Hey everyone I fixed this one shot so It's 99% better now. I will write another chapter to this if I get reviews ... but I have news to tell you at the end... -Cece

"Daddy do you remember your first love?" Kacie asked Jack sweetly. Kacie is
Jack's 5-year-old daughter. She might be young but she understands more than the
average kid. He thought for a minuet. Jack stopped rocking Kacie in his arms,
ran a hand through his hair and stared at her, absorbing her question. "I'm
sorry Daddy." Kacie whispered.

"No Kacie it's fine." She stared into his eyes. Her piercing green eyes were
incredible. "She wasn't mommy...was she?" Kacie asked. "To be honest no, my
true, real, first love was Kim Crawford, I still love her." Jack said not
thinking twice. Tears threatened his eyes but he blinked them back. He wouldn't be
weak in front of his daughter. Kim died in high school, she was his best friend
but mostly love at first sight. No-one would understand.

"Can you tell me about her." Kacie smiled and he sighed.

"Of course anything for you."

She had beautiful honey blonde hair and a soft sweet southern accent. Her eyes
were doe brown. She was sweet, feisty and caring. She had a temper and was
almost as strong as me. She did karate, the sport I do. We used to do karate
together. She would tell me everything, I was her best friend, and she was mine.
She was Dyslexic but had strait A's. She was always determined and smart."

"Will you sing?" She paused for his answer.

"Yes." Jack cleared his throat and began.

"She's got a smile that it seemed to me reminds me of childhood memory's where
everything was as fresh as bright blue skies. Now and then when I see her face
it takes me away to that special place and if I stare to long I'll probably
break down and cry. Oh sweet child of mine. Oh sweet child of mine." Jack sat
back in his seat with Kacie on his lap listening to him sing. All he can do is
think of memory's and take a small spare picture out of his pocket and think of
Kim while singing.

"She's got eyes of the bluest skies and if they thought of rain I'd hate, to
look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain. It reminds me of a once safe
place where as a child I'd die and pray for the thunder and rain to quietly pass
me by. Oh sweet child of mine."

Jack thought of the meadow where he and Kim would escape to everyday after
karate practice. She had Dyslexia and had a hard time with reading and writing.
Jack and her parents were the only humans on Earth who known so he helped as
much as he could. He was helping her one afternoon when clouds drifted in. they
crawled under a willow tree and waited for the thunder and rain to pass by.

"Yeah oh, sweet child of mine. oh sweet child oh oh oh sweet child o' mine.
Where do we go, where do we go now. i-i-i-i-i-i-i- where do we go, where do we go
now, sweet child, sweet child of mine." Jack finished the song and remembered
when Kim and Jack got lost after the storm in the meadow. Flower pedals were
everywhere along with leaves. The bright blue sky was a gloomy gray with clouds
and wet, damp grass. It didn't look the same and they took the wrong way. It was
three hours later when Jack dropped Kim off at her house in the dark. Two days
later Kim was dating a kid named Jacob. They were dating for a month. One night
Jacob was drinking and beat her to death with a baseball bat. Jack would never
forget running to Jacob's house trying not to believe what he heard over the
phone. Jack would never forget seeing Kim's cold, lifeless body spread out on
the floor covered and surrounded in a pool of blood. He dropped to his knees and
pulled her into him he rested his head onto the lifeless body's chest and sobbed.

Jack never even came close to ever thinking of forgiving Jacob for stealing her
heart then her life. Jack put Jacob in a wheelchair and went to Juvi for a year.
While, Jacob went to Prison.

"Daddy how did you meet mommy?" She was asking about Jane.

"Well during summertime I met her at the beach. Your mommy was beautiful and
still is. She was younger and you remind me so much of her."

"How" Kacie asked, her beautiful eyes sparkling.

"Well she had and still does have silky golden brown locks and a flawless face
full of freckles and piercing green eyes just like you." She smiled and let me
continue. "We were both at the concession stand she was in front of me in line.
She was buying a snow-cone and was a dollar short so I gave her two dollars and
told her to keep it. After that we talked, swam together and were friends.
Then, we started dating for three years. Then married and had you." Jane came
home and walked through the house. She found Jack and Kacie sleeping in their
special rocking chair.

She came up to them and kissed them on the foreheads. Before walking away she
seen a high school picture of Kim and smiled. She grabbed it but it slipped out
of her small fingers and froze in mid-air and floated back to her hands. A
little freaked out Jane sat the picture down and stared out the window. A faded
outline if Kim's reflection stared at her. Kim was talking but Jane couldn't
hear. Kim realized so she smiled, waved and pointed at Jack. Jane tapped her
husband lightly then shook him awake. She pointed at the window and Jack's eyes
almost popped out of his head. "K-Kim Is that you?" Jack said surprised he took
Kacie handed her to Jane and ran to the window. "Yes it's me but only you can
hear me." Jack started to cry. "I wish I was there, I mean I wish I saved you."

"Don't cry Jack, there was nothing you could do. I need to tell you something."
Kim said with a pure, confident and angelic voice. Jack was trying to stay
strong it's the least he could do at the moment.

"I'm glad you moved, on I know you loved me but it's time for me to confess. I
love you Jack. I always will, always have. You have a beautiful wife who I wish
I was but I'm not. I've picked her out from Heaven. I was your conscience who
chose her for you. Understand your daughter and wife was a gift from me and
you'll always have them. I love you Jack I must go, I'll visit you in a dream."
Before he could respond she faded from the window and was gone.

Any night Jack needed Kim she appeared in his dreams and they caught up like old
times. Jack will never forget when she said she loved him he finally known the
truth. Kim visits Kacie in her nightmares. She would catch the demons, monsters
and killers and chase them away with her karate skills. Kacie soon loved Kim and
she appeared in her dreams every night.

Hey everyone, I have bad news. My iPod was stolen. I had almost 53 new story ideas and almost 30 one shot ideas 100 percent new and different and I was already writing a story but that's all on my iPod. Just my luck. I'm really sorry guys, I had a lot I wanted to write for you. I guess I'll try to remember most of my ideas since I forgot what I was writing on my story.