I meant for this story to be a one-shot, but some people want more chapters, so I decided to write a sequel. Here is a small preview of the first chapter. Should I continue?

Dark. This one word is more than enough to describe my cell.

A cell indeed. I am a God, a sorcerer, a Frost Giant; I could escape any time…if I still had my powers. But Odin, my dear father, has stripped me of all my powers before I could so much as blink. Now I am nothing but a mere, weak, vulnerable, pathetic mortal. That is what Loki Laufeyson, the rightful King of Asgard, has become.

Enough with the self-pity. I will find a way out of here. I have to. All Father shall have me executed, there is no doubt on that. I have done horrible, horrible things. I must be punished, and punished I shall be.

Thor hasn't paid a visit yet, and honestly that hurts me more than it should. Much more. What is Thor to me?

Do I really want to answer that question?

He is my brother and my friend. My lover and the person I hate most of all in the world, in every world, because he has such great power on me without even trying.

He is angry with more for certain. He strongly believes that I have used his love for me in order to save myself. Well, I did just that at first. But then I gave in. I love him, and that shall be my undoing.

I cannot allow this. Hatred is the only emotion that I "support". Hatred is pure, cleansing. If you hate someone but they don't hate you back, you don't end up heart-broken. When hatred finds a home in your heart, all you are is driven and free.

And lonely.

So, yes, this is my life. Wonderful, is it not? Well, I hate it. I hate everything. I can't live as a mortal. I have been so close. I could reach out and grab the world and rule and do whatever the hell I wanted with it. Now, however, I am nothing but Loki the wretched.

If you like it, tell me and I shall continue with this sequel and publish when I find some free time…