A/N: I'm officially back. I'm sorry that you've all had to wait so long for me to return my attention to this WIP. I've also uploaded this fic to A03 - there's no difference in the stories in case anyone is wondering. I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter Fourteen
Hermione returned to her quarters later that night, disappointed to find that Draco wasn't back yet.
She didn't know if she should tell Draco about Ron's feelings for her or not. While she and Draco weren't in a romantic relationship, they were married, and she doubted that he would take kindly to anyone else having an interest in her. She had a feeling that Draco was the jealous sort… possessive.
Hermione sighed. Why did Ron have to fancy her now? After all these years, why now? And why was she so bothered over the fact about whether or not Draco would even care?
She knew the answer, though she was loathed to admit it. She wanted Draco to care. With a tired sigh, she decided that she would take a soak in the bath.
Heading towards the bathroom, she grabbed her robe and some pyjamas to change into afterwards. Running the water, she filled the tub with hot water and disrobed. Adding some oils to the tub, she slipped in, sighing as she sunk into the bath's warmth.
Crookshanks jumped up onto the countertop, meowing loudly.
Hermione smiled, looking at her beloved familiar. "Crooks, what a mess." She let out a deep sigh. "A year ago I would have been ecstatic to find out that Ron fancied me." Looking at her familiar, she giggled at the clearly displeased look on his face. "I know you don't like Ron, but it's a moot point now." She sunk deeper into the warm water. "Merlin, I'm probably going to have to turn him down at some point, aren't I?" She closed her eyes and shook her head. "What a mess I've gotten myself into, Crooks."
Crookshanks meowed in response.
Closing her eyes, she wondered where Draco was. Did the Headmaster know that he'd be gone? He must have, she doubted that Dumbledore didn't know if someone was leaving the school grounds or not.
Was Draco with Voldemort? With his father? Did he… Was he torturing innocent people?
"Draco, I hope you're okay," she whispered softly. While their relationship - if she could even call it that - was a mess, she worried for him. It was hard not to if she was being honest with herself. Draco didn't give her much information before he left, she wondered if it had to do with his mission that he was given.
Looking at her fingers, she saw that they were starting to prune. Knowing she shouldn't linger much longer, she began to wash her hair.
"Do you think we should visit Hermione now that we know where her rooms are located?" Ron asked. Harry and he were sitting on the sofa in the Common Room - the only two still up.
Harry shrugged, looking over the Maurader's Map. "I can't find Malfoy again."
"Why do you think Dumbledore wouldn't tell us where her rooms where?" Ron asked. "It's weird… like what is she doing that's so important she couldn't stay in Gryffindor Tower?"
"I don't know," Harry muttered, clearly disinterested in what Ron was saying. "It's just… Malfoy will be here on the map, and then he's gone. He's definitely leaving the castle."
"Then talk with Dumbledore," Ron said, shrugging. "I mean, or you can try and catch him leaving, but honestly, that wouldn't accomplish much." He leant back against the sofa. "You should just tell Dumbledore - you're meeting with him soon about something right?"
"Yeah, he made it sound like he had a project for me, but I'm not sure what it's about." With a long sigh, Harry closed the map. "He was mysterious about it."
"When is he not?" Ron countered.
"Did you see where Hermione's rooms were on the map?" Ron asked. "Now that we know?"
"The room must be unplottable," Harry said. "It's hidden on the map, too."
"Aren't you just a little bit curious as to what she's doing?"
"She'll tell us when she's ready," Harry said, looking at Ron.
"But you're the one who wanted to follow her to her rooms!"
"And now I feel guilty about it," Harry said, his cheeks turning red slightly. "We shouldn't tell her we know where she's living… she'll be furious."
Ron grumbled something under his breath.
"Is Ginny still dating Dean?"
"Why?" Ron asked, looking at him before shrugging. "Don't know, honestly. They break up and get back together so many times I can barely keep track."
"Just wondering," Harry mumbled. "Is it weird for you?"
"Yeah, but honestly, it's weird to think about anyone dating Ginny." Ron chuckled. "She's my baby sister, you know? I don't want to see her with anyone." Ron was quiet for a moment. "It'd be like if Hermione started dating someone."
Harry looked at him curiously. "You mean because she's like your sister?"
"No, er, I…" Ron turned red and shrugged. "I don't know… you know what I mean."
Ron's blush confirmed it all. He definitely fancied Hermione, and all Harry could think about was Hermione's pure panic when he had mentioned it. The whole situation certainly had disaster written all over it - Harry only hoped it wouldn't ruin their friendship.
"You're not putting enough effort into it, Draco," Bellatrix hissed from behind him. "You need to mean it."
Draco tried not to let his Aunt get to him. He tightened his grip on his wand.
"Again, Draco, show me that you really mean it… If not, I'd hate to tell our Lord that you can't do this simple task."
Draco exhaled, closing off his feelings. He ignored the pleading look of the person in front of him - a Muggle. "Crucio." He said the words more forcefully this time, not wanting to leave any doubt in his Aunt's mind.
The woman screamed and writhed on the floor behind him, and it took everything in him not to stop.
"Very good," Bellatrix purred, placing her hand on his shoulder. "You're improving, Draco, well done. Your father will be pleased."
Draco ended the curse, trying to keep his breathing steady.
"These extra lessons have been good for you," Bellatrix said, grinning. "Sneaking you out of the castle is the only good thing that Snape can do." She cackled.
Draco clenched his teeth. She always talked poorly of Snape - she knew that it riled him. She wanted him to lash out, so she could cast the curse on him. He could feel it in the air, in the very way she moved. She wanted him to fail; she wanted to punish him.
"One last thing for this evening, Draco, then you can see your father. I know he's been waiting for you."
"What?" he asked, looking at his Aunt from the corner of his eye.
"Kill the Muggle."
Draco closed his eyes and raised his wand. As he said the words, he could only think, how would Hermione feel about me now?