Drabble #1
Rating: K+
Word: ~900
Pairings: Wally/Artemis
Summary: When Artemis heard that the first grade class is going to the zoo in a few weeks, she knew what question would be be popping up at her dinner table soon.
Author's Note: So I'm starting up this drabble collection because writing full out oneshots and chapter fics take up too much time. Some will be photo prompts (like this one), others will be just normal prompts, and the rest can be submitted from you to me! I'm always open for requests:) And it's been a while since I've posted anything, sorry about that guys! But enjoy! Oh and I stole the title from Ho Hey by the Lumineers:/
Photo Prompt: upload/58124651410282009_cEIpIX7H_ (Just remove the spaces!)
When Artemis heard that the first grade class is going to the zoo, she knew what question would be popping up at her dinner table soon. Irey loves to pretend that she's a big kid, she's only in kindergarten but Artemis swears that she has the maturity of a fourth grader; ironically, that's about the same level of maturity that her father has most nights.
"Honey, I'm home!"
Artemis chuckles, "We're in the kitchen," she calls back.
Irey, who was sitting on one of the stools at the counter coloring in her Justice League coloring book, jumps down from the counter and runs to greet her father. She's getting faster and faster every day and Artemis fears the day when her full powers come in, if they come in at all. Even though Don and Dawn have superspeed, no one in the family is entirely sure about how the speedster abilities are passed down through genetics.
Wally walks into the kitchen with Irey up in his arms, "So how are my two favorite girls today?" he asks, giving Artemis a quick peck on the cheek.
"Things were slow today at the office, they let me out early so I picked Irey up today from aftercare," Artemis tells him, "And I caught up with Ms. Greene, she's such a lovely woman."
Most days, because Wally and Artemis' jobs can be pretty demanding, Irey stays at the school's after care program and their neighbor who has a son only two years older than Irey picks the kids and brings Irey home. She stays there until no later than five most nights, but that's okay because Irey loves playing with Aiden, their neighbors son. The families even joke about them getting married one day, but Wally doesn't really like that joke, since Irey is and will always be his little princess.
"Probably why Irey loves her so much, right sport?" Wally asks, setting Irey down.
"Right dad," Irey nods, she climbs back onto her stool to continue coloring her picture of Wonder Woman. She finishes it quickly and then moves onto the next one. She giggles in surprise and opens it up for them to see, "Look, Mommy, it's Grandpa Ollie!" And sure enough there's a picture of Green Arrow and Speedy.
Yeah, Irey knows about superheroes, she's a smart girl so she's not going to go run her mouth about it to everyone she knows. She understands secret identities. And honestly, who would believe a little five year old saying that her grandpa was Green Arrow? (Ollie's not even that old yet either, as he likes to point out repeatedly).
Artemis laughs and goes back to cooking their dinner and Wally goes upstairs to change out of his work clothes. When he comes back downstairs, he helps Irey color in Grandpa Ollie and before they know it dinner was ready on the table and they started eating.
Artemis likes these nights where she's able to make a real meal that's entire her doing, not microwaved or from a box. Tonight she made a Vietnamese dish, Artemis likes to teach and have Irey embrace her Vietnamese culture. It's a good thing that Irey loves any kind of food just like her dad, so she doesn't complain. Irey doesn't really have any Asian features though, she definitely has Artemis' eyes but her bright red hair kind of throws that fact off.
"So," Irey begins, swinging her legs under table, "The first grades are going to the zoo in two weeks, it's called a field-trip. I don't get why it's called a field-trip when they're going to the zoo and not a field."
Artemis and Wally exchange looks, they know where this is going.
"It's a general term honey," Artemis explains.
"Oh," Irey says, but Artemis isn't too sure that she understands, "Well, they're going and we're not, it's not fair."
"They are older..." Wally says, Artemis kicks him under the table for that.
"But I wanna go too!"
"Maybe you'll go next year when you're in the grade," Artemis suggests.
Irey pouts, "But they're bragging about it now! Robbie Mitchell keeps rubbing in our faces!"
It's moments like this that are opportune moments for parents to teach their children life lessons, like how to be the bigger person in these kind of situations, but that Robbie Mitchell had always been a little brat, maybe being a bigger person could a wait a little while.
Losing that parenting moment was totally worth it.
The next weekend, before the first graders are supposed to go, Artemis, Wally, and Irey head to the local zoo. It's not a very big zoo or very fancy, but the way that Irey's face lit up every time she saw an animal she knew the name of made up for it.
Her favorite by far is the polar bears, Irey walks over to the tank and presses hers hands against the cool glass. Wally and Artemis stand behind her, watching. When one of the polar bears swim up to where she was standing, Irey starts giggling uncontrollably. Artemis swears she sees the polar bear cock it's head to the side to examine the strange creature in front of it before swimming off. Irey runs back to them and starts jumping up and down.
"Mommy, Daddy, did you see that! The polar bear wanted to be my friend!" she says excitedly.
Both Artemis and Wally don't have the heart to tell her that's not what it was actually doing, they just couldn't crush her like that.
Before they leave they stop at the gift shop, they allow Irey to get one souvenir from the trip, it's a family tradition. It doesn't surprise them when she returns with a giant stuffed polar bear.
Thanks for reading!
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