include cases for this fic but I'm terrible with coming up with things like that. If any of you have ideas I'd be very happy to hear them!