Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Rurouni Kenshin.

Remember to Forget

"A dream shines in you,

Whatever it may be.

I will do whatever it takes,

To make it come true."

Her voice drifted softly from herself to the sleeping bundle in her arms. Although her voice was terribly shaky, it soothed the newborn. The rocker they were seated on creaked slightly as she lulled her son to sleep. The drapes were opened slightly, letting in the last bouts of sunlight streak in before it gave its reign over to the moon.

"Days will pass.

Months will go.

But our love,

Will only grow."

She hugged her son tighter to her chest as screams from the outside of the room began to grow louder. Those who volunteered to protect her, those who did not believe the lies the court had fed the kingdom, those who believed in her, gave their lives as they fought to protect her. The throbbing pain in her chest grew as the scent of blood wafted through the closed door and to her. Nausea threatened to take over when she was not careful to hold it in. Tears began trailing down her face as she kissed her newborn's head, his red tuft of hair tickling her nose slightly.

"Only time will tell,

It's secret hidden well.

A dream shines in you,

Whatever it may be.

I will do whatever it takes,

To make it come true."

Putting her child in his crib, she began to dress. She slid into her boots and wrapped a large coat around herself, only clad in a long-sleeved dress. Sliding into the sleeves, her door began to shake as the intruders tried their best to retrieve the boy. Panic welled in her chest as the guards pounded on her door harder.

"Open up now Miss. You are charged for high treason against Our Majesty's country. Open and the punishment will be lightened."

She covered herself with the hood and brought blankets to wrap around her son, protecting him from the chill bite of the cold air that was sure to come. Kissing his head once again, she hugged him tightly into her chest, but not enough to hurt him, and covered his body as best as she could. Looking out the sealed window, she did the one thing she would never have thought herself to do, she jumped.

The glass shards ripped her clothes and skin and she bit her lips to keep in the moan of pain. Her eyes dropped as she pushed herself on, taking care to land on her garden.

Rolling on the grass, her baby began to cry as she began the sprint that would determine their fate. Faintly, she could hear the guards chasing after her. Their footsteps pounded into the soft earth, lifting dust clouds. Gunshots rang out as she sobbed silently, fatigue forgotten, scared for the life of her newborn son. Spotting the large mansion gates, she began running faster, determined to leave alive, her drive to keep her son alive, pushed her on.

As she left the gates, she began her run into the town, with the men on her heels. The streets were empty, those who normally walked the roads, asleep in their homes. Lights were off and only few walked the streets. As they spotted the men giving the woman chase, they only stood in bewilderment and pity. If they had offered help, it would be on their lives, with that in mind no one dared to move to assist the woman.

She hid in an alley, the darkness being their shield. When she was sure the men had passed her at a safe distance, she uncovered her son. His sapphire eyes mirrored hers as he blinked at her innocently, his fingers reaching up to pull a strand of her hair that had pulled loose. She smiled weakly, her chest heaving from the chase as she cuddled her world, the only reminder of her past happiness.

The moonlight streamed through the silver drapes and gave the room a soft glow. The large room was decorated to the scheme of Water and Fire. The two elements were intertwined as were the souls of the two lovers.

"Koibito," he nuzzled into her neck as they were tangled in the sheets, with her underneath him. A wave of happiness flooded their hearts as they each took in the feel of their other's skin.

"Yes anata?" her fingers brushed away his damp bangs as he mumbled incoherently into her shoulder. She giggled as he began nuzzling his nose into her neck.

"Eh? I'm not sure if I caught what you said." She began running her fingers through his blood red hair when he abruptly raised his head, his violet amber tinged eyes burning into sapphire.

"Aishiteru Kaoru-koishii," he gently kissed her eyelids.

"Aishiteru Kenshin," her breath tickled his bare chest as he groaned, loving the feel her words gave him. Leaning down, he kissed her lips gently, taking her for the night.

"Have you captured the woman yet?" The red haired man stood by the large glass windows of his office. Soldiers lined up behind him as his hard amber glare took in the status of his mansion. Guards were posted at every entrance and exit, each held firearms and a large dog.

"N-No sir. She escaped. Sources say she had a bundle of your gold sir, wrapped in a navy coat." Silence followed, but it was broken as a figure slipped into the room, ignoring the soldier, hugging the red haired man from behind.

"Kenny, don't worry about them, I'm sure that we'll get her soon enough. She couldn't have gotten far." Her voice entranced him and he turned around and kissed her. Pulling away, the black haired female gave him a satisfied smile. She turned and dismissed the soldiers, remembering to punish them as soon as she left his grasp.

Yes, he will suffer for not capturing the insolent bitch.

Her sapphire eyes closed abruptly, stinging, as she realized her natural brown began to seep through. Pulling away from him, she took a small glass vial from her skirt pocket. She took a sip of the sparkling blue liquid and sighed in contentment when her fake mask did not deter.

"Taking your medicine, koishii?" His husky voice tickled her neck as his arms snaked around her waist taking in the scent of white plum. His eyes shifted from violet to amber as he took in the poisoning smell. His mind began to throb painfully as something felt out of place.


His eyes clenched as a wave of nausea hit him. His breathing labored as he struggled to retain consciousness, He blinked when the pain began to slowly recede. He looked into the blue eyes of his lover. The word forgotten, as was the feeling of misplacement.

"Ken, are you alright?" her words were laced with fake concern as she took his hand. He rubbed his eyes, unaware of her tricks.

Damn, the tea is wearing off.

"Kenny, would you like some tea?" she pulled away from him and went to his fireplace, taking the pot from the table beside it, she poured a black liquid into the small teacup. She passed it to him and watched smugly as he sipped it. Wrapping herself around his arm she looked into his amber eyes.

"Are you okay now Kenny?" Her voice put him into a trance as his eyes clouded and cleared of confusion, the tea's effects blinding his mind.

"Yes, Kaoru."

"Jou-chan? Ey? You okay?" Her eyes opened as she slowly began to regain consciousness, her mind immediately went to her empty arms.

"My baby? Where's my baby?" she looked around frantically trying to spot her child. She stopped when the large spiky haired man shook her shoulders roughly but careful not hurt her.

"Calm down jou-chan! Your son's fine!" He motioned to the small bed behind him. As soon as she saw her child, she stood and rushed to him, not minding the bandages wrapping her arm. Seeing his sleeping face calmed her as she gently took him into her arms.

"Kenji," she whispered as she kissed his head lovingly. The cold air drifted in through the windows of the small bedroom as she brought the blankets over her son. Turning as she remembered the man behind her. Hugging him protectively into her chest she glared at the man. He glanced around briefly, as if looking for a weapon she could use to harm him. He gulped when he met her eyes.

Uh oh. Mama bear's gone in protective mode.

"Who are you?" The man raised his hands in a manner of innocence. Backing off slightly at her protective glare.

"Woah there missy, I'm Sagara Sanosuke, but you can call me Sano. I work with the Oniwaban, one of our ninjas found ya on the streets." Her glare softened when she recognized the group as he flashed a tattoo of a sword on his shoulder to prove his claim. Laying her son in the bed once again, she unwrapped him and settled him more comfortably against the futon. Tucking him in, she smiled when he yawned and snuggled into the bed. Standing, she turned to the muscular man behind her.

"Take me to Aoshi." Sano scratched the back of his neck at her request. She raised an eyebrow when he did not move.

"Well? Is he not the leader?"

"Ya see Jou-chan. He's not here now. He's out as Commissioner for the king."

She placed her cloak onto her son before she followed him out. She silently memorized the features of the man who walked in front of her.

"I'm Sanosuke. But you can call me Sano," his voice startled her as she noticed he was smirking at her,"Like what ya see?" Immediately her face grew red with anger, not embarrassment, and whacked his head.

"Baka rooster head!" Sano groaned, rubbing his head.

"Oh come on Jou-chan. I was jus kiddin'" She sent him daggers and he kept silent as he led her to the Main Room. Although not seen, Kaoru sensed ninjas posted at every corner, with arrows pointing at her as she walked in. They were hidden in the shadows as they waited for anything that posed at a threat.

"Kaoru!" She instantly looked to who called her name but was blinded by darkness as a hyper girl tackled her. When she recognized the voice and small figure she laughed at her enthusiasm as she hugged her back.

"Misao! It's been forever!"

His eyes wearily scanned the room. He took in the Water and Fire scheme of his room and the form of his wife draped around his arm. Smiling, he kissed her forehead. Taking in her white plum scent, he could not shake the feeling that there was something wrong. She stretched and buried herself into him. He frowned when he felt her toes touches his, looking over, her head was parallel to his. This was not right. She was shorter than him, her toes always reaching his ankle when she buried her head in his chest. A memory began to resurface as it shook free from behind the iron bars of his mind.

"Anata, you smell like ginger." his chest rumbled as he chuckled at the random statement. She wrapped her leg around his as he did the same so they were tangled, her toes brushing against his thigh when he bent he her knee as he traced circles. Looking up from his chest, she took in his violet eyes.

"Oh really now?" he pulled her to him and inhaled her scent,"Well koibito, you smell like jasmine." He fingered a strand of her dark tresses and kissed it.

"'Oh really now?'" she mimicked his earlier words sarcastically and pinched his nose. He pouted and she giggled. His heart overflowed with warmth as he heard her laugh. As she buried her head deeper into his chest, she squealed when he turned them both over so she came underneath him, he showered her with kisses, his soft lips tickling her as they made their way over her face. She let out tumbles of laughter as she tried to push him away when he tickled her sides. Pulling away slightly, he grinned at her flushed expression. Capturing her lips with his own, he lovingly caressed her sides.

His head began to throb again as he remembered. Looking to the woman to who clung unto him as she slept, the longer he studied her features, the more he realized she was an impostor. His eye flashed from violet to golden amber as he watched when she murmured his name. He roughly removed himself from her grasp and grabbed her arm non too gently as she woke.

"Where is my wife? Her eyes widened in realization as her carefully planned switch slowly fell apart before her eyes. He glared murderously at her as she stumbled across her words.

"Aoshi." Immediately at his call the First Guard materialized in the room. Kenshin pushed her off the bed as he stood and dressed. Aoshi narrowed his eyes to the woman on the ground. His Lord would never do harm to his love. He knew there was something out of place, yet he could not pinpoint it. He watched on as she stuttered nervously and as Kenshin walked out to the balcony. With his head turned, he muttered darkly.

"That is not my wife."

He took the form of his element and soared into the skies. His fiery eyes glowed as his anger mounted. The wind flew through his feathers as he took on his cloak of invisibility.

A/N: Hi, sorry for not updating in a while, my education life has been very hectic. So as a apology, I'm updating