Oh oh lookie what we have here~ xD

Well I thought about making an Eyewearshipping(Gold x Ruby) fan fiction for a while now and Secondaryshipping(Silver x Green) is my OTP…why not make a fanfic with them both in? xD Anywhooo~

Also if you wanna know the song I was inspired by is Beautiful - Eminem. Amazing song; check it out~ o w o

I hope you like this first chappy o A o

Chapter One

"For fucks sake, Ruby!"

It was a cold mid-January night. This was a typical procedure for the black-haired preteen; come home, get yelled at, beaten up, cry self to sleep. Wiping away his tears, Ruby looked up at his father. His giant scarlet eyes only reflected fear, expecting the worst. His father, Norman, only smirked.

With a swift movement, Ruby was punched in the cheek, causing him to topple over. He whimpered, raising his hand to touch the place where he was hit. But Norman was having none of that. He jabbed Ruby's side with his foot hard, causing the child to cry out in pain. The now sobbing Ruby tried to stumble back to his feet, only to be knocked down to the floor again with another harsh punch to the face. Now his nose was dribbling with blood, making the youngster sob harder.

Norman just laughed at the sight. His son looked so pathetic. But…Why was he enjoying this..?

Quickly, the man grabbed an empty glass bottle. Earlier it had contained whiskey, but he'd had downed that in no time. Out of pure fear, Ruby shifted backwards, staring at his father with fright. His vision had became blurred by tears. Smirking, he smashed the bottle against the wall, causing the shattered glass to fly. One of the shards slashed Ruby's bare arm, making a small gash. Quickly, he stumbled to his feet, making eye contact with his father for a split second, then made a dash for his room.

Slamming the door behind him, Ruby slid down against the door and broke down. Sniffling, he wiped away the last of his tears. Blinking, he noticed the light on his Pokegear was flashing. He picked up the device, flipping the top up. He had a message from a few minutes ago. Funny…no one usually messages me at this time. The red-eyed child glanced at his clock. It was nearly 1AM. He shrugged, opening the message.

From: Gold

Hey dude! Long time, no see. Wanna meet up sometime? I'm free and all tomorrow. Wanna come over?

The child sighed and thought about it. Norman was on Gym duty tomorrow and his mother was busy. Ruby quickly tapped back a message, agreeing to meet up. Atleast he had something to look forward to tomorrow.

Standing up, Ruby climbed into bed, wrapping himself up in the sheets and falling asleep fairly quickly.

Amg such a short chapter …oh well xD

Hope yous liked it anyway c;