" Lucy, look out !" Natsu shouted as he was about to jump off a cliff to hit the mystical creature that was about to attack Lucy. She couldn't move because of the lack of magic she had left, after trying to summon more than two celestial spirits.

However, she turned around and called with all her strength Scorpio who with a fast shot hit the monster, throwing it against the cliff and sending it unconscious.

Using her last bit of magic was a stupid choice. Very stupid. She dropped on her back as the last words she could hear were those of Natsu and Happy screaming like crazy her name.

Shut...up... Lucy thought before letting the darkness embrace her.



Lucy felt her body being shaken with a force equal to that of a monster. She opened her eyes in shock from the pain that her body was experiencing, in addition to the pain caused by the wounds from the mission.

"N-Natsu!" She tried to speak but her voice was poor and weak, yet the boy understood that she was awake and she was feeling pain because he was shaking her with all his strength.

"S-sorry" Natsu said as he left the grip. He stood by the bed like a guilty puppy that did something wrong and was waiting for his master to punish him.

Lucy, though she wasn't able to tell much because of the dizziness, realized that she was in the guild's infirmary, which was now rebuilt again and was even bigger than the last one. She already lost herself like 5 times in that place and every single time Natsu found her. With his incredible sense of smell he would have been able to find her even if she would have fled on the moon.

She couldn't keep her eyes open for more than 30 sec, but even in that short period of time she could see in Natsu's eyes that he was very worried about her. She could faintly feel Happy pressing tight against her right hand, making it sticky because of his tears which wouldn't stop falling.

A long time ago she would have felt a bit disgusted to have a cat bathing her hand in an unwatchable way. But at that moment, instead of telling him to let go of her hand she patted his head.

Happy looked up and as he looked up she whispered some words.

"Happy don't worry I'm fine. She said ..." The rose-haired man said with a tone of voice that didn't seem to believe her not even a bit, and with an even more worried look than before. Lucy turned towards Natsu and with a smile that could melt even the most powerful glaciers, she smiled at him before closing her eyes and fall into another deep sleep.

At first, Natsu almost felt like an arrow has pierced his heart and his face burn up like never before, after which he felt an absurd pain in seeing Lucy that was slowly leaving him again to go in the country of dreams. He felt ... scared? How was it possible? He was sure that he had fought his fear a long time ago on Tenrou island, against Hades.

However, unlike that fear that made his entire body tremble, this fear was different. Very different ... He felt his heart tremble, cry, moan when he saw Lucy in this situation. Again, he felt the instinct to shake her until she would re-opened her eyes.

No, maybe I shouldn't ... Natsu thought.

But then what if she doesn't re-open her eyes once again? ... Maybe I should ... No ... But what if ... He began to panic, while he thought about what to do. Minutes passed by very quickly, then suddenly he threw himself on her, taking the same position as before to shake her again.

"N-Natsu!?" Happy said surprised, from the ground since he had been thrown out of the bed.

"I have to do it, we can't afford to lose Lucy for a stupid mission like that!" Natsu yelled at Happy.

Happy could see the fury and despair which that man was feeling. He thought it would have been better if he would have stopped him because he was afraid that he would have hurt Lucy, but the cat knew that the pink-haired man who was in front of him didn't want to lose a very important person; among other things we're talking about his partner. Lucy. He passes every single days with her. Every time Lucy went on a mission alone, Natsu felt really sad and alone but once she came back healthy and strong, you could see the joy on his face.

Happy nodded to make him understand that he agreed with him. On the other hand, even the cat would have felt really bad if Lucy would have left him in front of his eyes. Even if he was joking with her, always making fun of her, there were some times when Lucy would embrace him and console him like a real mother. Heck, there were some missions where the cat was even protected by her.

Natsu was about to shake her again, when a female voice from afar asked:

"Natsu what are you doing!?" It was Mirajane.

Mirajane had come to see if Lucy was improving but to her surprise she found a sleeping Lucy with Natsu on top of her, holding her by the arms with a surprised face like that of Mirajane. In a twinkling of an eye, in the girl's mind occurred many hypotheses about what had happened, but only one .. The worst ... She could accept as fair. Her face turned red as a tomato.

"S-s-sorry if I interfered something important." Natsu turned red when he heard those words.

"It's not as it seems I-I-" Those words came out of his mouth while shaking, without using a lot of strength but quickly, Lucy's body.

"Natsu what are yo-"

"Oi! Flaming head, what the hell do you have to shout about, so early in the mor-" In that moment Erza and Gray entered the room but stopped half-way through. Seeing Lucy half-naked (because of the shaking), Natsu blushing on top of her while he was struggling to breathe and an embarrassed blushing Mirajane, they were shocked.

With an amazing speed Erza changed her armor and railed against Natsu. She threw him against the wall, securing him with a sword at his throat. On her face you could read that she felt angry and disgusted. At the same time Gray, threw himself against the two magicians but instead of going to Natsu, he went to Lucy and built around her and her bed a prison made of ice. In the cage, Happy was a prisoner too.

"How can you do such a thing, Natsu!?" Erza said in a voice that aroused desire to kill.

"Oi bastard, if you can't keep your hormones at bay, it's better if you stay away from Lucy and the rest of us." Gray said with a face of pure disgust as he motioned Natsu to disappear, as if he were a beast. Natsu snapped and his whole body went up in flames.

"Hah? What did you say ice head?" Natsu said after pushing the ex-Quipper with great ease surprising even Erza.

"I said that, if you can't keep your hormones at bay you'll have to-" A punch cut short his words. Natsu punched him in the face knocking him against the wall behind him.

"Oh! Sorry but it seemed like there was some stupidity on your face and I wanted to wipe it off." Natsu said with a smirk, resulting in Gray feeling even more disgust and angry.

"B-baaastard!" Gray yelled as he got up to go counterattack.

"G-Guys don't struggle here you could injure Lucy!" Mirajane said, but neither one of them heard her. They were beating each other up badly, until Natsu decided to use his magic to give the final blow.

"Enough!" That word thundered in the room, freezing even the smallest corner. Erza was the only one who heard what Mirajane said.

"If you want to fight then get o- No! Friends shouldn't fight in the first place! However, get out of here. You guys are a constant danger! You never think, do you? Can't see that there's an injured person in this room?" Erza said in a loud but calm voice, though you could see very well that she was angry.

"A-a-a-am I d-d-disturbing something?" A girl's voice made its way into the room, in which there was a deathly silence after Erza's lecture. It was Wendy and Charle. The little girl was trembling behind the door. Maybe because she saw Natsu and Gray fighting, since she still wasn't used to their sudden brawls. Every time it seemed like the last time that they would punch each other because of their seriousness.

"No Wendy, it's okay." Mirajane said with a very sweet smile as she approached the little dragon slayer to stroke her head. Erza sighed when she saw the little girl and passed a hand through her long red hair. Wendy somehow managed to send away some of the anger that was lingering in that room.

"S-sorry for the delay, b-but I woke up late and s-so ..." The little Wendy said, believing that the reason why those people were angry was her fault.

"It's not your fault, Wendy." Gray said with a smirk, making the little Wendy jolt, surprised by his words.

"Let's say that there's a person here, who doesn't know how to control himself and above all to behave." He added as he walked towards Wendy to stroke her head and then leave the room.

"Yeah, it's not your fault, you should know that those two are always joking." Erza said copying the movements that Gray made 2 sec before.

"But some people should understand their mistakes and apologize for their rude behavior." After finishing this sentence she looked over her shoulder towards Natsu, who was facing Lucy's bed without saying anything or doing anything, except for the anger enclosed in his fists, which he kept so tight that they could bleed at any moment.

Erza left the room while smiling at the little Wendy and Charle, to reach Gray that was listening to the conversation a few steps down the hall. Natsu suddenly turned towards Wendy, making her jump for the second time that day. He walked towards her and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Please, save Lucy." He said, without making eye contact with her eyes or those of Mirajane. Said that, he didn't even give her time to answer that he already left the room.

"Don't worry Wendy, it's just that Lucy is very important to Natsu. He doesn't want to lose anyone else besides his father, Igneel." Said this, Mirajane walked away from the girl to go towards the ice cage, which trapped Lucy and Happy inside.

"Maybe it's better if we leave this cage, it seems a very effective barrier..." Smiling, she opened the door to enter the cage and so did Wendy.

"How is she?" Mirajane asked her with a touch of concern on her face.

"Hmmmm ..." The little Wendy hummed as she diagnosed the patient seriously.

"Mhhhh ..." She said again, but with a weaker voice. Suddenly she put her hands on Lucy's chest and magical letters were formed around them. She was using her magic to heal Lucy. After 5 min of continuous use of magic, the dragon slayer began to feel fatigue.

"There's no need to go beyond the limit." Charle said, looking at her with a worried look.

"C-Charle don't worry, 2 more sec and we're done." Wendy said, smiling tiredly. Charle smiled back but not for long, her face returned as serious as before.

"Weeendy, for how long do we have to wait for?" Happy asked with a bored tone while fluttering in the cage.

"Happy!" Mirajane frowned, a little angry at what he said.

"That's it!" Wendy said before she wiped the dripping sweat from her forehead.

"The worst is over now, but I don't know for how long she's gonna sleep ..." She said with a touch of happiness and a bit of sadness.

"What do you mean, the worst is over?" Charle asked with a confused look.

"Let's say that from what I've took care of, I understood that Lucy has used her last drop of magic to summon a spirit who needs lots of magic energy to summon. This has caused a shock and consequently her senses left her body." Wendy explained, as she watched the poor Lucy who was now smiling in her sleep. She returned the smile.

Mirajane sighed. Luckily, the worst was over, if Wendy hadn't been there, it would have been difficult for Lucy to opened her eyes again, and above all to keep Natsu at bay, who would have definitely lost his mind.

"B-but ..." The little girl suddenly stuttered, looking at the ground.

"If Lucy won't re-open her eyes within two days all the pain that I've now removed, will return and it's going to be difficult to repeat the magic spell agai-" The door opened... No... Rather, you could say that it flew away from its mainstays with a loud dry sound. Natsu was there surrounded by his flames. He was giving off a very angry aura, which the little Wendy could feel very well, being a dragon slayer. She immediately hid behind Mirajane and peeked at Natsu. Especially at his eyes.

She could clearly see death in his eyes. His veins were very swollen and his muscles were strangely bigger than before. In Wendy's eyes that was no longer Natsu, it was another person. A person capable to kill his family without feeling any empathy. Like Gajeel's eyes but much more different.

"What do you mean that if she doesn't re-open her eyes within 2 days, the pain will come back?" Natsu asked with a very strange slowness. It was as if he was trying to control himself, not to attack the small girl and hurt her. He had heard everything. He had never left that place. Wendy knew that if she would have said something wrong and not soon, something terrible would have happen to her. As tears began to fall from her eyes like rivers, the little Wendy started to tremble so strong as if she had seen death appear in front of her eyes. But Natsu hadn't been even slightly affected. He didn't give a shit about what he was doing to Wendy.

"I won't repeat myself two times. Speak!" The boy demanded with an angry voice. He was losing his temper.

"Natsu, enough! You're scaring Wendy!" Mirajane said as she raised her hand above Wendy's head, to catch Natsu's attention. In fact, she succeeded. Now, Natsu was watching her, but his gaze had changed. It was angrier than before and the flames around him grew even stronger.

"Natsu ..." Happy whispered, his voice was weak and scared but at the same time worried.

"What now? Are you gonna tell me that she won't open her eyes again and that we would be like at the beginning!? Or that she doesn't have much time left to live? Haaah!?" There was so much anger in that man's words, but at the same time fear. Fear of losing someone. His best friend, Lucy. Erza and Gray came into the room, taking Natsu from behind, trying to get him out of there, but Natsu had already lost his mind. He was fighting against them like a possessed beast. They have never seen him like that.

At the mere thought that a girl like that had managed to make this man crazy enough to lose his mind, it was amazing. Natsu thought of everyone as friends. None was more important than the other. He loved them all the same. But, for Lucy ... His behavior was definitely different ... But ... Since when? Since when was this man capable of hurting his friends for only one person?

"Lucy! Give me back Lucy! Let me go!" Natsu screamed as he was led away by force, now by 3 people. Mirajane had intervened seeing that Erza and Gray were making a great effort to take him away from there.

"Lucy! Lucy! Let me go! Fuuuuck! Lucyyyyyyyyyy!" You could still hear his voice, even if now he was taken out of the guild. His voice was so strong and loud that you could hear it through the walls.

Between those screams ... His voice .. His heart ... looked like they were crying.