A/N So new story as requested by the lovely, Violent Russian Llama, it is a Jamie/CM Punk story, with snippets of Randy/Raven. Primarily it is Punk/Jamie and yes I've clearly made stuff up so please don't hold that against me!

I hope it pans out and I hope you guys but esp the Violent Russian Llamaenjoy it! Onwards we go!

Chapter 1 Meeting you

Punk lay back in the hospital bed, wondering if this was the end, the end of something that hadn't even had a chance to start properly. He just lay back in the white sheets and looked at the ceiling, he hated hospitals, so white and clinical. It was the mere start to his career and thanks to a topple off the top rope, he now had spinal fluid leaking into a place it really shouldn't be leaking. They had no idea how long it had been leaking but they had to stop it and they had no idea how long that would take. They had to open him up and take a look but from what he had heard, he wouldn't be back in action for at least three long months, Punk wasn't sure he could take that, he lived for wrestling and now it was being taken away from him, he wanted to keep going, the leaking fluid hadn't been causing harm so why not, they told him why not, because if he kept going the leaking fluid could actually end his career and his life forever. Some random doctor came in and checked on him, took his Obs and tried to coax a conversation out of him, Punk was just thankful for one thing, his star wasn't shining bright yet, he was just a guy on the relaunced ECW, he was still etching his name into the concrete, so no one knew who he was, he could recover without people gettting in the way. If Punk had his way, all this would be over in one day (today) and he would be home and away from their fucking machines and annoying bright conversations. Finally the straight edge superstar was left alone and all he could really do was look out the window and wonder if he could escape that way. His door opened again but his eyes didn't leave the window, it was just another annoying doctor.

"Damn it! I was pretty sure this was my room"

Punk turned his head towards the door, instead of a stuffy doctor in a white coat, it was a young girl with blonde hair and bright blue button eyes, looking at him with a wide smile. Around her blonde locks was a bandage, seeped with tiny droplets of blood, she was on crutches which made him wonder what had happened to her and suddenly how his situation didn't look so bad. Besides of the bloodied bandaged girl could still smile, then why couldn't remain positive?

She hobbld her way to him and sat the end of his bed "So what you in for Mac?"

This whole thing was weird for him, random pretty girls talking to him and finding that he wanted to talk to her as well, so far the mystery girl with the nice eyes was the best part of his day.

"Spinal fluid leaking into my skull"

"Sounds real bad" She batted her eye lashes, Punk for some reason actually wondered if she even meant to do that. She didn't seem in much control "I'm Jamie, whats your name?"

"CM Punk, or Punk for short"

"Whats the CM stand for?"

"Nothing really, just random letters I guess"

"I like random letters" Jamie grinned, without asking or warning she lent forward and stroked her fingers through his mid-lenth black hair, "I like your hair Punk, its so pretty!"

This was all new to him but he found himself just liking it and going with it, until of course she came onto him, then the shut down would start, Punk wasn't that guy and hot little Jamie wouldn't change that. Jamie stopped stroking his hair and looked at the one arm that was on the blankets, "I like your pictures, do that mean anything?"

"Not really. So what you in for Jamie?"

"Head trauma, weak heartbeat, broken leg and some other stuff, but I stopped listening"

Now his situation seemed harmless, Jamie had so much to be sad or angry about and yet here she was, talking to him and smiling like everything was ok. It seemed to her that was even if her appearance said different.

"Jamie! Jamie! Where are you!"

Jamie gathered herself up and hobbled to the door, "Guess I gotta go and get my shot. I'll see later?"

"Sure, I'll be here a while"

Jamie tapped her chin for a moment, "I liked talkin to you Punk, I'm glad you were nice, the last three doors were very rude"

Punk smiled as she hobbled out the door, he strained to look but he saw her hobble away with a girl shorter than her with long black hair, either a doctor or friend of her's obviously. As Punk lay back on the blankets he didn't mind so much that he was here, if it meant seeing Jamie again, she certainly made his day a whole lot better.

A/N So first chapter done! How was that? LOL Second one on the way soon I promise!