
She had been called away from the mortal world. Her fate lay elsewhere and she was carried away to complete her duties. She was a necessary person who was useful to humanity. As a descendant of Nǚwā she had to be. However, in her new home all she could think of were those down below.

He, the love of her life, was suffering. She couldn't bear to look away from him but there was barely an opportunity to look upon him. He was human; so heartbreakingly human. Her baby daughter was not and she didn't know which fate was worse.

In her life there were specific moments that she could recall instantly. They were treasured times; good and bad. There was no one who could rid her of those cherished times. She prized them far too greatly for that.

The first of those memories was one of her most precious.

He was Li Xiāo Yáo; a xiá who saved her life. When her mother had to sacrifice herself to seal the great serpent away he came to her. He saved her from the members of the cult pursued her. He took her and lǎolao on her mother's golden phoenix.

That was where she saw the red dandelions. He had granted her an impossible sight – one so beautiful that she was stunned. When they arrived on the island he gave her a pebble. He asked her to be happy and promised that he would return when it sprouted.

That was another of her precious memories.

When he had returned to her island home she was so happy but he didn't remember her. He hadn't changed at all. Her most beloved lǎolao tried to marry them but he refused. In the ensuing argument the pebble finally sprouted and she became his wife.

The spell she cast on his hand proved his love to be true. Her great xiá had finally returned like he promised.

Another memory was that of her dearest treasure, Li Yì Rú.

Yì Rú was her daughter, named in remembrance of a fallen comrade and friend, Lín Yuèrú. That same friend would return to stand by Xiāo Yáo's side and mother Yì Rú. Somehow, she found that to acceptable. She was glad that they wouldn't be alone.

Even so, she worried.

She died for the sake of the greater good. That was her destiny and fate as a descendant of the goddess Nǚwā. That same fate was to be forced upon her daughter as it had been her ancestors. Her mother died before her time, her grandmother died when her mother was still only an infant.

Those before her died to protect the lives of the people. They died to ensure peace, harmony, love and happiness but couldn't savour that right for themselves. They lost their friends, allies, comrades and loves. She knew her daughter would too.

That was the inescapable fate of the Earth-Mother; a fate that she knew would befall her daughter. However, kept away from the mortal realm, Zhào Líng'er was powerless. She could only watch their suffering when her duties didn't steal all of her time.

Author's Note: I knew I would do this one day! I love this fandom! 仙劍奇俠傳is one of the greatest things to ever happen to me. I would rather die than have to go on with this out of my life. I mean that sincerely. Also, for those of you who ship Xiāo Yáo with Yuèrú please do so away from here. I support and love Xiāo Yáo with Líng'er and my mind is open to other people having other preferences but I'd rather you not bring that up. I don't like couple wars anyway… Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed my piece. I apologise if you are dissatisfied in any way with my work.

Part of the Revival Collection.