A/N: Oh gods. I'm so sorry this took so long. Writer's block is so horrible. I just got part of this story figured out, thanks to bdjpl97.

A quick description of a new character:

Name: Jack Harkness

Age: 27

Appearance: Spiky black hair, firm build, green eyes, often wears black cargo pants, a green T-shirt, and a bulletproof swat vest.

Personality: Jack is a slightly cocky, take charge guy who doesn't take disrespect from anyone, not even his team commander.

Catchphrase: If you can't kill it, damn it to hell.

Without further interruptions, here is chapter 8.

Chapter 8

A New Game?

Days later, there came a knock on the door of the Sugar Rush castle. Bill, knowing it wasn't Ralph, he was upstairs with Vanellope, or Felix, he knocked in a specific way, or anyone else he knew personally, slowly trudged to the door.

"Can I help you?" he drearily asked the young man outside the door.

"I was just coming by to say hi. The name's Jack. Jack Harkness. I'm from the new game Groom Lake: Invasion of Area 51. May I speak to the ruler of this fine establishment please" said the stranger.

"It'll be just a moment. Come in, make yourself comfortable" Bill said, going to Vanellope's room to get her.

After about 5 minutes, he returned with both Vanellope, and Ralph.

"Hello. I'm Vanellope. My father said you wished to speak to me. What for?" she asked.

"Father?! Oh my. I'm terribly sorry sir. I had no idea" he quickly apologized.

"Quite alright. I'm still getting used to the idea myself" Bill said.

"Anyway, the name's Jack. Jack Harkness. I'm new here, so I decided to meet all my new neighbors. What's your name?" he asked Ralph.

"Ralph. I'm from Fix-It Felix Jr., over on the other side of the whack-a-mole" Ralph said, shaking his hand.

"It's nice to meet you Ralph. If you don't mind my asking, why are you here at Sugar Rush?" Jack asked, curiously.

"Spending time with my best friend. Vanellope and I have been friends for a long time. What game are you from?" Ralph explained.

"Groom Lake: Invasion of Area 51. It's a lot like Hero's Duty" he said.

Vanellope couldn't help but smile, remembering how she had reacted when she first heard about the first person shooter game.

"Anyway, it was nice to meet you Jack. I need to be going back now. See you later Vanellope" Ralph said, leaving.

"Bye Ralph! See you at Tapper's!" she yelled.

"I should be getting back too. It was nice meeting you Vanellope. Hope I can see you again sometime" Jack said before leaving.

"Yeah. Guess I'll se you at Tapper's or something" Vanellope said.

As he jogged to catch up with Ralph, Jack thought about Vanellope.

'She's really beautiful. I wonder...'

"Hey Ralph! What's up between you and Vanellope? Are you two really just friends?" he asked Ralph when he had caught up to him.

"Um, why? It's not like it should matter. We're friends. That's all you need to know" he said.

"Ok. I didn't think it was such a sensitive subject. So, what's your game about?" he asked.

"I wreck a building. Felix fixes it. The end. I'm from an 8-bit game, so there's not much. What about yours?" Ralph asked.

"Basically, I'm an alien hunter. I instruct and help the first person shooter. You should come by sometime. I'll show you how to shoot a gun" Jack said.

"Already know how. You learn a few things from game jumping. That's actually how I met Vanellope.

"I had just won the medal in Hero's Duty, when I got attacked by a cybug. We ended up in an escape pod, and crashed inside Sugar Rush. Vanellope got my medal and used it to earn her way into a race, she was a glitch at the time, then I helped her build a kart, then I ended up destroying it. Basically I saved Sugar Rush from a date worse than death. The guy who ruled before her was a guy named King Candy. Have you heard about Turbo yet?" Ralph started to explain.

"Yeah. I heard he took over Sugar Rush as King Candy. What a nut job" Jack answered.

"Yeah. He got eaten by a cybug, I almost blew up, and then Vanellope took her rightful place as ruler if Sugar Rush. Long story short, I game jumped, won a medal, then almost went boom" Ralph said.

"Well, this is where we must part for now. See you after work. Those aliens don't kill themselves you know" Jack said, running off.

"I guess I kinda do" Ralph mumbled.

At Groom Lake

"Jack! How'd it go? You finally meet that hot chick from Sugar Rush?" asked Michael Brayford.

"Yeah, I met her. She has a boyfriend though. And I don't stand a chance against him" Jack muttered, walking over to his locker.

"Who is he? Somebody from Mortal Kombat?" Brayford asked.

"No. He's from that 8-bit game, Fix-It Felix Jr." Jack said.

"Whoa whoa whoa. So, you don't stand a chance against an old man? You're so pathetic sometimes" Brayford said, then his hand shot up to his mouth.

"You're so lucky it's almost time to start work. Otherwise you'd be in so much pain" Jack said, snarling and loading his gun.

A/N: Well, there it is. Hopefully it won't take me so long to update anymore. Again, special thanks to bdjpl97 for all your help. I'll respond to reviews later. I'm tired right now.