Hey guys, I know it's been a while and I am sorry—but I actually have a good excuse this time! I had some really bad family problems occurr and after it was all cleared up I kinda fell into a half depression thing where I couldn't really write.

But I'm back! For now... I will try to update regularly. We will see... Oh and just so you know reviews help, they make me happyer and such.

Anyway because it's been a while I made a kinda gushy/Funny scene at the end.

So I hope you enjoy :)

Oh and I don't own bleach... Gehee I wish...

They walked leisurely back to Grimmjow's room while having a small conversation between each other. Hey, it was a way to try and distract them from the image they saw before!

And they wanted to erase that image.

"So why do you always say Jashin damn it instead of God damn it?" Grimmjow asked Nikki. He had been wondering as to why the girl had this habit. She had said it quite often and it was actually kinda weird.

Nikki skipped along swinging her arms back and forth with a smile plastered on her face. "I say Jashin, for the lord Jashin is my god!" she said making her voice low and in a weird tone. She wasn't joking either, the lord Jashin was her god, just like Pein was her friend Ambers.

Nikki snickered to herself as she mentally thought 'Praiiissse Jashin!' like she had seen in that Akatsuki unlimited parody thing. Man that thing was so hilarious.

"Ookkkk..." Grimmjow said. Its kinda hard to ignore her weird and odd antics when they happen all of the time. Seriously when they had first started the conversation she had randomly started babbling about clowns being from space. He didn't even know what a fucking clown was!

They continued walking along the boring plain hallways.

Nikki looked around the hallways. They still confused her! This place was just to damn big! "This place is built like a librarians mini skirt!" Nikki shouted annoyed by the fact that if she wasn't with Grimmjow she would have been completely lost.

Grimmjows face contorted in confusion "the fuck? That makes no sense yet it still sounds offensive," he said. Seriously where did that even come from.

Nikki was about to reply when she heard humming coming down the hall. She turned when she recognized the song that was being hummed.

The sound echoed down the halls and Grimmjow slightly recognized the toon too. Wasn't it one of the songs that played on the intercom earlier?

The person saw her and their eyes lit up as they sprinted over to Nikki with a smile on their face. "Nikki! I haven't seen you in forever!" Lillyenette shouted as she tackled Nikki in a hug.

Of course the tackle didn't knock Nikki over because of Lillyenette's small frame but it did cause Nikki to step back a few steps to keep her balance. Instinctively Nikki returned the hug.

"Yeah I haven't seen ya in a while haven't I?" Nikki said with a smile while rustling Lilly's hair. Even though Nikki hadn't known Lillyenette for too long she still felt a connection to the young espada. Plus, even if they were possibly the same age or even if Lilly was older then her she was just too damn cute.

Nikki wasn't going to tell her that though...

Grimmjow just stood there in silence as he watched Nikki hug the small espada. When the hell did they meet? And why were they being so fucking friendly?

Nikki's eyebrows furrowed in remembrance "oh yeah where did you hear that song that you were humming?" she asked. She had recognized that song as Everywhere I go by Hollywood undead...So something that Nikki did not think Lilleyenette should had heard.

Lillyenette continued to smile "Oh I heard it on the intercom earlier!" she said happy. She didn't really remember the lyrics but the chorus was catchy! But when Starrk had heard it he had freaked out and put pillows over her ears.

Nikki stood there in shock and her jaw dropped anime style to the floor comically. Crap, crap crap crap! She must have put it on there not really thinking about it! That explains why Azein was so pissed off!

Nikki's hands shot up to her head as she started running around the hallway in circles "I'm sooo stupid! I'm gonna die! I can't believe it!" she shouted as she ran.

It was quite comical the way she ran running. Her eyes were wide in shock as her hands held onto her head. The circles she was running were rather small and were already causing Nikki to become dizzy.

Lillyonete and Grimmjow both just stood there watching Nikki have her small mental freak out. Grimmjows arms where folded loosely and an eyebrow was raised at Nikki as he watched her amused.

Lillyenette just stood there with her head cocked to he side blinking. She had no idea why Nikki would react like this. It was just a song.

This continued for about five minutes.

Nikki suddenly stopped and started panting while holding her stomach sweat was dripping down her forehead. Her injury was starting to hurt again. Plus, her retsu was depleted from trying to open the garuganta's earlier.

Grimmjows raised eyebrow soon faded into an annoyed frown. It seamed that's it was still hurting her, why the hell hadn't the orange haired chick fully healed her?! No screw that, why hadn't Nikki said anything?!

Grimmjow started walking over to Nikki with an annoyed expression on his face.

Nikki looked up at him and smiled sheepishly "um, yeah... I'm kinda tired. Could you carry me back to the room?" She asked still clutching her stomach in pain. It appears that too much physical activity made it hurt. She didn't really want to ask him to carry her but she wasn't sure if she would make it back to the room.

Grimmjow nodded in response. Even if it was her own damn fault, he didn't really mind having to carry her.

Lillyenette just watched the two and looked at Nikki puzzled. What had happened? Why was she holding her stomach in pain?

Grimmjow picked Nikki up and just started walking off with her back to his room.

Nikki turned to Lillyonete so she could speak "sorry Lilly! We can hang out another time!" she said then curled back into Grimmjow's body. Her face turned slightly red "thanks" she muttered.

Grimmjow mearly tsked in responce.

Lillyenette blinked... Did she just call her Lilly? Like a nick name?! Her confusion faded into a smile "see you later!" she said waving to the two retreating figures. She continued smiling as she decided to return to her room. Did this mean Nikki was her friend?!

Quickly Lillyonete ran off to tell Starrk.

Grimmjow lay Nikki down on his bed gently. She had fallen asleep while he had been carrying her. Her eyes were closed and her chest rose and fell lightly as she lay with one arm laying across her stomach.

Nikki grumbled before rolling onto her side, moving one of her arms under on of the pillows. The other one came across her body so her hand was next to her face.

Grimmjow walked to the end of his bed and picked up the blankets off the floor. He set them on top of Nikki's sleeping figure then made his way towards the door. He had something he wanted to do.

Feeling for Azein's restu he made his way towards it, only being surprised for a second when he realized it was in Sayzels lab.

Intrigued the panther incarnate made his way towards the lab silently. Nikki had looked so peaceful back there, which was odd beings that the whole day was crazy as hell.

Grimmjows eyebrows furrowed, how had it been that he was only with this human for so long and was already attached to her. He knew that if anyone would try to harm her they wouldn't make it out alive, even Azein.

Grimmjows eyes shadowed over, what did Azein want Nikki here for? Orange hair was here because of her unique power, with the whole rejecting fate or something like that. All Nikki had was Shinigami and hollow powers which was what pretty much what everyone in Las Noches had. So why was it that he had Nikki taken here?

Was there perhaps something about her that only Azein knows? Or perhaps was there something Nikki wasn't telling him.

Grimmjow thought about Nikki's two zampacto spirits. Erleana just sensed like a total idiot and dult, and Akuma who seamed... To be hiding something. Maybe he knew what Azein wanted from Nikki.

Grimmjow turned into the doorway and made his way towards Azein with a disgusted look on his face. But he hid it as soon as Azein turned to face him, giving Grimmjow his characteristic smirk.

"Hmmm, good thing you came Grimmjow, I was actually just about to send a messenger to revive you," he said smirk not fading.

Grimmjows eyebrows furrowed in confusion "why?" he asked rudely. Dealing with Azein was rather unpleasant, especially with Nikki not there.

Azein inspected Grimmmjows facial expressions. The sexita espada acted so much more different without Nikki at his side. Without her he was back to his disrespectful quick to anger personality.

"It's actually about Nikki," Azein started to explain and he was shocked when he saw the large mixture of emotions on Grimmjows face. It was a weird combination of suprise, anger, and wondering.

Azein smirk mearly grew as Grimmjow stepped forward and asked "why?" the way that his espada was reacting to just one person was rather amusing. But no, he wasn't the only one. He had heard that he espada who didn't even glance at each other in the hallways had played a card game with the girl. Yes, she had a rather interesting personality. Somewhow she, a human, had tamed even the more violent espada.

Azein decided to humor the espada and told him what Akuma had told him. He never said that he couldn't tell Grimmjow after all.

Grimmjow stood in shock with his eyes wide open in shock and anger. "WHAT THE FUCK! SO SHE IS FUCKING DIEING?!" he shouted angrily.

Azein shook his head at Grimmjows assumption. "no, if she absorbs to much power from other universes then her body will overload. That is why we are making a limiter," he explained, annoyed at his espadas rash thinking.

Grimmjows anger subsided slightly, however he was still slightly vexed at this newly acquired information. It seamed as though his intuition on Akuma had been right, the demon had been hiding something.

Azein decided on continuing on working on the limiter. "now the only problem is that I do not know how to give it to her without her knowing about Alumas true origin," he said aloud for Grimmjow to hear.

Grimmjows eyebrows furrowed and he thought for a second. "make it a necklace," he stated simply.

"what?" Azein asked turning around.

Grimmjow looked up "Make it a necklace and I'll give it to her and tell her to never take it off," he said.

Azein smiled, maybe his espada wasn't compleatly a hothead. "that will actually work very well," he said then continued to work on the limiter.

Grimmjow opened his mouth to add something else, but then paused. No he wouldn't tell Azein what had occurred to Nikki. He would probably be pissed off that he had never told him. So he spun around and quickly made his way back to his room.

The room was mostly dark, the light shine of the ever glowing Huco Mundo moon shone lightly through the window. It was slightly chilly in the room and was almost silent except for the lightly breathing Nikki on his bed.

Grimmjow quickly strode over to the bed where Nikki was sleeping peacefully. He pulled up the blanket and laid in beside her.

Grimmjow rolled over of his side and looked at Nikki's sleeping figure. He felt something inside of him relax at just looking at her laying there so peacefully. Something perhaps that he didn't even know he had inside of himself.

Her face was relaxed and her brown hair with hints of blonde was just strewn across the pillow crazily. It was wierd how her hair just decided to do what it wanted. It was actually rather long and went to halfway down her back but it was hard to tell when she had it in a ponytail most of the time...which she probably took out while he was gone. The hair tie was around her wrist.

If her eyes weren't closed Grimjow would have been able to see her blue green eyes. He had never seen eyes like hers before, they literally had layers of dicferent colors, the inner ring had a very tiny line of brown (that he had only noticed when he tryed to kiss her earlier) then here was a large ring of green finished off with a outer ring of blue.

Beside his better judgment he wrapped his arms around Nikki's sleeping body and pulled her in closer to his body. He couldn't help but notice Nikki's smile as she snuggled closer to him.

Then Nikki's smile faded "G...G...G..."she started to whisper in her sleep.

Grimmjows eyes widened as he continued to listen in on what she was saying. Was she trying to say his name? He could feel something in his stomach flutter as he thought this.

"g..g...ginger bread man... No cant catch him... Too fast"she muttered as she pulled the blanket farther on top of her.

Grimmjow's face deadpanned. "why am I not surprised," he chuckled as he lay his head on the pillow and fell asleep.

Did you like?

Yeah well I tryed... I guess...yeah

Ok so I have a question for y'all that I have been asking pretty much every one on planet earth. Who is your favorite Avenger? Then who is your favorite Marvel charactor, and this can be any character.

Mine are; favorite Avenger-Tony Stark aka Iron Man. He just kicks ass and I love his attitude. Favorite marvel charactor- Loki Odinson/Laufyson. He is the epitome of epic, he is just soooo freeking amazing! I Love him! But not in a creepy way...

Have a wonderful day or night.