All right, first off this is a sequel. If you are reading this and haven't read my first story: The Time For Change (I know kind of a lame title) I recommend you do that. However, this story is quite readable without reading the first one so it's your choice whether you do that or not. Now for people who have read the first one you may be able to tell this chapter is quite a lot longer than the last story's chapters. I'm planning to do all my chapters like that from now on, so tell me what you think of it. Also I probably won't be releasing as fast, but I'll try to work on chapters whenever I get the time (I'm usually working on them late into the night :p). If you notice any mistakes don't be afraid to PM me. I'll be more than happy to go and fix it. Now I hope you enjoy my story.

December: the month of Christmas. Yes, it was near that time and the Amusement Club was gathered lazily in the old tea building. Kyouko was loafing under the kotatsu, Yui was reading a manga, which Kyouko had lent her, and Chinatsu had just finished making tea and was currently serving it out to everyone. It was a typical Monday for the group.

Once she had passed out all the drinks, Chinatsu took her usual seat beside Yui. The doting girl had become much more essential to the image of Yui in the past few months and Kyouko could not help but wonder if they were going to get together soon.

On the topic of relationships however, Kyouko had a bit of her own issues. Ayano, her new girlfriend, had become extremely busy with the upcoming Christmas dance, being the student council president. Although Ayano had warned Kyouko of this happening, she did not expect her to be this busy. They barely got to talk to each other anymore, with all the student council members constantly interrupting them and the stacks of papers that seemed to be glued to Ayano's hands. Even in class she seemed to be juggling between the classwork and her student council duties.

Kyouko knew how stressful it was for her and tried to be supportive, but couldn't help but feel lonely at times. The company of her friends was no longer enough to relinquish her feelings of solitude; it had to be Ayano.

Akari, noticing her blonde friend sighing, tapped her shoulder and motioned for her to follow as she walked outside the room. Kyouko, looking up, noticed that Yui seemed to be fixated on her manga and Chinatsu seemed to be fixated on her. Kyouko decided it was safe to leave the room and got up slowly to follow Akari.

Once outside, she noticed the nip of the winter air and involuntarily rubbed her arms. Akari had been sitting on the steps of the building and said in a soft voice "What's got you down? It's Ayano isn't it? Do you want to talk about it?" She patted on the spot beside her indicating Kyouko to sit down.

Kyouko obliged and as she sat down she began to whisper in a slightly whiny voice "I just miss Ayano you know? I mean it's not like she's gone anywhere, but she's just so busy I miss her attention..." Kyouko gave a sad little smile. Even if she had been saying the same thing over and over in her head for a while, it was still nice to confide in someone else. Akari had been so supportive the last few months and Kyouko couldn't help but notice what a great friend she was to have.

"Yeah, I guess it can be hard dating the student council president, huh?" Akari sympathized, putting a hand on her friend's shoulder. "I guess it's something you will have to get used to, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't get any time together! C'mon, tomorrow I'll try and help you get a date!" Akari giggled, making Kyouko feel slightly more at ease.

"Okay! Thanks Akarin!" Kyouko smiled, bringing her younger companion into a hug. Kyouko started to realize how much everyone around her was changing. Kyouko herself, for the first time since she was little, (other than when Akari went missing for a week) was having internal and emotional struggles. While Akari was becoming very mature and reliable. Chinatsu hadn't changed too much, but she seemed less clingy now and more content. Yui was such a kuudere it was hard to notice, but there were also some slight quirks which she gained. And it all started from a kiss I happened to walk in on Kyouko speculated.

"Come on we better get inside before the other two wonder where we went" Akari coaxed, as she and Kyouko rose to their feet and returned to the building.

Inside they found Chinatsu had fallen asleep on Yui's shoulder. Yui looked up from her manga and remarked "Oh, you're back Kyouko" Akari tried to not let Yui's last sentence get to her as she sat back down at the kotatsu and picked up her now, lukewarm tea.

"So... you look pretty comfortable there Yui!" Kyouko gushed.

"... Not any more so than usual..." she blinked. In disappointment Kyouko flopped back down to the kotatsu.

Some time passed and Akarin announced she was leaving. Kyouko, who had decided to go with her, asked Yui "Are you coming?"

Yui looked over to the sleeping Chinatsu and blushed slightly, saying "No I'll stay a little bit longer" Kyouko grinned.

The two girls left and started to depart for their homes. Kyouko made Akari promise not to forget about the date she had offered getting and then the two girls split ways.

The next day Kyouko got up looking forward to the day. If she could get a date with Ayano then all of the loneliness would be worth it.

Kyouko headed out for school and met up with Yui and Akarin along the way. Kyouko used to meet up with Ayano on her walks to school since they started dating, but ever since Ayano had become so tied up with the upcoming dance, she had started to go to school early.

Once they got to school, Yui went off to go get ready for class, but Kyouko grabbed Akarin and asked "So what's our strategy?"

"For now, you just bring it up to Ayano; I'll ask Himawari and the other student council members if they can help give Ayano a little break. After that we can meet back up and convince Ayano since she'll probably say no the first time."

"Alright! Sounds like a plan." Kyouko declared as she went to go get ready for class.

Once she had gotten her books, she walked down to her homeroom. She was a little bit early, but decided to wait in her desk anyway. As it got dangerously close to the bell, Ayano walked in. She had started making a habit of being almost late to every class, yet she never actually once was tardy. It was just another thing that made her so amazing, thought Kyouko happily. Once class had started and the teacher had called roll, Kyouko tapped Ayano on the shoulder.

"Hey Ayano... Ayano... Ayano-sama~"

"Hmm? Sorry Kyouko..." Ayano replied hastily, still intent on her papers. That's what you respond to? Kyouko sweat dropped.

"Hey, Ayano? I was wondering if you might like to go out to dinner tonight with me?" Kyouko blushed, now feeling slightly nervous.

"Yeah" Ayano replied.

"Really? Great! What time works for you?" Kyouko asked, getting excited.

"I know what you mean" Ayano droned on. It's getting worse. Kyouko thought as she realized Ayano hadn't been listening. Kyouko felt disheartened, but persisted in trying to get Ayano's attention.

"It's time for the next class!"

"Isn't that true"

"Ayano! Your skirt is on fire!"


"I'm going to make a woman out of you tonight~"

"That's funny, my dad said the same thing last night"

"Ugh! Don't ever say that again."

"Good job!" Ayano replied mindlessly. Kyouko sighed. She felt like crying- if it had something to do with Ayano, she could get pretty emotional sometimes.

Losing all inhibitions, Kyouko grabbed Ayano's wrist and squealed, "Ayano!" making a little bit of a scene. Ayano blushed and dropped her pen.

She turned around to face Kyouko and after the commotion had been dismissed by their classmates, she asked with genuine worry in her voice "Kyouko?" (Over the past two months Kyouko had forcefully made her drop the 'san') "What's the matter?"

"It's just... You're always so busy and you barely pay attention to me... I miss you." Kyouko whimpered. Ayano blushed and broke eye-contact.

"I- I'm sorry." Ayano spoke softly. Just then the bell rang. "Okay how about at... at lunch..." Ayano seemed to have trouble getting her sentence out. "At lunch I'm all yours okay?" she seemed to drag the words out and gave Kyouko a pained smile.

"Aww, thanks Ayano, you're the best!" Kyouko exclaimed as she gave Ayano a big hug.

"Ah! Not here! Get off me!" Ayano squealed, turning bright red.

"Umm... Ayano? We need you to get the administrative approval for allowing people outside of school to come to the dance." said a bleeding Chitose who had watched the whole hugging scene unfold.

"Oh right! I completely forgot! Sorry, I'll get on that right away!" Ayano apologized, dashing off.

Chitose started to leave when Kyouko chimed "People outside of the school are coming to the dance?"

"Well, yeah. This is an all girls school. Not many people would want to go to a dance with no boys!"

"Hmm" Kyouko contemplated. "Well it makes sense, but I think we can both agree that a dance with only girls would be better, right?" A mischievous smirk played its way onto Kyouko's face.

"What? No I- Alright, yeah!" Chitose agreed, giggling and blushing slightly. Chitose left the room and Kyouko realized she had spent a good portion of the break in the homeroom. Kyouko got up and decided to get ready for her next class, deciding that there was no more time left to visit the amusement club.

The day seemed to wear down slowly amidst Kyouko's anticipation to her lunch with Ayano. Finally, the bell rang. Ayano told Kyouko to meet her in the student council office.

"No~ You said no student council stuff!" Kyouko complained.

"Yeah there won't be, probably..."

"No. Someone will interrupt us! Meet me in the Amusement Club room." Kyouko demanded firmly.


"No buts!"

"Alright fine! Just let me go file these papers and I'll meet you there" Ayano sighed, caving in.

"Fine, but don't get side tracked!" Kyouko said as she skipped off. As she headed to the club room she met Akari on her way.

"Hey Kyouko. Have you asked her yet?" Akari asked eagerly.

"No. I'm about to though... Speaking of which, can you keep Yui and Chinatsu out of the room for lunch.

"Sure! Just leave it to me!" Akari exclaimed.

"So how did finding extra help go?" Kyouko wondered.

"Good. In fact the other girls insisted on it. They were getting worried about Ayano's health."

"Great. Well I'll leave Yui and Chinatsu to you. Thanks again, Akarin!" Kyouko said as she went on ahead.

When Kyouko got there, she took a seat and waited a while. She got a little worried that Ayano wouldn't hold true to her word and get caught up with her duties, but the wait wasn't long until Ayano entered the room.

"Ayano! Come sit!" Kyouko insisted. Ayano walked over and sat across from Kyouko, taking her lunch out. Kyouko seemed to leer at the spot beside Ayano and bit her bottom lip before scooching to the other side, making sure to snuggle in to Ayano's side.

Ayano blushed, but fortunately, did not pull away and said in an attempt to make small talk, "How are you doing lately?"

"I miss you" Kyouko pouted, pressing slightly harder against her love.

"I-" Ayano started but dropped to a mumble "I miss you too..." It was spoken incredibly softly, but Kyouko still caught it.

Ayano pulled out her lunch, producing a neat bento. "Oh, what a cute bento you have there" Kyouko noted, pulling out her rum raisin ice cream.

"Is that all you brought for lunch!" Ayano yelled in disbelief.

"I also brought tomato juice?" Kyouko said in a feeble attempt to appease to her girlfriend.

"That is not enough! You need a balanced meal!" she yelled, trying to drill the severity of the matter into her thick skull.

"Yeah, yeah. So Ayano..." Kyouko said, quickly dismissing the matter. "I was wondering if, maybe, we could eat out tonight, also."

"Oh, I'm sorry Kyouko, but you know how busy I am and I'm already falling behind doing this..." came Ayano's near guaranteed response.

"But Akari already talked to the other members and they said they would cover for you tonight. In fact, Akarin said they insisted!" Kyouko started rambling, like when a child is trying to get their parent to buy them a toy.

"I don't know..."

"Come on, do it for me. Please?" Kyouko begged, grabbing Ayano into a hug.

The student council president's face kept growing into darker shades of red until she nearly shouted "All right! Fine!"


The two girls continued to eat their lunch, enjoying each others company. Suddenly, a thought struck across Ayano's mind.

"How come Akari was helping you free my schedule?"

"Oh yeah, about that" Kyouko said realizing her blunder. "She kind of knows. Like, everything. Hehe..."

"YOU TOLD HER!?" Ayano shouted turning red once again.

"It happened by accident, I swear! She's the only one who knows! She promised to keep it a secret and she's been really helpful this whole time!" Kyouko babbled, trying to calm her down.

"Kyouko that was a-" Ayano started to say when the bell rang.

"Oh! How convenient, the bell! Well I'd better be on my way! Got to get ready for art class! See you, love you!" Kyouko interjected as she bolted out of the building.

"Kyouko, get back here!" Ayano sighed. She decided that if Kyouko wanted a date, she would have to talk to her eventually, so she decided to pack up and run to her next class.

Her class went on as usual and she droned through it as she shifted between the class and student council duties. Her mind was elsewhere however. She couldn't help but reflect on how little attention she had been paying Kyouko and felt guilty. If she felt lonely and was distracted by all this student council work, then she could only imagine how lonely Kyouko must feel. The least Ayano could do to try and make it up to Kyouko would be to go on this date, right? Not to mention forgiving her for the whole Akarin thing.

With this in mind, Ayano felt her determination rise. From now on, she would try harder and harder to be a better girlfriend. Speaking of which, calling herself a girlfriend still made her giddy and made her heart beat slightly faster. She found it hard to grasp still; in all her years of unrequited love with Kyouko, she had never once imagined that they would actually start dating. She wondered where she had gathered the courage that day to tell her that she loved her; she certainly didn't have that courage with her all the time.

Lost so deep in her thoughts, on top of multitasking, she hardly noticed the bell ring and was almost left behind in the classroom. Once she noticed that everyone was leaving, she quickly got up and followed. She started heading to the student council room, anxious for the next class where she would meet Kyouko.

Ayano was about to walk in to the student council room when she heard the noise of Sakurako giggling. Ayano had noticed that on several occasions something seemed to be going on between her and Himawari. They acted like it was a secret, but at least to Ayano, it was fairly obvious they were dating.

Ayano felt a twinge of compassion come over her; she felt a little bit relieved to know other girls who were dating each other and decided to leave them to their makeshift privacy. Ayano decided to go sit outside for once, despite it being the middle of December (cold weather didn't bother her much), and found a bench to sit on.

Ayano started writing in her scheduler when she saw Yui Funami walking towards the school building. Ayano frowned a little bit. She didn't have anything against Yui, but she couldn't help but feel a little threatened by her. Kyouko and Yui had been friends along with Akari Akaza for as long as they could remember, at least to Ayano's understanding. Kyouko and Yui had always seemed really close and they had kissed once, so even if it was an accident, Ayano couldn't help but feel her confidence shake in front of this girl.

Then a thought struck her. What was Yui doing heading toward the building? She usually spent her breaks in the old tea club building. At first Ayano was worried she had missed the bell yet again, but as she looked around she saw that students were still loitering around. Maybe a bit more curious than she should have been, Ayano started to follow Yui.

Ayano kept her distance, but the longer she followed her, the more confused she became. They had passed the entrance and continued towards the other side of the school grounds. Once they had reached a bench in the corner of the school grounds where students seldom came, Yui let out a loud sigh and sat down, burying her face in her hands.

Ayano, who was conspicuously hiding behind a bush at the moment, found herself feeling very confused. Should she go and leave Yui to her privacy like it seemed she wanted, or go see what's wrong like a good friend?

Ayano was mulling this over when she started to hear a strange noise coming from Yui. A kind of whimpering sound. Ayano realized with a start that Yui was crying, or at least trying not to. Panicking, Ayano turned around and fled. Ayano found herself back at the bench she had came to at the start of the break and sat down. She felt like she had just witnessed something she shouldn't have. Ayano realized how horribly she had handled the situation and let out her own sigh of frustration.

Ayano had never had any experience with things like this, as she never had many friends growing up. She decided she should talk to Kyouko about it and noticed how convenient it was that she had a date with her that night.

Ayano checked the time and noticed that the bell would ring soon. Getting up off the bench, Ayano walked back to the main building to get ready for class.

She walked in the class to see Kyouko already sitting at her desk. They made eye-contact and Kyouko let out a cute little squeal as she shoved her face into her textbook. Ayano took her seat in front of Kyouko and said softly without turning around "I guess I can forgive you this time. After all I kind of owe you for that one thing."

"Hmm? What thing?" Kyouko asked, leaning closer.

"You know... confessing to me and everything..." Ayano whispered, feeling her face ignite.

"Awwwweee! So dere-dere!" Kyouko cheered.

"Shh! You're disturbing the class!"

"So does that mean you're still up for our date?" Kyouko asked, using her best puppy-dog eyes.

"Did I ever say I wasn't?"

"Yay! Ayano's the best!"

"Shh! What did I just say?" Ayano looked around and noticed Yui looking at the two from across the room. The two girls met eyes for a moment and then Yui calmly looked away. What was that look for? Is she starting to catch on?

"I'm sorry Ayano; I'm just really excited! I'll text you, all right. Oh and dress up; I'll take us somewhere fancy!"

"Um... All right..." replied Ayano, lost in thought.

Kyouko had wanted to go pick Ayano up, but Ayano insisted that they meet outside the restaurant, as her house was completely out of the way. As Kyouko stood there, she observed her surroundings. It wasn't too busy today but there were still a few people walking along the streets and a few cars were driving by.

Kyouko continued to whip her head back and forth when suddenly she saw a magnificent shade of purple. Kyouko lost her composure and found herself staring in awe.

Ayano looked gorgeous. It was nothing over the top; everything was kept simple, but Kyouko still couldn't believe her eyes. She was wearing a simple dress with a shade of blue so light it almost looked white. She had a bit of mascara on, which really thickened her eyelashes and had a light layer of lipstick on. Kyouko realized that Ayano never wore make-up on a daily basis. How does she manage to be so beautiful? Kyouko found herself wondering what she would look like at her wedding (not that Kyouko intended to ever let Ayano get married; Kyouko wasn't going to let this girl go).

Ayano made it to where Kyouko was standing and started to fidget, as her face turned to that shade of red it seemed to prefer. Kyouko realized that she had been staring this whole time.

"Is there something on my face?" Ayano mumbled, looking down at the crack in the pavement.

"You're beyond beautiful..." Kyouko droned mindlessly. Instead of the outburst Kyouko had been expecting, Ayano lifted her face in surprise, met her wide eyes with Kyouko's, became an even deeper shade of red, and then dropped her face back down to the oh-so-interesting sidewalk.

Kyouko, finding herself even further amazed, took Ayano's hand and led her inside. Once inside Ayano slipped her hand out of Kyouko's due to embarrassment. The two girls went up to the higher floors of the building and entered the restaurant. There, they were greeted by a handsome boy who looked a year or two older than them with blond curly hair.

"Hello, table for two?" the boy asked in an exhausted, but polite voice.

"Yes please!" chimed Kyouko

"This way please" he said as he led them to their table by a window overlooking the town. "Please excuse me; I'll be with you in one second" the boy said as he dashed off into the depths of the store.

"Wow, this is a great view." Ayano noted.

"I've been thinking the exact same thing ever since you came along" Kyouko flirted playfully.

"Eep!" Ayano's face resumed one of its deeper shades of red as she buried it behind a menu. Although Ayano had hidden her face behind the menu solely to conceal her blush she noticed a picture of a delicious looking drink. Eagerly she looked at the list and felt disheartened when she saw the price. Maybe if I only get a salad?

As if reading her mind Kyouko announced "Don't be afraid to spend a lot. I have quite a bit of money saved up from Comuket and stuff"

"So?" Ayano dropped the menu from her face, giving Kyouko a blank stare.

"So I can pay for pretty much any meal you order and it won't take much money out of my savings"

"You most certainly will not!"

"Will not what?"

"Pay for my meal!" Ayano declared pointing her finger at a bemused Kyouko.

"Hello ladies. Sorry for the wait, may I take your order?"

"Give us another minute please?" Kyouko asked. The boy sighed and walked off. "Why can't I pay for your meal? Wouldn't you agree it's proper manners for the boy to pay?"

"Well sure, but we're both girls?" answered Ayano, not seeing where this was going.

"Yeah, but I'm the seme so it's basically the same thing. Of course I have to pay for my sweet uke"

"Wait wait wait! When was this decided?" Ayano said slamming her hands against the table.

"Who knows? Probably around when the foundation was being laid for the Earth..." Kyouko said as she nonchalantly admired her nails.

"What? That's not fair! Why are you the seme?"

"Hmm..." Kyouko pondered as she put a hand up to her chin. "Because I can do this and you can't" Kyouko stood up from her seat and walked around to the other side.

"What are you do- kya!" Ayano yelped as Kyouko leaned in and gently bit her ear. Ayano had quickly covered her mouth as to not draw attention, and her face had beaten the high-score of the day for redness. She looked around the room to make sure people weren't looking and then whispered "What are you doing?" in a sharp tone.

"Being the seme" Kyouko replied curtly, as she began to drag her tongue up Ayano's neck.

"Umm... May I- uh, take your drinks?" said their very red-faced waiter who was averting his gaze.

Kyouko, only slightly embarrassed, regained her composure and took her seat while ordering her drink.

"And for your girlfriend?" the waiter asked, still blushing.

Ayano noticed Kyouko beam at his question. Feeling like she had somehow lost their ridiculous argument, and also in a way to get back at Kyouko, Ayano ordered the expensive drink she had been eyeing.

"And are you ready to order your meals?"

"Sorry, we still need a few minutes; my girlfriend was asking me to be her seme and wouldn't let me order!" Kyouko giggled, sticking her tongue out in apology.

"T-T-Toshinou Kyouko! That is not what happened!" Ayano shrieked her obvious response.

"... Okay..." said the waiter as he awkwardly left.

"I can't believe you would do that" Ayano said, crossing her arms.

Completely dismissing Ayano's chastisement Kyouko said "Back to the topic of Comuket do you want to come again this year?" Kyouko vaguely remembered that there was an important reason as to why she was supposed to invite Ayano, but she couldn't quite remember what it was.

"I guess, since you didn't make me go last time I can go this time" Ayano said. Kyouko wondered if she was imagining it, but she thought she might have seen tears in the corners of her eyes.

Meanwhile in the kitchen...

The blond waiter had taken a quick break to grab his phone (even though bringing phones to work is against the rules). He had the following conversation through text:

dude 2 hot ^.^ lesbians at work!

sick dude! 0/0 pics! pics! pics!

ill try my hardest ttyl

"Here are your drinks, are you ready to order?" the waiter arrived back at their table, phone in pocket, ready to strike.

The two girls ordered and the waiter left, losing his steel. "So Kyouko how has Yui been doing?"

"Hmm? Yui's fine, why do you ask?"

"I'm just wondering if you've noticed anything going on with her?"

"Actually now that you mention it I think her and Chinatsu might get together soon!" Ugh, another girl that made Ayano feel slightly insecure about Kyouko.

"Listen Kyouko, today I might have seen something I shouldn't have, but I know you and Yui are best friends so I can tell you something right?"

"Sure, what's wrong?"

"Well today I saw Yui... crying. I didn't really feel close enough to go help her, but I just wanted to make sure she's alright"

"Hmm... That is strange" Kyouko stated, rubbing her chin. "She's such a kuudere I could count the number of times I've seen her cry on one hand with fingers to spare."

"Do you think she's alright?" Ayano asked, visibly worried.

"Awe, you've got such a good heart Ayano. I'm sure she's fine; don't worry about it, I'll talk to her later."

"Okay thanks Kyouko" Ayano continued to contemplate the subject until their food arrived. Upon seeing it Ayano realized how famished she had become.

"Umm..." The blond waiter stood there awkwardly.

"Yes?" Kyouko asked as Ayano looked between him and her food.

"Well it's just..." The waiter's face picked up a tint of pink. "I don't usually get such pretty girls as customers. Would you mind if we could get a picture together?"

"I don't know... It feels kind of weird..." Ayano mused.

"It's fine" Kyouko argued. "Can you blame him when you come in here looking like that?" she teased, making Ayano's face match the waiter's.

"Cheese!" The waiter said as they took a group picture.

Once the picture had been taken, Ayano returned voraciously to her food.

"That looks tasty! Can I try some?" Kyouko asked, innocently.


"Here I'll give you some of mine" She added, as she stuck her fork out to Ayano.

An indirect kiss... What should I do? Ayano wondered as she involuntarily leaned forward and took the bite.

*Click* went the waiter's phone.

"Okay, now that's just making me feel really uncomfortable" Ayano complained.

"I-I'm sorry that was the last one!" The waiter replied as he ran away.

The two girls finished their meal. Kyouko scared the waiter by yelling 'shared' when he asked if they wanted a shared bill or separate ones.

Once outside Ayano noticed the time and started to get a little worried.

"We should do this more often" Kyouko said hugging Ayano. Ayano blushed, but reciprocated the embrace. "Will you go to the school dance as my date?" Kyouko whispered into Ayano's ear.

"If we go as a couple everyone will find out."

"I don't care who knows!" Kyouko stated firmly. "If people are going to judge then they will judge. I want to go tell every person I see you're my girlfriend!"

"I'm not worried about people judging, but I'm the student council president. I could get in trouble."

"Whatever. Didn't you say you were going to be late? We can talk about this more later." Kyouko said, unconvinced.

"Oh crap!" Ayano shouted, remembering she had a curfew. "I'm sorry Kyouko, but you're right, we can talk more about this later, bye" Ayano started to run off.

"Yeah, bye" Kyouko smiled as she watched Ayano leave. Ayano didn't miss the fact that Kyouko had left out her usual 'love you'. Ayano wondered how much this was bothering Kyouko. When Ayano got home she had realized for the first time in a while she had completely forgotten of her student council work and the stress that came with it. She felt gratitude in large supply as she lay down on her bed and thought of how great Kyouko was. Ayano would need to sort this all out for Kyouko's sake.

Meanwhile back at the restaurant.

epic pics man! Yolo#swag!

they r my new tresur *A*