Happy New Year everyone! I hope this year and all that follow bring you hope and happiness.

Yes, that's right, this is the final chapter. The ending. I know this has taken a long, long time from the start to the finish here and I'm so grateful to the people who stuck with it and with me throughout it. I even made some friends through this story which is great! A lot happened throughout the years I've been writing this story so it's a pretty important one to me. I really hope it's not disappointed. I lost my passion for this story a bit along the way but I refused to leave it unfinished. Thank you all for being here through this story!

I've been thinking about this chapter and have decided that the best way to make this work is to change the timeline a little bit. It's the best way I can think to do it. I really hope you all like it. So here it is. The end of Broken Like An Angel. I hope you like it.

Chapter 37 - Final

Death Eater Behind Bars

On 2nd October, Lucius Malfoy, the head of the Malfoy family, was arrested on suspicion of being a 'Death Eater' – a follower of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Yesterday, he was taken to Azkaban after suspicions were confirmed.

Harry stared at that sentence for a long time. It was a fairly small article among the abundance of news in the Daily Prophet but the moving photograph of the man had drawn his attention immediately. Mumbling something vague to a confused Ron and Hermione and leaving his breakfast almost untouched – not unusual these days - he left the table and walked out of the main hall. As soon as he passed the doors, he took off running.

My dear dragon,

Have you seen the news?

Your Saviour

- x -

My Saviour,

I just read it. Mother returned from the shops in a state of shock. I took the paper from her and immediately saw why.

I'm sending you a message through Severus. It's the only way he will allow. Write me a yes or a no but include no details. You never know who is listening.

I love you.

Your Dragon

- x -

My Dragon,

Yes. Absolutely, completely, most definitely, yes.

I love you too, with all my heart.

Your Saviour

- x -

Broken Like An Angel

Climbing out of the passageway and into the Honeyduke's cellar, Harry's nerves made themselves known in his stomach. He had dressed in clean blue jeans and a dark green shirt for a smart but casual look, topped with a simple black robe and Gryffindor scarf to protect him from the cold. Draco had once told him, under threat of death that he not tell anyone ever, that he found muggle clothes surprisingly attractive, especially the jeans that he said accentuated Harry's arse.

Brushing dust off of his clothes, he walked as casually as possible up the stairs and past the shelves stacked high with magical sweets, trying not to attract any attention. He was glad he'd worn his robe to cover his muggle clothes else he would have stood no chance of avoiding unwanted stares. The shop was mostly empty, the majority of people still in bed after the previous night's celebrations, others just staying warm in their homes. The bell above the door jingled as he pulled it open but he didn't look back, instead stepping straight out and immediately sinking into the crisp and barely disturbed, white snow. He adjusted his scarf and pulled his robe tight around him to protect against the stinging cold of the wind.

Harry's feet moved almost on their own to his destination, past the remnants of festive decorations, not yet taken down and picturesque cottages covered in snow, having frequented it so often in the past months for a quiet spot and somewhere to reminisce on happy times now gone. He arrived sooner than he expected and the knot in his stomach only tightened upon seeing the place. He remember the first time he'd first time he'd seen it; he'd been under the invisibility cloak because he didn't have a signed permission slip for the trip and Draco had started on Hermione and Ron. Although he had laughed about scaring Draco at the time, he couldn't understand back then why underneath it he felt guilty. Now he knew exactly why and felt even worse about it, he thought as he sat on a fallen tree, not caring that the snow was cold and wet on his butt, lost in thought.

Broken Like An Angel

The moment Draco caught sight of the familiar messy black hair, his heart sped up and his breath caught in his throat. It had been so long and felt infinitely longer, since he had last run his fingers through those strands. His fingers almost twitched with the desire to feel

that sensation again. He fought to swallow, his chest having tightened.

Swallowing hard again, he took a hesitant step forward, then another. Another and another. Soon he was running, his feet slipping in the snow. Hearing the noise, Harry turned and could only stare at the boy before him. As though time had stopped, he drank in the sight that he had longed for all these months. Aside from looking a little thinner and having forgone the Slytherin scarf, Draco looked exactly how Harry had remembered him so many times during their time apart. The boy he loved was finally with him again.

Draco scarcely saw the boy turn around as he wrapped his arms tightly around the Gryffindor.

"I missed you so much." Draco cried into Harry's robes. His surprise passing, Harry wrapped his own arms around the blonde and rested his cheek on the boy's head.

"I missed you too. I am never letting you go. I don't think I could survive it again." Overcome with emotion, a lump had formed in his throat causing him to manage only a whisper into the platinum blonde hair in his face. Wrapping his arms tighter still, Harry breathed in the crying boy's scent and kissed his hair. Over and over. He refused to release Draco for fear that he be just another hopeful dream, soon to be dispersed by the morning alarm.

Harry also beginning to cry when the reality that his boyfriend was back in his arms set in.

"I love you." Draco sobbed, blurting it out, no longer able to hold back the words.

"I love you too. I am never letting you go again. Never again. Never." Harry mumbled, the latter as much to himself as to Draco.

Looking up into teary green eyes, Draco replied, surprising them both with the sudden strength behind it. "Nothing could make me leave you again."

Neither boy able find the words for how they felt, they stood in each other's arms for what felt like forever, not parting even when the sky darkened or when the snow began to fall.

Broken Like An Angel

I am leaving the ending open on purpose so that you can all decide for yourselves what will happen to Harry and Draco now that they have found each other again.