Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. It belongs to someone else.

Word Count: 215

Kagome gazed at the sight before her with apparent admiration. The wind brushes her blue-black hair away from her face, the fading sun gives a certain glow to her fair skin, and the genuine happiness makes her sapphire eyes shine brightly.

Toga watched the miko with great confusion. There she is, seating quite comfortably on his cloud. They are up in the sky with nothing to save her from him. She is at his mercy, and yet she remained unafraid. What a curious creature this miko really is!

Slowly, he lowered them in front of a cave. "Let us stay here for the night," he told her.

She nodded, and shivered from the cold.

"Stand back," he managed to tell her before changing into his true form. A large inu-beast with silver fur.

He expected her to be scared, shocked, and panicked. But, he never expected her to be so giddy, excited, and quite happy to see him like this. She even cooed, and dared to pet him.

He growled before yanking her towards him to keep her warm.

She giggled slightly before falling into sleep. He grunted. She is so trusting. He could easily kill her this way.

But why would he kill her? She might be the only hope for his beloved Sesshomaru.