Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed. I do own all my original characters, I worked to make them they are mine, please do not use them.

Note: There will be times when I refer to the different characters by military rank, (staff sergeant, specialist, corporal) if you have any questions, or are confused by the ranks PLEASE ASK ME! I will be happy to explain, or help you understand.

Also, I'm sorry. I know I'm a bitch for not updating. Sorry. I'm trying! And hey~~~ NEW CHAPTER! READ AND ENJOY!


Chapter 11:

The world was moving in slow motion, really she knew it wasn't, but she couldn't seem to get to Patrick fast enough. No matter how hard she was pushing her body.

Run! Run!

She knew that there had to be people screaming but she couldn't hear that, and she only faintly registered the static and crackle coming from her radio which was making it near impossible to concentrate.

Squad three, go after him! One! Two! Close in on the stage! Nine! Cut him off! Snipers! Look for further threats, eliminate them!

On her left she could sense another group, that she knew to be full of young looking soldiers that hadn't seen a day of battle yet, closing in as they would have been ordered, but they were hopelessly clueless as to what else to do.

It felt like an eternity before she reached the fallen councilman.

The first thing she noticed, was the red that was spreading across the fallen Zala's chest. Staining his crisp white shirt an ugly red color. Why the hell didn't he have a vest on?!

Sound returned to her with a sharp crack that sounded far to close to her and the fallen councilman. She pulled her utility knife and cut the shirt open, and felt her stomach lurch at the sight of the wounds. Two. One in the chest, one on the right shoulder. The one in his chest looked to be the worse and she quickly pressed her hands to it, hoping to slow the blood flow.

She took a moment to look at his face then, his skin was pale. Sickly looking. The pain in his expression caused another fleeting moment of pure panic, before she shoved that feeling aside and tried to focus.

Don't die on me! You can't leave us like this!

She felt a hard pressure in her shoulder and glanced to the side to see it was Athrun, he had his hand on her shoulder and was trying to gain her attention.

"Lift on three! Then straight to the transport!" She heard a voice say sharply. At the corners of her vision she could see other men moving around and the man in front of her had on a medical uniform. "Keep your hands on that wound. He's lost too much as it is." Kira heard Athrun, who was pressed right next to her, his arms under his father's head, snarl.

"One! Two! Lift!" Kira kept her hands pressed firmly to the wound, and she tried not to look at his face; the pained sound he made told her enough. Seeing it would do no good.

"Zala~ get your hands on that shoulder!" One of the medics barked, and Kira couldn't help but feel her worry escalate. Is that one just as bad? Did the movement aggravate it?

"Let's move." Someone said, and Kira fell into the fluid movement of the stretcher, and she felt Athrun's movements right with her.

After what felt like hours, but in reality was only a few minutes at the most, Kira was moved to the side and a nurse took her spot, a doctor right on her heels. A moment later Athrun was pushed aside, and they watched, matching feelings of dread as Patrick was wheeled immediately into surgery.

"Are you both alright?" a young male asked as he walked up from the side, looking at them both with a sad look. His eyes kept glancing to their hands. "Yeah. We need to get cleaned up though." Kira said, when Athrun stayed silent.

"Yes, please come this way." He said and Kira had to bump Athrun with her elbow to get him moving. "There's nothing more we can do here. He's in the best hands now." she whispered. He nodded but still did not speak.

Kira quietly shrugged off her jacket and promptly tossed it in the trash. I have more, no need to keep that one. She scrubbed her arms with a vigor that left her arms looking red and sore after; but she did not show any signs of discomfort.

"If they need a blood transfusion, I'm a match to my father." Athrun said suddenly, looking at the male assistant standing at the doorway. He seemed startled by the suddenness of his voice, but he nodded.

"Thank you Staff Sergeant Zala, that information will be very useful. Would you please come with me to review some of the medical records? We want to make sure we have all the necessary information." He spoke quickly, trying to gather his bearings.

Athrun nodded sharply, and turned to Kira. "Kira, can you please call mom… let her know what's happening?"

"Of course. Go. I'll take care of it." She said with a sad smile, he walked away with the aide after that, and she sat down on one of the hard plastic chairs in the hall, pulling out her phone and staring sadly at the screen for a moment; before tapping the screen and hitting her name. It rang once.

"Kira! Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm alright. Athrun is too. They just took him back for surgery."

"Oh, no. How bad is it then?"

She hesitated, hating that they were doing this over the phone. "Two shots, one in the chest, and one in the shoulder. They looked pretty bad."

"He didn't have on a vest, did he?"

"No. I don't know why yet."

"Thank you, Kira. Is my son with you?"

"No, he's with an aide. They wanted to check medical history. He volunteered for a blood transfusion if it's needed."

"Okay. I'm getting on a transport right now. Please let Athrun know when you see him. I love you both."

"Ok, love you too, mom."

There was a soft click as the line disconnected, and a soft melody started playing as a text came in.

Alex: Where are you?

She typed back a quick response, and put her phone down, setting her head in her hands. A short time later a young woman came into the room.

"Miss Yamato?"

"Yes." She said standing quickly and approaching.

"Staff Sergeant Zala asked me to inform you that he will be doing a blood transfusion, so he will not be returning for a few hours."

"Oh, thank you." She replied softly, "Any word on Councilman Zala?" She frowned, "It doesn't look good right now, the best doctors are with him now. We're doing all we can for him. We'll be sure to keep updating you."

"Thank you, Lenore is on the way too."

"Okay. Can I get you anything ma'am?"

"No, thanks." She nodded and went back the way she came.

Kira collapsed back into the chair, and rested her head back against the cold wall, and took a deep breath. Dimly she noticed the voices on the radio had calmed.

Two targets eliminated, one captured. Transferring suspect to the cells.

Team Three, reporting all clear. Injured being transferred now.

Any news on Councilman Zala?

When she heard the question she immediately grabbed the radio, knowing without a doubt everyone was worried.

"This is Yamato. Councilman is in surgery."

Is Athrun with you?

"He's giving blood for a transfusion, he will be reporting late. Mrs. Zala is on her way in."

Keep us posted.

That was no doubt Commander Skyy. Her voice was so easy to distinguish, particularly when most of the chatter is from men out in the crowds.

Kira heard footsteps approaching and saw Ethan walking up, his jacket stained in blood.

"Ethan! Are you alright?"

He nodded, "It's not mine. We were sent to standby here. Alex and Jake will be here soon." He said as he sat in the chair next to mine. "You okay?"

"I'm unhurt." She said softly, her voice nearly hollow.

"That's not what I asked… but I get it. Councilman Zala, he's a strong man. He has to be, he's such a great leader." Ethan said, with a nervous expression.


We sat in silence for what felt like a long time, when Alex and Jake arrived, escorting Lenore. "Kira!" she called as she walked down the hall, causing the young girl to bolt out of her seat and hug her mother-like figure.


"Hush. He's with the best doctors. It's all we can do."

Kira nodded and the four sat back down with Ethan, to cross their fingers and wait. When the nurse came out next to update them, the news was not much better, but Lenore took it in great stride.

"Thank you, now Ms. James, we will be joining my son in his recovery room, as it is my understanding he will be under observation for quite a while longer?"

"That's true ma'am. I would be glad to escort you."

"That is not necessary, get back to the surgery. Which room is it?"

"28C, ma'am." She said nervously. We all knew the rules would normally require the nurse or a doctor to escort her, as we were in a high security medical center, but she was the councilman's wife, and there were four soldier with her.

Lenore nodded and turned down the hall, and they all followed her closely; with the exception of Jacob, as the oldest he always felt the need to take the lead, so he jogged forward and took the lead of the group. It was a short amount of time before they reached the room that was designated. Jacob knocked shortly, and waited.


Jacob stepped to the side to allow Kira and Lenore in first, and Kira felt great relief at what she saw. Athrun was sitting upright, stripped to the waist with an IV in his left arm.

"Kira? Mom! I didn't expect you so soon."

"We were worried, and I came as fast as the pilots could get me here." Lenore said softly as she hugged her son. Kira sat on the edge of the bed, holding onto his left hand. Alex took us post by the door, while Ethan and Jacob both pulled chairs over to the side to make sure they wouldn't be in Mrs. Zala's way.

"Any news on dad?" Athrun asked after a long while, of them sitting in silence, no one quite sure what to say in such a terrible moment.

"Last check he was still fighting, the bullet in his shoulder came out without any complications, the other however, is much more difficult given the placement."

"I should have been closer to the stage, then maybe dad wouldn't have gotten shot." Athrun said quietly as he tightened his fist. "Damnit."

"With all due respect," Jacob spoke up. "It might have just gotten you both shot, then we'd be in an even worse situation."

"He's right, it would be hard to find to matching donors for blood if you'd both been injured. It can be difficult to just find one at times; and we defiantly are fighting time here." Alex said softly. "If you had been shot, we would be at a great risk of losing you both."

Lenore looked surprised, as did her son. "They make valid points son. This way we didn't have to waste time looking for a match, and I don't think I could handle it if you both had been hurt."

"I wouldn't have been able to handle it." Kira said softly. "It's hard enough seeing Patrick like that…"

The automatic door slid open then, and a middle aged man walked in. "Sir, just here to check on you." He spoke kindly.

"I'm fine. Ready to get off this bed," Athrun said with a forced smile.

"I understand. Not much longer, we don't want you passing out or having any ill effects."

"If you insist." He said with a sour note.

The man just smiled, "Let me check your IV, I'm still waiting to hear more news on your father. I know this must be difficult for you." He walked to the side, and Kira stood quickly, "Sorry, I'll move."

"No, no! You're fine, just sit back there; I can see all I need to." Kira sat back down by him, and Athrun grabbed her hand again. "Are you Mr. Zala's fiancée then?" he asked after a brief pause.

"Yes, I'm Kira."

"Miss Kira, it's been nice to meet you."

"Thank you for taking care of Athrun." She responded, much to the surprise of the man; before he could respond a sharp beeping noise rang from his pocket.

"Oh dear, let's all hope for good news!" he said as he pulled a small tablet from his pocket and began clicking away.

"Oh, good. They are finishing up with councilman Zala now. He did end up needing the blood you donated, so it's a good thing we did it when we did. There were complications, but I'll let his surgeon go over that with you. It'll be a little while yet before he's taken to the recovery room, so just sit tight. It looks like things are starting to turn up. Congratulations." He said looking, significantly more relieved.

As soon as the words left his mouth, Athrun's whole body went slack. "Thank fuck." He whispered quietly, but Kira still heard him, and she felt nearly the same. Her body relaxed back against the bed as well, and she noticed that Ethan, Jacob and Alex all looked more relaxed. Their postures not so stiff, their expressions more open instead of guarded.

"How soon will it be for me to see my husband?" Lenore asked, a significant change overcoming her.

"As soon as I know which room he's going to I will take you there; we can meet him there. Although, it may be awhile before he wakes."

"Of course, he just went through a five hour surgery. I imagine he'll sleep for a while longer."

He left after that, and the group as a whole could feel the tension leaving the room. "That's such fantastic news."


1800 hours


Kira's POV

I walked slowly down the hall, anxiety filling my mind. The memory of Patrick's pale, sickly expression remained in my mind. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and turned to see Jacob's worried green eyes. I tried to force a smile, so that he wouldn't be so worried; but it was obvious from his expression that he wasn't believing it at all.

"Kira, I know how you're feeling right now. It's hard to even imagine losing a parent, but to come so close is nearly unbearable." He spoke softly, and I was reminded rather sharply that he had lost both his parents, just over a year ago.

I didn't know what to say to him, so I just squeezed his arm as we continued down the hall. "Are you sure you don't want to go change?"

"No, I need to see for myself that he's actually going to be okay. Athrun can tell me all he wants, but…"

"It's just not the same." He finished for me, with an understanding nod. "I get it."

After what felt like an eternity, we arrived at the secured room. There were three special forces soldiers standing outside the door. I was shocked to see that one of them was Victor, Ethan's older brother. He was standing in the middle, and smirked at me; "Good to see you again, kid."

"Hey." Was all I could think to say. "Does Ethan know you're out here?"

"Yeah, baby brother came by to see me already. How are you holding up? Heard you were right in the middle of yesterday's fiasco."

"I'm alright. A lot better now that we know he's okay."

"Of course. You're not here to chat it up with me, go see him. We'll catch up later." Victor said with a grin. He knew what loss felt like as well, he had lost both parents when he was a teenager; and he had had two younger siblings to look after at the time. He slid the door open for me, and stepped to the side, "Thanks." Was all I could say as I walked past. Relieved to finally get to see Patrick, awake and doing well.

Lenore was sitting at his side, and Athrun was standing by the counter; there was a nurse as well, seeing to be checking on his progress. It explained the almost eerie silence in the room.

"Good to see you, Kira." He said quietly from the bed, I noticed he looked a lot better than the last time I had seen him; but I forced those thoughts away quickly. What mattered was that he was okay.

"Good to see you too. You're looking a lot better."

"I imagine so! I heard you were the first one to get to me. Thank you."

"Kira's not left the hospital since." Athrun cut in, from his place to the side, he was smiling softly. Relieved; I imagined, as we had all felt true terror for a while.

"Of course I didn't. I wanted to know right away what was happening, and the best way was to stay as close as I could." Kira walked over to Athrun and hugged him. She noticed briefly that the nurse had left without her noticing.

"What's the plan now? Are you staying here to recover?"

"No, they're sending me back to the PLANTs. They seem to think the risk is worth it."

"Risk?" Athrun, suddenly looked far more worried. Patrick nodded, "Ideally, they wouldn't want to move someone that just had such intense surgery; but I think they're willing to take that risk to get me to a more secure facility. Everyone's worried about someone trying again, when news gets out that I've survived."

"But that information is not being released until you are on the way home, Mr. Zala." Kira turned at the new voice, and was not surprised to see that it was Mya; Patrick's assistant.

"Of course. That was there is no chance of someone getting to you before we get home." Lenore agreed.

"When do you leave?" I asked, knowing that I sounded as worried as Athrun looked.

"Later today, they had to wait until I was conscious again. Though, I will be taking some pain medication and trying to sleep on the way there."

"Are you hurting now?" I couldn't help but be terrified at the thoughts that were plaguing me. A million things could go wrong, from the injury being aggravated, to something going wrong with the ship; which while I knew the chances were one in a million; it could still happen.

"No, dear. They've got me all sorted out as far as that goes. I actually think I might go ahead and fall asleep kids." He spoke softly, and made a shooing motion with his hand towards me and Athrun. I smiled and saluted, which while unnecessary still felt appropriate. Athrun just shook his head and walked to his father's side as I stepped out of the room.

End Chapter 11