Disclaimer:I do not own the Twilight Saga

It was time for the wedding. Esme had her hair pinned up with only a few curled pieces of hair hanging down her face. Her eyeshadow was a light pink,matching the girls dresses.

Rosalie had a silk pink strapless dress with a few creases going towards the hem. Alice had a pink dress a little bit of a heavier hue,than Rose. Her dress had black strip going across the beginning of her dress and the rest was a slender figure.

Bella had a strawberry pink dress that had a strapless shoulder and a small bow right by her left breast,it was the same color as Alice. Renesmee had a darling dress the same color of Rosalie's dress along with a black belt and bow right by the waist.

"You girl's look amazing." Esme said. "So do you Mom." Bella said smiling. "Are you ready to go?" Rosalie asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." Esme said. With that the girls stepped out side.

Carlisle had his tuxed he had picked out he had made his hair like he had had it that same day he and Esme first got had a tux just like Carlisle and his hair was slightly tousled.

Emmett was dressed like he was a Bella's wedding. Normal Emmett. But Jasper had his hair sclupted nicely along with a tux with tails. "You gentlemen look amazing." Carlisle said as he stepped outside.

Carlisle stood next to Pastor Swanson as he Denali Clan was in the crowd waiting for the wedding. Edward was next to Carlisle then ,Alice,then Bella waiting for Esme.

The music then came down the aisle thowing flower when she was done she sat down next to Kate. Esme appeared around the corner. Carlisle looked as if his eyes were about to pop out of his head.

When Esme reached Carlisle she let him hold her hand. "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join this man and woman in holy bride and the groom have created their own vows." Pastor Swanson said as he waited for Carlisle to begin.

"Esme you are the bright star in my dark sky, everyday without you is like a year without rain. I wish to be by your side everday until you die,I love you and you are my other half." Carlisle finished.

"Carlisle I love you, your smile lights up the room like a spotlight. Whenever our children are in the same room and I kiss you,you are the only one I notice,you are also my other half." Esme said. "Will the ring bearer please bring the rings?" Pastor Swanson said.

Emmett came around the corner and passed his parents their rings. Emmett did not lose the rings. "Thank God." Carlisle muttered under his breath. " please repeat after me." Pastor Swanson said. "With this ring I thee wed." Carlisle repeated and placed the ring on Esme's finger.

" please repeat after me." the pastor said. Esme repeated. "I do." both the parents said simultaneously. "I now pronounce you husband and wife,you may now kiss the bride." Carlisle craned his neck down to kiss Esme,her lips tasted like honey.

Esme thought Carlisle's lips tasted like sweet Denali Clan stood up and clapped. After everyone congratulated them. "Esme youur bags are packed time to go." Alice said sweetly.

"Ok watch over your brother and sisters." Esme responded. Carlisle and her then stepped outside and snowflakes started falling. They danced a while,then Carlisle bent down to Esme's ear and whispered "I love you, ." Esme smiled and said

"As do I ." They then ran towards Carlisle Mercades wanting to start their 2nd honeymoon, and the rest of eternity.