Drage/Dragon Language:

Drage (draw-geh)-Dragon, the original Norwegian word

"Good Flying"-How are you? or Good Day, a typical greeting

Njahl (Nuh-jawl)- Night Fury, Drage word, meaning "Of the Night"

Njalla (Nuh-jawl-uh) The feminine name of Njahl, is used by the Vikings, means "she of the night" or "queen of the night"

Vaored (Veh-o-red)- A mixture of sounds from Norwegian, forms the name of the

charming bullrougher :)

reir (ray-air) meaning parent or parents, derived from Norwegian

folredre (full-ray-dreh) meaning family or people also from Norwegian

mahala (Ma-hall-luh) a telekinetic control only produce by the Red Death,

replaces instinct, is similar to a homing pigeon

Rarror (Rah-or) A Red Death, same one from the film, also the name is a mixture

of sounds from Norwegian

Skoll- From Swedish meaning in this case "go!"

Ag Ha (Ah-g-Ha) A term of endearment like sweetie, meant as a father/daughter term

Enjoy the rest of the story! I will add more terms as it progresses :)

to Fly

The next few days, Njalla and Vaored explored further inland, this time Vaored was more serious as if he were looking for something, it was difficult to follow as Njalla had no idead what he he searched for, but kept on. He had become a close companion, similar to her own father, whom she knew that he would never see her again, at times this pulled painfully at her heart. The sense of loss she carried deep in her heart, yet mercifully her brain sought more to adjust to her new body, ignored emotion and blanketed the incident over lost in the maze of her human brain, in an effort to cope. She silently thanked the gods that Vaored never asked too deep questions as she would have to refuse lest her found out she was cursed.

One afternoon, after two days of hiking through the steadily growing denser forest and scratches on her wings, she finally decided to ask him where they headed. "Vaored?" she said softly her tail tapped in nervousness. "Yes Ag Ha?" He paused a moment to scratch his leg and his big eyes enveloped her. "Where are we headed, I mean we have been at it for days?" Njalla said, eyes looking down in respect, but she slowly looked upward, Vaored pawed the grass and pulled a pinecone out of his tail. "Well Ag Ha, can you fly?" "Well...um...no, not very well I am afraid." She was embarrassed,and tucked her tail as if to hide, Vaored chuckled and smiled kindly. "Ag Ha, we are going to find a place for you to practice, as the best spot for young drages like yourself need a high point to start and be able to learn without other older drages noticing or discovering it, as some well Ag Ha...like to hunt young drages..." He said quietly, her heart pounded this was more than she had intended, 'To fly?' She asked herself inwardly, this was not her, humans did not fly, she only had maybe once but that she couldn't remember, there was also more to then just to teach her to fly and she could sense Vaored was hiding something...but what?

They continued their walk, the trees had needles and pine cones, a couple of curious squirrels ran around Njalla's legs and tickled her with their bushy bodies and bottle brush tales; but when she got close to touch them they shied away, she was learning quickly that most animals feared her and let her have space. But when the long and dark nights came on, the sounds produced still frightened her, with the trees being closer night came on faster and her still human spirit, still feared the dark, its predators and the unknown that lurked ominously around her. But knowing that Vaored was there helped calm her fears of the dark, but she could sense something bothered him especially when he watched the sky and flattened his wings and his pace changed. Njalla could keep up with him easily and could tell that if she had led them her long strides would have easily tired him out, but she was more than happy to walk behind and his shuffling amused her. Soon the terrain changed from dark needle forests to more open and rocky hills, than this gave way to a mountainous and volcanic range that rose from the sea of green and dark forests like the spine of a great beast asleep in its blanket of green. Vaored didn't stop his shuffle until they reached the top of a small clime that had sparse vegetation and the wind whip every which way, sharp and cutting like a knife of air.

They rested briefly, Vaored spewed a small fire ball and swept his tail over it creating a dark circular patch and laid upon it, his wings fluttering softly-tired. Njalla did the same, and tucked her wings, grateful to rest after a long three day walk to get to the summit.

Then after a rest, Vaored sat up and began to preen his wings, then after a thorough go over, he turned to Njalla. "Well Ag Ha, every drage must learn to fly, as itswhat can save you in any situation, it helps you survive and travel. The world is so peaceful when you are flying above it. So Ag Ha, I will teach you how my reir taught me." He said, he ambled over to her and looked her wing structure up and down both wings, "Now extend your tail, and fan out the back, this will help you turn and navigate this will save you, you lose even part of it, you won't fly again." He said, Njalla fanned out her tail, and the obsidian kite fluttered out and the air currents raised it. "Good, now extend your wings, you can fly with only one if you have to but it can damage your back, if you break a wing it will take time to mend, but if a human rips it off or they split you will loose your flight abilities, remember a downed drage is a dead drage." Njalla nodded and her wings extended and fluttered out, Vaored looked her wings over again, before making a deep grunt. "Now Ag Ha, think of the happiest memory you have, let it fill your heart, as this will help you in your first flight is flying with your spirit is what counts, you will not always be happy, but if you can fly with the energy in your spirit, you will always fly." Vaored shuffled over to the end of the summit, Njalla closed her eyes, she remembered the love of her people, the joy she had and of course Heath's kind voice. "Now Ag Ha, run to the end of the summit and jump, flap once to gain momentum then let it go, let the currents guide your wings, you'll know what to do, go on Ag Ha. Skoll!" He yelled.

Njalla made a final prayer to Odin, he would help her to fly. She ran her heart pounding, her eyes closed, with a final step her legs lifted off the ground, her wings raised themselves to meet the currents and without a second thought she jumped! Wind cascaded around her, she opened her eyes to see the vast green beneath her. She almost forgot to flap her wings, she was loosing it fast but a final flap and she was shooting up into the sky. The wind kissing her face, she was fast the currents pulling her higher, never in all her life had she ever been so free. It felt so good to feel her wings taking her up higher than ever before, no other human had seen this or felt the joy of flying, she was light like a cloud, but faster than even the great herds of caribou she saw running beneath her. Njalla was actually free, nothing could hold her down, she felt as if she had been waiting for this her whole life.

A rushing sound hit her ears, she looked over to see Vaored flying next to her. It amazed Njalla that with his bulk he could sit well on the air current, he gave her an encouraging toothy grin, which she returned a smile lighting up her feline like face, giving her a lopsided look. It wasn't long before she discovered that she could do all sorts of twists and turns, upside down, barrel rolls. The skies were hers and free from any earthly attachments, when Njalla flew it was where she could find peace in her chaotic world and mind that was confused with the body it now rested.