I was sitting here thinking since I have the worlds WORST writers block, that it's better for me to write SOMETHING and get my creative juices flowing that to stare at a blank page for hours trying to write another chapter for one of my fics. This way I'm writing, getting back in the zone and well yea...either way this has been running through my mind obsessively. Now I love Klaine, But more than anything I ship Kurt/Happy :p Regardless of who that is with because...I love Kurt Hummel...and I would happily get a sex change just to be with him...OKAY moving on.

Here's some Kurt!Insecurities & Angst...with KADAM Pairing because I wanted too and quite frankly the boy is adorable and he has a sunshine smile and nice accent and sparkle eyes when he looks at Kurt :p

Honestly, Kurt didn't get it. At all.

For reasons completely unknown to him, Adam actually seemed to LIKE him.

He'd never had something like this happen before. He was always the one who had to chase, to admire from afar hoping and praying the person he had fallen for might one day give him a chance. When he fell, he fell hard, and it was always something he'd hated about himself. He wouldn't get hurt so much if he was more cautious in giving out his heart, but he couldn't help it. Kurt Hummel was built to love people. He was almost desperate to have someone treat him like he was precious and cherished and WANTED. Even Blaine, the 'love of his life' had rejected him before he was eventually given a chance, Blaine had dated RACHEL before deciding to give him a chance, then they were finally together...and Kurt honestly thought that would be it, he'd found his soul mate and happily ever after, he'd never have to feel that way again...it was his turn to be happy.

Or not.

This beautiful image he'd built up in his mind over the last two years was completely shattered with one sentence 'I was with someone'.

He'd forgiven Blaine, he couldn't NOT forgive him. When you love someone that much, staying upset with them for too long just isn't possible...but it still hurt.

It just reaffirmed his beliefs that he was in some way...lacking. He wasn't enough.

and if his last conversation with Finn was anything to go by, Blaine wasn't exactly pining over him anymore. Now that he'd forgiven him, part of him had thought he and Blaine might be working towards getting back together...apparently he was mistaken however because Blaine had a new not so secret 'crush' on Sam Evans...a straight jock who was absolutely nothing like Kurt...and he really tried not to let it get to him how much that actually hurt. Flash backs to Jeremiah and his long dirty blonde hair and nonexistent but definitely 'male' fashion sense...to Sam...who Kurt DID adore in his own way, another blonde with nonexistent but definitely 'male' fashion sense...Kurt was almost afriad to wonder what Eli might have looked like.

After he'd heard he'd stared in the mirror for almost an hour and tried to figure out what the hell had Blaine liked about him if he obviously wasn't even his 'type'...but maybe that's why it didn't work? He wasn't really Blaine's type and never would be...he needed to accept that and move on. At first, it wasn't working so great he'd admit but...

Then he met Adam.

Adam who thought his preformance at the Winter Showcase was ...in his words...Breathtaking.

Adam who 'needed' and 'wanted' him for his show choir group because he apparently thought he was that talented.

Adam who sang him a ridiculous song with his group and made him really laugh for the first time in months.

Adam who thought Kurt looked like a young Paul Newman...the man with the most famous Blue eyes in movie history.

Adam who think's he would make a great Brick Pollit in Cat On The Tin Roof.

Adam who complimented him on his dancing...and refused to let him brush it off even though no one had ever actually complimented his dancing before.

Adam who apparently was 'thinking' about Kurt when he wasn't around.

and most importantly...Adam who had accepted his invite for a coffee date with a happy smile on his face and given Kurt his number.

So this was what it was like? To like someone and have them like you back and seem genuinely happy and excited at the idea that you might want to spend time with them, to not have to feel like you have to chase them and convince them that theres something about you worth giving a chance...

Kurt definitely could get used to this.

A/N: Already working on the next chappie and almost done. It'll be posted soon. Please R&R