Disclaimer: No money is made and I don't own these characters, just warped them to fit my Plot.

Author note: this is the final installment of this particular story and it will be shorter than the rest due to there not being a lot of information on this character. There will be a sequel called Reintroduction and hopefully it will be longer, I will be editing and adjusting this story as well, thank you for reading.

The 5th and final person:

Between the years of 2006 -2009 John served two tours of duty and received the military cross both times. John felt he didn't deserve either one but fear of making it harder on his men due to politics made him accept them grudgingly. It was chance that he saved two people with titles and one with ties to the royal family. Making John hope that he didn't accidently do it again during his next tour of duty scheduled in 2010. John was introduced to Colonel Sebastian Moran, who was one mark against away from being discharged.

Sebastian was given many allowances being a top marksman but his reputation was far more negative, outweighing his skills. John admired the man's act first ask questions later way of life; it would be hypocritical if he did anything else. They found a comrade in each other despite the oddity of the circumstances; being that the gruff sniper was quite literally in time out. Sebastian was not medically trained and a ruling at the Geneva Convention said that only if a medical personal of the army was defending a patient could they fire their weapon, making the Colonel nothing more than a glorified babysitter to the 5th Northumberland fusiliers of the RAMC. Sebastian's saving grace, and John was thankful as well, was that he was allowed onto the field despite his rank; traditionally Colonels in the RAMC were given office jobs and had no reason to be in battle zones. Sebastian did put his skills to use when needed, and the men under him were more than happy to turn a blind eye and keep quiet. Near the beginning of 2011 Sebastian and John were discharged, one Dishonorable and the other with honours and was awarded the military cross and a Victorian cross for good measure.

The day the big event happened to dismiss the two soldiers was brutal, the Afghan insurgents ambushed them, casualties were high, and the medical team made full use of their weapons. They desperately tried to stay alive as well as save the lives of the others, and it seemed like a losing battle. As John was wrapping up someone's leg he was grabbed by an Insurgent who found himself cornered and decided using John as a human shield to get closer to a better protected area was a pretty good idea. A few soldiers shot at the man holding John which led to John being stabbed in the leg. The medic team focused on their task and ignored their captain's scream but Murray trailed as close as he could without alerting the insurgent and fixing up men along the way, not knowing what else to do.

Moran, upon seeing the commotion with his men debated very little with his next decision, he shot John through the Shoulder killing the man holding him. Sebastian figuring he was done for anyhow evened out the playing field and shot at will, both parties eventually backed off to lick their wounds. Moran reported the turning point in the battle to his commanding officer himself and was promptly cuffed and ordered a court martial.

The only thing john felt was pain when he woke up, and the last thing he remembered was thinking he was going to die and hoping to god that he didn't. John tried to get up making him yell in surprise and promptly fell back into the bed.

"Captain, you are up sooner than expected, I thought for sure you would be out another few days at least." Murray said off to his left.

"How long was I out?"

"Well two days, that's pretty good for being stabbed in the leg, shot in the shoulder, and dying on my three times."

"Jesus, how are the others?"

"None as bad as you, you're the only one going home because of your injuries, you and Moran are headed out in the morning via helicopter, and then off to London."

"Why is Moran being shipped out?" John asked confused.

Murray studied John for a while before answering "court martial, sir," he hesitated for a bit before continuing "the colonel was the one to shoot you, saved your life I reckon, as well as all of ours. The higher ups don't see it that way though; he shot without reason endangering your life. I think they are using this as the excuse they have been looking for to ship him out for good. Moran doesn't seem to bothered by it, I think he was getting sick of just sitting around babysitting our lot, he did seem more agitated with our shenanigans the last couple of days though so it might be bugging him a bit."

"I suppose I should thank him" John yawned. "Though later I am bloody tired."

"Night Doc, I am monitoring your transfer tomorrow so I'll see you then."

"Thank-you Murray" and with that John was asleep. When John woke up he was being loaded into the Helicopter and was looking at a very wide eyed handcuffed Sebastian and with Johns medical training the colonel looked to be going into shock.

"You're alive" was the greeting John got.

"Well yeah, my men are competent enough to fix me up."

"That's not what I mean. Christ Doc the commanding officers told me you had died, the last couple of days I was thinking, I missed and hit your heart, Jesus I thought I killed you."

"I suppose by proxy you did, I was informed I died three times" John announced matter of flatly, then got a smirk on his face "but …I just, Thank-you Bassie" John chuckled after trying to hold it in and Moran snarled.

"I told you if any of you came up with that nickname I would …" Sebastian trailed off looking stunned.

"Shoot them." John smiled "I figured given the circumstances I was allowed to get one in there and I really do mean it Colonel Thank-you"

"How can you look at me, let alone Joke around and thank me. I shot you ended your military career, probably, if I were you I would hate me."

"Well, there is no doubt you saved my life, and to quote my favorite book at you on last time. 'It seems most peculiar that while most officers' say, And some have shown, that they are prepared to give their lives for their men there are very few that are willing to sacrifice their career.'"

"You and that damn book Watson, what general of our glorious past said that one" Sebastian inquired while looking relieved for the first time since john showed up.

"Hey what's wrong with me carrying around my RMA captain's handbook, it has never led me wrong, and it actually was an unknown Staff Officer. Hopefully the same one who will give you your ruling and not give you jail time considering you didn't murder me, for what it's worth Moran I am glad you were the one to shoot me, though it is being treated as enemy fire earning me another god awful award I don't deserve."

"You are an odd one Doc" Moran said while getting as comfortable as he could with handcuffs on while the medical team, who are monitoring John's injuries during the flight, boarded the helicopter with equipment. The propeller made it too loud to talk and when they landed both the captain and colonel were herded off in different directions.

The reason for Colonel Sebastian Moran's discharge was hushed up and John's was heralded as a heroic act. John was invalided out of the army three months later when his physiotherapy started to plateau and john developed a psychosomatic limp and an intermittent tremor in his dominant hand, John was recommended a therapist and continued on his days wandering the city as he once did before he was shipped off to defend Queen and Country five years earlier, feeling stuck and lost.