To those like me who DID believe in Jack Frost as a child and now wish that they had seen him, so he wasn't as lonely.
I don't own Rise of the Guardians, or Little House in the Big Woods.
I do own Lizzie, and her family…sort of.
-Frost Ferns and Icicles-
Seven year old Lizzie sat on the couch next to her big sister Jeanne, It was 11 in the morning in December, and that meant homeschool was in progress. Mom was sitting in her arm chair reading from Little House in the Big Woods, Mom loved those books and had based all of homeschool around them, but Lizzie thought they were boring.
"The snow kept coming till it was drifted and banked against the house. In the mornings the window panes were covered with frost in beautiful pictures of trees and flowers and fairies. Ma said that Jack Frost came in the night and made the pictures, while everyone was asleep." Lizzie cocked her head to the side, and her gaze wandered to the frost patterns on the big window outside. She pictured a little boy in a blue coat covered in snowflakes, with a matching pair of snow pants, mittens, scarf, boots and hat, painting on the window the pictures with a magical paintbrush.
-Frost Ferns and Icicles-
The next day Lizzie woke up to see frost on the hole in the safety glass. Lizzie loved that hole, it had appeared one year when they went camping, and that meant that somebody had thrown a rock at the window, but it let Lizzie and her little sister Marty see out the window, instead of just 'safety glass'. She smiled brightly
"Jack Frost" just then a pair of blue eyes peered through the hole. Lizzie blinked, before she smiled and waved at the teenage staring at her. His jaw dropped, and he waved back nervously. Lizzie snuck upstairs and pulled on her coat and boots, and ran back downstairs, climbing out of the window in the spare room. She found the boy still staring through her window
"Hi" he jumped and hit his head on the top of the deck
"OW! Hi…you can see me?" Lizzie smiled
"Yeah! Why? Are you an angel?" he shook his head
"No, I'm Jack Frost" Lizzies jaw dropped, this was defiantly not how she pictured him, this was a big boy, almost old as her cousin Terry, in a hoodie and brown pants, and he wasn't wearing any shoes. She smiled
"Wow! Cool, do you want to make a snowman?!" From that day forth, Jack and Lizzie were friends, even when mom and dad let her go to real school when she was eight.
-Frost Ferns and Icicles-
The part about homeschool, Little House on the Prairie, and the hole in the glass are true and me. Names were changed, and I never actually saw Jack Frost, but I did believe in him.
Those books were so boring! I never saw what my mom liked so much about reading a girls diary novelized. And by homeschool was centred around it, I meant…
Math-How long was Laura's house?
English-write a letter about how this person felt about this
Science-not really…we did a baking soda thing once
Social studies-was actually fun, ancient Greece and knights in shining armor